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China’s Political History

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1 China’s Political History

2 Dynastic Rule (Zhōngguó/中国)
Early Isolation contributes to a strong sense of cultural superiority Ethnocentrism “Middle Kingdom” – political and cultural center of the world Longstanding tensions with other Asian peoples under Chinese control (eg. Tibet) Xianyang

3 Western Imperialism 19th Century exploitation by western nations
England, France, Germany, Japan, eventually the US Strong Cultural Identity evolved into nationalism Boxer Rebellion Revolution of 1911 Long Term Effects? Yuan Shih-k'ai

4 Birth of the CCP Founded by Mao Zedong in 1921 based on the Soviet model At odds with Chiang Kai-shek (Nationalist Party) Chiang becomes President in 1928 and Mao and his CCP are considered outlaws Chiang Pursues Mao and his army across China from “The Long March” vs.

5 A Tale of Two China’s Beginning of Communist Chinas
After WWII Mao’s Forces defeat Chiang’s Chiang flees to Taiwan and claims it as the true China Communist Government established officially in 1949 – Mao is in charge Early years heavy Soviet influence ( )

6 Maoism – Form of Communism tailored to the Chinese people
Collectivism – community over the individual; differs from traditional Chinese beliefs Struggle and activism – encouragement for people to actively pursue the values of socialism; struggle and devotion Mass line – line of communication among party leaders, members, and peasants Egalitarianism – breakdown of the hierarchal system that existed in China for centuries; Mao’s belief in the strength of the peasant Self-reliance – people were encouraged to rely on their own talents to contribute to the community

7 Mao changes direction (1958-1966)
Hundred Flowers Movement (1956) – goal was to create broader participation in policy-making Wanted people to offer frank opinions Resulted in massive public criticism and large scale strikes **revealed resentment** Anti-Rightist Campaign (1957) Crackdown on Hundred Flowers critics Stifled political debate "Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for promoting progress in the arts and the sciences and a flourishing socialist culture in our land."

8 The Great Leap Forward 1958-1960
Mao’s attempt to accelerate economic development in industry and agriculture Relied on: Labor power Enthusiasm of masses Decentralization Huge Failure 20-30 million dead Destroyed economic development

9 Deng Xiaoping and the Cultural Revolution
– Mao allows Deng to Liu Shaoqi to implement market oriented economic policies that revived the economy Mao not pleased with push toward egalitarianism Institutes the Cultural Revolution Purify party and country through radical transformation Important principles became the 5 pillars of Maoism

10 Deng Xiaoping and the birth of the Market economy
After Mao’s death his follows split Radicles – “Gang of Four” led by Mao’s wife The Military – led by Lin Biao The Moderates – led by Zhou Enlai Moderates win: Zhou dies soon after and Deng Xiaoping assumes leadership

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