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Reporting research results

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1 Reporting research results
Review of Inclusive education in teacher preparation at the primary level in Vietnam

2 Objective of presentation
Sharing research results Collecting feedback

3 Presentation following 5 main questions: Who we are ?
Where to start ? How to do it? What the main findings are? What the our recommendations are ?

4 Research team members 1. Ms. Thuy – Team leader
Manager of Research Dept., Research Center for Ethnic Minority Education, Vietnam National Institute for Education Science (NIES) 2. Mr. Minh Vice Director, Research Center for Special Education, (NIES) 3. Ms. Phuong Co-Director, Prosperity Consultancy Co. Ltd, specialized in Child Rights and Gender

5 National counterpart Coordinated by the EFA Coordinator Group under MOET (chaired by Planning & Finance Dept) Participated by: Primary Education Department Teachers Department Higher Education Department Ethnic Minority Education Department

6 Where to start ? Viet Nam’s the Commitment EFA :
10/1992: National Conference of EFA specified national targets of EFA and action plan for EFA during period. The achievements were great, especially in Universal primary education. 4/2000, Forum of World Education held in Dakar, Vietnam signed a commitment in Dakar Action Framework EFA. 7/2003, the State approved National action Plan for EFA during period

7 Where to start ? However, despite achievements were great, especially in Universal primary education and enrolment rate, there is a proportion of children who can not access to education, mostly girl children Not all children who have access to education have equal opportunities. Teachers are not equipped with knowledge to meet different needs in learning for children.

8 1. Includes ALL children 10. Promotes, respects and practises Human Rights 9. Learning is relevant to children’s daily lives 2. Promotes participation, cooperation and collaboration 8. Families, teachers and communities are involved Inclusive Education 3. Is culturally sensitive 7. Promotes opportunities for teachers to learn 4. Promotes gender mainstreaming 5. Promotes mother-tounge based multi lingual education 6. Protects from all forms of physical violence, injury or abuse – Assures safe for ALL children

9 Materials/ Pre – service Modules
How to do it? Materials/ Pre – service Modules Curriculum Policy

10 List of reviewed materials
Policy Directive 40/CT dated 15 June 2004, Improving teachers’ quality MOET, Regulations of MOET for all school years. (from 2003 to 2008) MOET Education Law 2005. MOET Decision 23/QĐ-BGD&ĐT dated 22 May on Inclusive education for disabled children MOET Decision 03/2006/QĐ-BGD&ĐT dated 24/01/2006 by Minister: Issuing the frame program for teaching ethnic languages (with scripts) for staff working in ethnic minority areas MOET Memorandum between MOET and UNICEF Việt nam dated 15/8/2007 on “Research the practice of MTBE” MOET Professional standard for primary school teachers MOET, 2008, Draft Strategy for disabled children education from and vision 2015

11 List of reviewed materials
MOET Directive: 40/2008/CT-BGDĐT, dated 22/7/2008 on Promoting “Creating friendly school, active pupils” in secondary schools, from MOET, 2008, Regulation for PTA representatives (Parents Association) MOET Draft Education Strategy MOLISA, 2009, Draft Law for the disable Government Council Decision 53/CP dated 22/2/1980 on Direction on Script for ethnic minority groups EFA Plan Primary Education Dept., 2008, Instruction on implementing Inclusive education for primary school level

12 List of reviewed materials (Programs/Curriculum)
MOET. Frame curriculum of training primary teachers with university educational standard MOET. Frame curriculum of training primary teachers with college educational standard MOET. Frame curriculum of training primary teachers with continuum educational standard MOET, 2008, Frame curriculum of training trainees working in special education field (university educational standard). MOET, 2008, Frame curriculum of training trainees working in special education field (college educational standard). and 28 pre-service modules…

13 Research Methodology Desk review of educational policies and pre-service teacher training program Deep interview with key leaders and relevant partners Group discussion Information gathering with qualitative questionnaires

14 List of policy makers to be interviewed
Mr. Lê Tiến Thành, Director of Primary Education Dept., MOET Mr. Mông Kí Slay, Director of Ethnic Minority Education Dept., MOET Mr.Nguyễn Anh Dũng, Vice Director, Management board, NIESAC, Mr. Vi Văn Điểu, Director of Ethnic Education Center, NIESAC Mr. Nguyễn Hùng Quang, Primary Education Department, Ha Noi Pedagogical College Ms. Nguyễn Thị Tĩnh, Vice Director, in charge of training, Hanoi Education University Ms. Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Yến, Head of Special Education Department, Hanoi Education University Mr. Binh, Education section, UNICEF in Viet Nam Ms Hoa, Education section, Oxfam UK ………………………...

15 From Findings to Recommendations
Legal documents and policies need to be developed and strengthened to support the implementation of inclusive education for all children and to meet different needs of all children and reduce barriers in the learning environment Findings Inclusive education for ALL children is clearly defined in the Education Law, and National Action Planning. But there have not yet been specific and strong policies to promote and strengthen the implementation of this law.

16 Findings Recommendations From Findings to Recommendations
The legal documents and the National strategy show the broad view on education for all children, however this concept still is mainly used for children with disabilities. Recommendations Policy advocacy; Communicate more on the concept of “inclusive education” in mass media and other communication means

17 Findings From Findings to Recommendations
The target of the framework of pre-service teacher training is to set out requirements for primary teachers on inclusive education for all children. However, there are no compulsory modules in the detailed curriculums to provide knowledge and skills for guiding teachers. Recommendation Legal documents and policies need to be developed and strengthened to support the content of inclusive education should become compulsory modules in curriculums in order to make sure curriculum framework’s requirements are implemented.

18 From Findings to Recommendations
In pre-service curriculums, there are lack of modules which provide knowledge and skills for teachers on Human Rights/Children’s Rights, Gender, Bilingual mother tongue based education and teachers learning to meet the different needs of children. Recommendations Pre-service teacher training curriculum needs to supplement with knowledge and skills of inclusive education for children, focusing on Human Rights, Children’s Rights, Gender, learning to meet different needs of children.

19 From Findings to Recommendations
Inclusive education, Human Rights, Children’s Rights, MTBE should be strongly focused either by a new module or integrating and cooperating in pre-service curriculums. Findings Content of inclusive education for all children in general, Human Rights, Children’s Rights, Gender, MTBE in particular is fragmented and dispersed in pre-service curriculums.

20 From Findings to Recommendations
The core program mostly does not mention about Human Rights, it just requires teachers to have basic knowledge on Child Rights. However this requirement is not specified in the curriculum. Recommendation The contents of Human Rights, Child Rights need to be incorporated into one component in training program

21 From Findings to Recommendations
Gender issue is not present in training program. One of the overall objectives of the training program is “…equality is required…” but not yet tells exactly what does it mean and how to get equality. Recommendations Incorporate Gender into relevant subjects such as Education, Psychology, Physiology and in extra-curricular seminars/activities

22 From Findings to Recommendations
Maintaining ethnic languages is among priorities. Ethnic languages have been an optional subject in pre-service teacher training. Knowing ethnic languages is an advantage for teacher in their work with children and communities. Recommendations This optional subject needs to be encouraged more. Research on MTBE practice is an evidence-base for proposing MTBE policies.

23 Thank you and Welcome your suggestions !

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