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Using sensory analysis in Food Technology

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1 Using sensory analysis in Food Technology

2 Sensory analysis is used to evaluate food products
Sensory analysis is used in industry and discovers details on: Flavour and taste Texture Appearance – Colour, shape, size Smell/Aroma Sounds

3 Sensory Analysis studies three main areas
What does the product taste like? What are its sensory characteristics? How does a change in production, packaging or storage affect sensory characteristics

4 Sensory analysis in the Food Industry
Sensory analysis is used at several stages during product development Companies can compare a competitor’s product Improve products by modifying or changing the ingredients Check that the specification is being met

5 Industry continued Monitor quality control by checking regular samples against specification Detect differences between products from different runs or batches Profile the characteristics of new products Describe specific characteristics

6 Industry Continued Demonstrate new products to marketing team
Promote new or reformulated products to consumers Sensory analysis is carried out in controlled conditions

7 Which senses are used in Analysis?
Sight – Appearance Smell and taste – Aroma and flavour Touch – Texture and mouthfeel Sound – Noise

8 Taste areas of the tongue

9 Sensory Analysis Tests
Preference Tests – These supply information about people’s likes/dislikes of a product. Discrimination Tests – Aim to evaluate specific attributes ie Crunchiness

10 Preference Tests Pair comparison/preference test – a test which compares a pair of similar products looking at specific characteristics Hedonic tests – Test sample and grade 1=Dislike very much, 5=Like very much. Samples analysed for lowest/highest score Scoring tests – Samples are scored on a scale between like and dislike

11 Discrimination Tests Ranking – Decide on attribute to be ranked eg Crunchiness, allow people to evaluate samples and place them in rank order Star Diagram – Allows food products to be evaluated using a range of attributes

12 Star Diagram The test can be used to:
Evaluate differences in similar products Gauge consumer response Analyse specific attributes Check a product meets its specification Compare similarities in a range of products Show opportunities for product development

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