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The modern form of slavery

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1 The modern form of slavery
Sex trafficking The modern form of slavery Abigail Gloe

2 Numbers 32,000,000,000 Total yearly profits generated by the sex industry 1,000,000 Number of children exploited by the global sex trade 800,000 Number of people trafficked across international borders every year 17,500 Number of foreign nationals trafficked into the US each year 14 Average age of trafficking victims

3 Definition a) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age; or b) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000

4 Human Trafficking A Computer Assisted Reporting Project

5 Diversity Johnson County Suburbs Happy family home Collegiate woman
Abigail Gloe’s Life Trafficking Victim’s Life Johnson County Suburbs Happy family home Collegiate woman Confident American dream Love Globally distressed country Broken home Uneducated 12-year- old child Scared Poverty shame

6 Inspiration Originally KSU Marching Band Women’s Studies Course
Not enough time Most research online Women’s Studies Course Lecture by Dr. David Radcliffe Discussion with professors

7 Research Moved to Human/Sex Trafficking
Library tutorial spent researching prostitution Very awkward Moved to Human/Sex Trafficking So much research and Information National Human Trafficking Resource Center Captive Daughters Prostitution Research and Education Website National Organization for Women New Community Project Polaris Project

8 Countdown The process of my project

9 Process First came tons of research Used my Delicious account
Variety of sources Variety of search terms Sex trade Sex industry Sexual slavery Sex trafficking Human trafficking

10 Blogging Love to Blog 12 entries so far Very informal and low key
It’s like an online journal 12 entries so far No viewers yet Very informal and low key NO swearing! Instead, I am fearful of the incomprehensible enormity that is this project. My biggest fear is that it is self paced and I am probably not doing something I am supposed to be doing right now. Blog 9

11 Interviews Dr. David Radcliffe Kristen Tebow Nadezda Shapkina
New Community Project Kristen Tebow Trafficking Victim Nadezda Shapkina Human Trafficking course professor Captive Daughters Trafficking Awareness Organization

12 Kristen Tebow Actual trafficking victim President of W.A.R.
“It’s been really heard to make relationships with girls and guys…and just trusting people in general” Actual trafficking victim Fort Riley, KS President of W.A.R. Wildcats Against Rape Works in Women’s Center spokesperson Lengthy interview Kite’s

13 Writing Very difficult time writing news style
writing essays broadcast style Live scripts Need to review AP StyleBook Need more attribution

14 Side Bar--Prostitution
Legalizing sex worker’s rights Most legislation in San Francisco Ballot Measure K Shall the city: stop enforcing laws against prostitution; stop funding or supporting anti-prostitution programs; enforce existing criminal laws that prohibit crimes such as battery, extortion, and rape, regardless of the victim’s status as a sex worker; and fully disclose the investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against sex workers? Hard to find people to interview Most websites in favor had very little contact information

15 Main Story—Sex Trafficking
A form of human trafficking Very common Second only to arms dealing Incorporated Kristen’s experience Divided into main subheads Explanation of trafficking Trafficking in the United States Trafficking at KSU

16 Media

17 Map Interactive map of United States Google Maps
Each state gets color dependent upon how well they cover the five main areas Prosecution task force research commission law enforcement training victim protection Google Maps Based off TVPA of 2008 report Trafficking Victims Protection Act

18 Audio Clip 90 second clip Nadezda Shapkiva Correctly used technology
45 minute long interview Nadezda Shapkiva Russian woman Teaches human trafficking class at KSU Studied trafficking in Eastern Europe Correctly used technology

19 Wordle Based off myths and conceptions worksheet provided by Captive Daughters Organization

20 Obstacles Also Known As Technology
So, as I have learned this semester, I do not work well with technology. Or it doesn't work well with me. Seriously. --Blog 11

21 Technology I deleted my gmail I deleted my interviews
I just deleted them trying to play them back to me. Is anyone really surprised? Blog 11 I deleted my gmail Had to create new account to get back into other sites Facebook Twitter Delicious I deleted my interviews Stupid tape recorder I deleted half the numbers in my phone Trying to get my gmail

22 Basically, my project rocks
END Basically, my project rocks

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