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YouthBuild Webinar Series MIS Data Management Tools and Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "YouthBuild Webinar Series MIS Data Management Tools and Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 YouthBuild Webinar Series MIS Data Management Tools and Strategies
April 1st, 2014; 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM (EDT) Presented by: Division of Youth Services – YouthBuild U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

2 Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen
Where are you? Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen #

3 Discussion Participate in open discussion with facilitators and peers. Phones will be un- muted. Be courteous. Reduce extraneous noise for the best audio quality by muting your phone, if you are not speaking. Choose the breakout room based on the number shown on your screen. #

4 Moderator Jenn Smith Management Analyst U.S. Department of Labor #

5 Here’s what you can expect in this webinar
Review data management tools and resources that will help your program collect, enter, and check MIS data. Share MIS training resources. Discuss data management strategies and best practices. #

6 Presenter Leah Rodriguez Help Desk Assistant YouthBuild USA #

7 Presenter Andre Green MIS Help Desk YouthBuild USA #

8 Question Which pre-recordings were you able to watch in preparation for today’s webinar? Building a Culture of Good Data Management Timing is Everything: The Performance Measure Calendar Defining Staff Roles: Using the MIS Data Collection and Workplan Tools #

9 How often does your program enter MIS data?
Question How often does your program enter MIS data? Daily Weekly Monthly #

10 How many staff members at your YouthBuild program enter MIS data?
Question How many staff members at your YouthBuild program enter MIS data? 1 2 More than 2 #

11 Reviewing Data Management
Being responsible for your program means being responsible for it’s data. #

12 Data Management Matters
Plans and policies help maximize successes of your program. Effective data management means you are better able to tell your program’s story. It takes preparation to be able to collect and enter all the necessary data #

13 Reviewing Data Management
Data management is more than entering data in the MIS Collecting all relevant data Entering it in a timely manner Checking it regularly for accuracy #

14 “Your program is only as great as you can prove it’s great
“Your program is only as great as you can prove it’s great. Without the backup it’s all talk. Good preparation and basics will provide you with accurate data.” - YouthBuild Director #

15 Data Collection is everyone’s job
Staff responsible for data relevant to their role Eligibility Enrollment Outcomes Exit Follow-Up #

16 Data Collection #

17 MIS Data Entry Data entry can be centralized, but must make sure the data gets to the those responsible in a timely manner #

18 How is all this data entered?
We have many tools and resources to help you with data entry Contact Help Desk We offer trainings Tools on CoP E-Learning Series on Data Entry MIS Newsletter #

19 Help Desk available to answer phone calls and e-mails
Resources Help Desk available to answer phone calls and s Phone: (866) All Staff Entering Data into the MIS should attend a Intro Webinar Tuesdays 2-4 Eastern Standard Time Fridays Eastern Standard Time

20 E-Learning Series: short videos covering your data Management needs
Resources E-Learning Series: short videos covering your data Management needs Many of the tools we discuss here (and others) can also be found there.

21 MIS Data Entry Tools #

22 MIS Data Entry Tools #

23 Question How do you access tools and resources?
Community of Practice (CoP) Help Desk YB Handbooks Site All of the Above #

24 Checking Data “We take advantage of the ad-hoc reports to follow through and double check our program and data numbers. I do one final check after the staff and then submit the QPR.” - YouthBuild Executive Director #

25 Checking Data Data checking can be done by all, but accuracy should be program leadership’s responsibility Executive responsibility Helps create the culture of good data management Holds program staff accountable #

26 Telling an Accurate Story: You and the QPR
Get it right early Use report to check your data for accuracy Share report with all your staff Data tells a story – what story does your data tell about you?

27 Ways to review data for accuracy
Use QPR to check for accuracy Data Reviews available Ad Hoc reports Video on Ad Hoc reports available on YB Handbooks Also reports training #

28 E-mail to schedule.
Data Reviews The Help Desk will sit with you and your program to review your QPR for accuracy We can help you determine how to correct anything that seems questionable to schedule.

29 Help Desk offers trainings on these and the QPR Wednesdays at 3pm
Ad Hoc Reports The MIS has a system to build customized reports to help with using MIS Data Videos on how to use the “Ad Hoc Reports” can be found at learning-series-3-using-mis-reports-better- data-management Help Desk offers trainings on these and the QPR Wednesdays at 3pm Call or to schedule

30 Has your program ever had a data review with the MIS helpdesk?
Question Has your program ever had a data review with the MIS helpdesk? Yes No #

31 Everyone should be held accountable
Best Practices Everyone should be held accountable Staff should have clarity on their role/responsibilities and how their work impacts program data Staff entering data should not be responsible for accuracy of data. Again, this should be an executive responsibility. Set deadlines, and make sure they are met Cross train – make sure more than one person knows how to do the work in case someone is out. #

32 Review Tools and Resources
We have tools and resources to help you plan and execute this work You can find tools on CoP Workplan Tool Pre-Enrollment Tracker Service Tracker Tool Road Map Other resources E-Learning Series #

33 Question Have you investigated or used any of the forms on the Community of Practice? Yes No #

34 Question Does your YouthBuild program create paper forms to collect enrollment data? Yes No #

35 MIS Workplan Tool Helps you keep track of your data management Lists the activity, what is required, when to do it, who is responsible and the date completed

36 Workplan Tool

37 Pre-Enrollment Tracker

38 MIS Service Tracker

39 Data Road Map

40 MIS E-Learning Videos #

41 MIS E-Learning Videos #

42 Discussion Discussion of Data Management practices
What have been your biggest successes with collecting, entering and checking MIS data? What have been your biggest challenges with collecting, entering and checking MIS data? #

43 Discussion Participate in open discussion with facilitators and peers. Phones will be un-muted. Be courteous. Reduce extraneous noise for the best audio quality by muting your phone, if you are not speaking. Choose the breakout room based on the number shown on your screen. It may take a few minutes for the room number to appear on your screen. #

44 #

45 Report Back What was discussed during the session?
What questions consistently surfaced? #

46 Please enter your questions in the Chat Room!
Q&A Session Please enter your questions in the Chat Room! #

47 Save the Date! Construction May 6th at 2:00 PM (EDT)
Recruitment and Mental Toughness June 3rd at 2:00 PM (EDT) Organizational Capacity July 8th at 2:00 PM (EDT) #

48 Contact Information Leah Rodriguez MIS Help Desk YouthBuild USA Jenn Smith Management Analyst U.S. Department of Labor #

49 Please rate the quality of this webinar.
Feedback Question 1 Please rate the quality of this webinar. Excellent Fair Poor #

50 How could this webinar be improved?
Feedback Question 2 How could this webinar be improved? #

51 Feedback Question 3 If you did not have a chance to watch the pre-recordings prior to the webinar, what prevented you from watching it? Length of the webcast Lack of time Could not access the webcast Did not know there was a webcast #

52 What other webinar topics might be useful in your work?
Feedback Question 4 What other webinar topics might be useful in your work? #

53 Find resources for workforce system success at:
Thank You! Find resources for workforce system success at: #

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