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Probability Theory and Parameter Estimation I

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Presentation on theme: "Probability Theory and Parameter Estimation I"— Presentation transcript:

1 Probability Theory and Parameter Estimation I

2 Least Squares and Gauss
How to solve the least square problem? Carl Friedrich Gauss solution in (age 18) Why solving the least square problem? Carl Friedrich Gauss solution in 1822 (age 46) Least square solution is optimal in the sense that it is the best linear unbiased estimator of the coefficients of the polynomials Assumptions: errors have zero mean and equal variances

3 Probability Theory Apples and Oranges

4 Probability Theory Marginal Probability Conditional Probability
Joint Probability

5 Probability Theory Sum Rule Product Rule

6 The Rules of Probability
Sum Rule Product Rule 6

7 Bayes’ Theorem posterior  likelihood × prior

8 Probability Densities

9 Transformed Densities

10 Expectations Conditional Expectation (discrete)
Approximate Expectation (discrete and continuous)

11 Variances and Covariances

12 The Gaussian Distribution
mean variance

13 Gaussian Mean and Variance

14 The Multivariate Gaussian
determinant of covariance matrix

15 Gaussian Parameter Estimation
Goal: find parameters (mean and variance) that maximize the product of the blue points Likelihood function i.i.d. samples = independent and identically distributed samples of a random variable N observations of variable x

16 Maximum (Log) Likelihood
Maximizing with respect to m Maximizing with respect to variance

17 Properties of and Biased estimator

18 Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Bias is at the core of the problem of MLE

19 Curve Fitting Re-visited

20 Maximum Likelihood I Maximize log likelihood Surprise! Maximizing log likelihood is equivalent to minimizing sum of square error function!

21 Maximum Likelihood II Maximize log likelihood
Determine by minimizing sum-of-squares error,

22 Predictive Distribution

23 MAP: A Step towards Bayes
Maximum posterior hyper-parameter prior over parameters likelihood Determine by minimizing regularized sum-of-squares error.

24 MAP: A Step towards Bayes
Determine by minimizing regularized sum-of-squares error. Surprise! Maximizing posterior is equivalent to minimizing regularized sum of square error function!

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