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An English Quiz Grade Viith.

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1 An English Quiz Grade Viith

2 I Choose the right word, phrase or expression to make the given sentence Correct or answer the question. 1) My daughter well. a) always has eaten b) has always eaten c) has always eat d) is always eat _______________________________________________ 2) Please be quiet a) I working b) I work. c) I’m working d) I’m work. 3) Dave in a factory. Now he works in a shop. a) worked b) works c) used to work d) use to work

3 a) enough money for going b) money enough to go
4) I haven’t got on holiday at the moment. a) enough money for going b) money enough to go c) enough money to go d) money enough for going __________________________________________________________ 5) a long time for the bus. a) Always we have to wait b)We always have to wait c) We have always to wait d)We have to wait always 6) I need about hotels in Paris. a) some information b) information c) an information d) some informations 7) We enjoyed our holiday was very nice. a) Hotel b) A hotel c) An hotel d) The hotel

4 8) We don’t eat ............ very often. a) the meat b) some meat
c) a meat d) meat __________________________________________________________ 9) is in New York. a) The Times Square b) Times Square c) A Times Square d) An Times Square ________________________________________________ 10) Why me last night? I was waiting for you to phone. a) didn’t you phone b) you no phone c) you don’t phone d) you didn’t phone _________________________________________________ 11) I don’t remember what at the party. a) Ann was wearing b) was wearing Ann c) was Ann wearing d) Ann wearing was

5 12) His team didn’t do ....... he’d hoped in the competition.
a) as well b) as well as c) as good as d) better than _______________________________________________ 13) We have to make a decision Friday at the latest. a) on b) until c) by d) to _________________________________________________________ 14) Mum was furious the mess when she got home. a) for b) with c) at d) about __________________________________________________________ 15) I’m sorry your mother is ill. I hope she better soon. a) has b) makes c) gets d) goes

6 16) If nothing else works, try ..... the printer off and on again.
a) to switch b) to switching c) switching d) switch __________________________________________________________ 17) ‘ Caroline doesn’t know where we’re going.’ ‘ I ... her.’ a) ‘m phoning b) ‘ll phone c) phone d) ‘m going to phone __________________________________________________________ 18) What time Charlie this evening? a) do we meet b) are we meeting c) will we meet d) are we meet 19) Andy, it’s already 9:30, you the bus! a) are going to be missed b) are missing c) ‘re going to miss d) ‘ll miss

7 20) ‘ ________ is still a major world problem.’
a) Poorness b) Poor c) Poverty d) Poorment __________________________________________________________ 21) ‘That lesson was awful, I nearly died of ________.’ a) boring b) boringness c) bore d) boredom __________________________________________________________ 22) ‘The _______ of the elderly is often ignored these days.’ a) wisdom b) wisely c) wiseness d) wise _________________________________________________________ 23)’To be successful in business you need courage and ___.’ a) luckily b) luck c) luckyness d) luckiness

8 24) Which answer is NOT correct
24) Which answer is NOT correct? ‘Every Saturday morning I ________ my friends on the beach.’ a) would meet b) used to meet c) met d) was meeting _______________________________________________ 25) Which is NOT correct? ‘It always seemed to be sunny ________.’ a) in those days b) back then c) the other day d) in the good old days ________________________________________________26) Which of the following means ‘I DON'T think it will happen’? ‘_____he'll win the race.’ a) I'm sure b) I'm convinced c) I doubt d) I reckon

9 27) Which of the following is correct?
a) Do you agree? b) Are you agree? c) I'm of agree with you d) I'm agree. ________________________________________________ 28) Which of the following would you not say in a clothes shop? a) I'm just looking b) A sliced loaf please. c) Can I try it on? d) I’ll take it, thanks. 29) Which of the following is grammatically countable? a) money b) news c) people d) information _____________________________________________ 30) Choose the correct spelling. ‘His old mother was _________ on him for everything.’ a) dependente b) dependant c) dependante d) dependent

10 II Match the idiom to its Meaning.
a) Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days. b) to do everything you can to achieve your goal c) It is up to you to make the next decision or step. d) do or say something exactly right e) avoiding the main topic, not speaking directly about the issue f) This is used when someone does not want to choose or make a decision. g) Someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives. 1) The ball is in your court. 2) beat around the bush 3) caught between two stools 4) Every cloud has a silver lining. 5) hit the nail on the head 6) sit on the fence 7) leave no stone unturned

11 III english sounds - choose the correct answer.
1) Which vowel sound is the ‘odd one out’? a) flower b) lower c) power d) tower ________________________________________________________ 2) Which of the following has a different vowel sound? a) knew b) stew c) few d) sew _________________________________________________________ 3) Which word has a different vowel sound? a) head b) said c) made d) bed 4) Which word sounds different? a) debt b) fret c) treat d) sweat 5) Which word sounds different? a) mother b) bother c) brother d) another

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