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Language teaching, language learning

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Presentation on theme: "Language teaching, language learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Language teaching, language learning
What are we trying to do? (in 12 short slides)

2 a brief history . . . Grammar translation Audiolingualism
My heart sinks Grammar translation Audiolingualism Communicative language teaching Input-interaction 30/05/2018

3 Grammar-translation Grammar as mental gymnastics
High culture as ultimate goal 30/05/2018

4 Grammar-translation BUT No oral component No spontaneous speech

5 Audiolingualism Behaviorist psychology Stimulus-response-reinforcement
Pavlov: drooling dogs Skinner: rats in mazes 30/05/2018

6 Behaviorism Pavlovian response

7 Cognitivism BUT Cognitive revolution Universal Grammar 30/05/2018

8 Communicative language teaching
Comprehensible input No grammar Interesting topics Low-stress environment 30/05/2018

9 BUT Canadian immersion studies Anglophone children learning French
Fluent but not accurate Why? 30/05/2018

10 So . . . How should we teach/learn languages Input Interaction
Reflection The input-interaction model 30/05/2018

11 Input You do have to receive some language BUT
It doesn't have to be written You don't have to learn it by heart It doesn't have to be Shakespeare 30/05/2018

12 Interaction You do have to produce language BUT You don't have to
write everything down The teacher doesn't have to hear everything It's good to make mistakes 30/05/2018

13 Reflection You do need to think about language BUT
You don't have to learn grammar rules first, then practice You can listen to yourself and provide your own feedback You will still make mistakes ;-) 30/05/2018

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