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North Africa today Chapter 20 Section 3.

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1 North Africa today Chapter 20 Section 3

2 Egypt today The size of Texas and New Mexico put together
Mostly desert, REALLY DRY Lifeline of Egypt – NILE RIVER (supplies 85% of Egypt’s water) Controlled by dams and channels Starts in East Africa and goes North to the Mediterranean Sea




6 Egypt today The flow of the Nile River is controlled by the Aswan High Dam Makes it able to store water for when it is needed

7 Egypt today Eastern Desert (Arabian Desert) is east of the Nile
Libyan Desert is west of the Nile


9 Egypt Today Suez Canal – connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea Economy – agriculture (major) Sugarcane, grains, veggies, fruits, and cotton COTTON is main export Industry – factories and TOURISM

10 sphinx



13 EGYPT TODAY History – fell to Greece and Rome (time of Cleopatra)
A.D. 641 – taken over by Southwest Asia, started practicing Islam THEY ARE NOW MUSLIMS


15 Egypt today 1800s – taken over by Britain Became independent in 1952
Was led by Gamal Abdel Nasser from (first Egyptian PRESIDENT) They are now a REPUBLIC


17 Egypt today Overcrowded – 8 million people living just in Cairo
Poverty Pollution Not enough houses, schools, or hospitals


19 Libya Today Mostly desert, 90% is covered by the Sahara desert
No rivers but has aquifers Aquifers – underground rock layers that store large amounts of water 1990s – built pipelines to carry the water from the desert to the coastal areas Discovered oil in 1959 – main source of $$$


21 Libya today 5.5 million people (Arab and Berber)
Berber – first known people to live in North Africa Practice the Muslim religion Beginning in 1969, Muammar al-Qaddhafi set up a DICTATORSHIP




25 Tunisia today Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco make up the MAGHREB (“land farthest west”) Muslim Size of Georgia Capital – Tunis Speak Arabic




29 Algeria today Sahara desert
Ergs – huge, shifting sand dunes Sells oil and natural gas to get food into the country 31.7 million people Muslim Speak Arabic

30 Algeria today Civil war – conflict between different groups inside a country Ruled by the French until 1962 Algerian Arabs rose up and won independence TODAY IT IS A REPUBLIC! President Legislature


32 Morocco today Borders the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean
Strait of Gilbraltar – separates Africa from Europe by 8 MILES Mainly raise sheep 1970s – Morocco claimed the Western Sahara



35 Egyptian Hieroglyphic message
Using the symbols I have provided, create your own Egyptian message. This message can be about you, school, friends…etc. Use only the symbols I provided you. You may make up 7 of your own symbols. Messages must be 20 characters long Color your messages. If you do not finish in class it is homework. Example below!

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