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November 10th 2013 Announcements.

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1 November 10th 2013 Announcements

2 Please make sure to be ready for communion by:
1- Coming early…at least you attend the Gospel’s reading. 2- Being ready spiritually by repentance and confession. 3- You have no enmity or conflict with others.

3 Liturgies Tuesday : No Liturgy Friday : 11:00a.m - 1:00p.m Saturday : No Liturgy Sunday : 8:00 –11:30a.m القداسات الثلاثاء : لا يوجد قداس الجمعة : 11:00ص – 1:00م السبت: لا يوجد قداس الأحد : 8: :30 3

4 Bible Study meetings English: Wednesday : 7:00 – 8:00 adults Book of Revelation. . Arabic: الجمعة 7:30 – 9:00 مساء درس الكتاب المقدس...دراسة خيمة الإجتماع و إرتباطها بالسيد المسيح و رموز التجسد.(2) 4

5 Servants meeting today...Starting a series addressing the topic:
“fulfill your ministry” 2Tim.4:5 Attendance is MANDATORY for all the servants…please if there is any excuse, you should tell Abouna or Ehab Mikhail , the service coordinator.

6 Sunday school classes (Pre k classes) meeting with Abouna is today after the Arabic sermon.

7 Our deep condolences to Randa & Robir Malaty the 40 days commemoration for the departure of her father Raymond Hanna… (uncle of Mariam Hage, cousin of Shafik’s family and cousin of Naim’s family)…may God repose his soul in the Paradise of Joy.

8 Thanks giving service served by Richardson Interfaith Alliance will be at First United Methodist Church of Richardson (503 N. Central Expressway 75080) on Tuesday November 26th 2013 at 6:30p.m in the main Sanctuary. Our church will present Christian Arabic songs to let people know about Christians of the Middle East (per their request). Everybody is invited to attend

9 St.Philopateer’s celebration will start Wednesday November 27th God willing.
We will be blessed by having 4 blessed fathers visiting us this year. Fr.Serapion Ghobrial Fr.Elia Eskander…(Thanksgiving Liturgy followed by Lunch for all the congregation with the priests). Fr.Aghathon Saleh Fr.Seraphim ElSoryani.

10 العظة العربي: “إِنْ لَمْ تَقَعْ حَبَّةُ الْحِنْطَةِ فِي الأَرْضِ وَتَمُتْ فَهِيَ تَبْقَى” وَحْدَهَا. وَلكِنْ إِنْ مَاتَتْ تَأْتِي بِثَمَرٍ كَثِيرٍ يو24:12

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