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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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1 Welcome to Curriculum Night
Third Grade Riggs Elementary School Mr. Anderson


3 Curriculum Reading ~ Journeys-Online Access Common Core ELA Standards
- phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension Whole group & small group instruction Literature Studies Accelerated Reader Program (AR) Goal every quarter and points/level A/R Application - Book Scanner

4 Curriculum Language Arts ~ Journeys Common Core ELA Standards
- Grammar Skills - Phonics - The Writing Process - The Six Traits of Good Writing Assigned Weekly Spelling -Assigned on Monday and tested on Friday Learn Cursive Handwriting!!!

5 Curriculum Math- McGraw Hill- My Math Online Access!
Common Core Mathematics Standards Learning Objectives Memorize Math Facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) Number Sense & Number Patterns Time, Money, Measurement Graphing , Data Analysis, Geometry Problem Solving & Logic Reasoning

6 Curriculum Science (Harcourt) Social Studies (Harcourt)
Rocks and Minerals, Scientific Method, Energy, Plants, and Ecosystems Social Studies (Harcourt) Government, Geography, History, American Heroes, and Economics

7 Curriculum Technology Computer Lab Gain knowledge about technology
Develop technology skills Apply and interact with technology Conduct Research PowerPoint/ Adobe Spark Word and Publisher Accelerated Reader

8 Classroom Community Positive Reinforcement
Table Points and Classroom Rewards - Cool Readers of the Week Pumpkin Bash and Veggie Chamber “Character Counts” Classroom Discipline Agendas ( Parent Signature Required every day ) - Agendas go home daily! Please check your child’s agenda for important classroom and school information.

9 Grades Students Receive Letter Grades  Mid-Quarter Progress Reports
- Classroom Assignments - Assessments/Quizzes - Classroom Participation - Projects Mid-Quarter Progress Reports Quarterly Report Cards

10 Homework Homework packet goes home on Monday and is due back on Friday..It will also be posted on our website! Purpose is to reinforce skills being taught in the classroom Reading minutes need to be recorded nightly (20 minutes) and “Reading Log” needs to be signed by a parent at the end of the week. Homework Expectation (Total of 30 minutes a night) Important Things to Remember… -Provide an organized work space at home -Set up a consistent homework schedule -Practice spelling words and math facts with your child each night  Note…Homework is spot checked for completion and understanding, but not taken for a grade.

11 Volunteer Opportunities
Classroom Volunteers * Link is on our class website Carnival Helper Parent PTO Partner Junior Achievement

12 Closed Campus

13 May only be paid online through Infinite Campus!
Tax Credit Possible Third Grade Field Trips Service Learning Project Rock and Mineral Field Trip Tumbleweed Historic Museum Snow Day Aquarium ECA Fees- $25 May only be paid online through Infinite Campus!

14 Last Minute Notes… Please be sure to fill out the paperwork in the “Homework Folder”. Please return to Mr. Anderson tonight. Thank You!  Welcome Information: Special’s Calendar- Will be online on our class website! Daily Schedule T-shirt Order Form Text Alert Setup Informational Sheet (Parents and child) Parent Pick-up information Be sure to attach bus tags to your child’s backpack for the first day of school.  Picking up children from school early is highly discouraged.

15 Thank You!!! Open Door Policy…Remember we are a T.E.A.M.!
Conferences are held in August and February is the best way to contact me. It is not always possible to return s immediately, so please be patient and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for taking the time to come tonight. I really look forward to working with you and your child this year!

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