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A10 Designing spin-spin interactions in cold ion crystals

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1 A10 Designing spin-spin interactions in cold ion crystals
Rene Gerritsma, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (Universität Mainz) Spin-Spin interactions in ions Emulating Solid State Physics Effective quantum spin systems with trapped Ions using light forces [1]. Quasiparticle engineering and entanglement propagation [2]. Realization of a quantum integer-spin chain with controllable interaction [3]. Effective quantum spin systems using magnetic field gradient forces [4] and oscillating field gradients [5,6]. Crystal of ions interacting with ultracold atoms: Quantum simulator of crystaline solids. [9,10] Trap potential RF coupling Magnetic gradient Fröhlich Hamiltonian: Phonons Fermions Raman laser beams Fermion-phonon coupling Infrastructural simplification Integration into single device Insensitive to imperfect cooling Peierls instability: Large spin-spin coupling Versatile Raman light fields [1] Porras and Cirac, PRL 92, (2004). [2] Jurcevic , Lanyon, Hauke, Hempel, Zoller, Blatt and Roos, Nature 511, 202 (2014). [3] Senko, Richerme, Smith, Lee, Cohen, Retzker and Monroe arXiv: (2014). [4] Mintert and Wunderlich, PRL (2002). [5] Ospelkaus, Langer, Amini, Brown, Leibfried, and Wineland, PRL 101, (2008). [6] Ospelkaus, Warring, Colombe, Brown, Amini, Leibfried and Wineland, Nature 476, 181 (2011). Zigzag crystals and frustarted Spin interactions [9] Bissbort, Cocks, Negretti, Idziaszek, Calarco, Schmidt-Kaler, Hofstetter and Gerritsma PRL, 111, (2013). [10] Negretti, Gerritsma, Idziaszek, Schmidt-Kaler and Calarco, PRB, 90, (2014). A3 A5 A9 A12 B3 Hybrid microtrap Ions emerged in BEC Critical anisotropy of trap frequencies leads to a structural transition of the crystal. Measurment of the eigenmodes shows deviation from pseudopotental approximation. Better agreement with Floquet-Lyapunov approach [7]. Effective coupling can be tuned by Laser parameters and trap anisotropy. Controlled sign-change allows study of frustration effects and phase diagrams. [8] UHV system Planar ion trap [11] Micro-fabricated surface electrode segmented Paul trap. Evaporated Ti/Au-layers (~330nm) on a fused silica substrate. Electrode structure etched using a combination of laser weakening and HF-etching. Trapping height: 100µm Trapping frequency: ~1MHz trap assembly B1 B2 B3 A3 A5 surface Mainz [7] Kaufmann, Ulm, Jacob, Poschinger, Landa, Retzker, Plenio and Schmidt-Kaler, PRL 109, (2012). [8] Bermudez, Almeida, Ott, Kaufmann, Ulm, Poschinger, Schmidt-Kaler, Retzker and Plenio, NJP (2012). Kibble Zurek Atomtrap and filterboard [12] Magnetic z-wire trap (Imax = 20A) External fields up to 30G. Atomic trapping frequency > 1kHz  1D regime. Au/AgPd-wires and electrodes printed on a Al2O3-Substrade using thick-film technology Hybrid trap assembly All parts ready for assemby in UHV Laser systems for Rb and Yb+ ready Magnetic trap Quench rate (a.u.) [8] Ulm, Roßnagel, Jacob, Degünther, Dawkins, Poschinger, Nigmatullin, Retzker, Plenio, Schmidt-Kaler, Singer, Nature Com. 4, 2290 (2013) B2 B3 A5 A9 [11] Quantum Information with Trapped Ions-group (UC Berkeley). [12] Diplomathesis J.Joger ( A9 A12 Transregional Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TR 49 Frankfurt / Kaiserslautern / Mainz

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