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SEN Support: The Children & Families Act & The Equality Act

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1 SEND Support – Creating an effective school for all children with SEN and disability
SEN Support: The Children & Families Act & The Equality Act London, 7 October 2016 André Imich, SEN and Disability Professional Adviser, DfE

2 What does successful implementation of the SEND reforms look like?
2. All parties meet their statutory duties 1. Co-production with children, young people and parents 3. Increased satisfaction with access to local services 8. Improved parental confidence 4. Accurate and timely identification of SEN and disability 7. More YP go on to post-16 education, training & employment 5. Improved attainment and narrowing of gap for CYP with SEND 6. Strong focus on those at SEN Support

3 The new SEN system – Key elements
2. A clear, transparent local offer of services for all CYP with SEND 1. Involvement of children, young people and parents 3. LA, health and care services to commission services jointly 6. All duties apply to all state-funded schools, inc. academies, free schools 4. Coordinated assessment; Education, Health and Care Plan 5. Statutory protections for 16-25s; focus on preparing for adulthood

4 Equality Act 2010 Schools, early years providers, post-16 institutions, LAs: must not directly or indirectly discriminate against, harass or victimise disabled children and young people must not discriminate for a reason arising in consequence of a child or young person’s disability (e.g. admission) must make reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services - this duty is anticipatory. must have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations between disabled and non-disabled children and young people (public sector equality duty)

5 Implications for schools
New Code applies to all state funded schools Putting parents and children at the heart of the system Welcome to all parents of children with SEND Publication of School Information Report Reinforced role of SENCo Greater clarity about what school normally provides SEN Support – assessment and effective intervention Work with LA on local offer Working with Education, Health and Care Plans Improved transition planning and arrangements Outcomes/ outcomes/ outcomes

6 % receiving SEN Support

7 Making SEN Support work - Schools
A quality SEN Information Report Trained workforce – quality first teaching All mainstream maintained, academy and free schools to ensure the SENCo is a qualified teacher employed by the school. Parental engagement Clarity about provision it makes High aspirations for all Improving outcomes for SEND

8 School Information Report - Key questions
Is the School Information Report easy to find? Does it cover all 14 required areas? Is it up-to-date/ Has it been reviewed annually? Is it easy to understand? Does it convey a welcoming message? What do parents and children think of it?

9 Making SEN Support work - Local authority
LAs must set out the responsibilities for special educational provision made from school, early years and post-16 Clear arrangements for accessing support , e.g. EPs; CAMHS; specialist teachers/ support services; therapists SENCO and class teacher, with specialists, involving the pupil’s parents - focus on evidence-based effective teaching approaches, equipment, strategies and interventions. Support systems for SENCOs Recognising and publicising good practice

10 Activity to develop and maintain effective SEN support systems in schools

11 An effective school for all children with SEN and disability
Welcomes all children Parents feel “at ease” Includes all children in all educational and social activities Workforce – quality first teaching by all and SENCo requirements in place Demonstrates progress for all children in educational and social skills. Helps children become independent – prepare well for adulthood


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