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Forest opening up in mountainous Greek (Mediterranean) conditions

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1 Forest opening up in mountainous Greek (Mediterranean) conditions
Liampas S.-A. G.1, Drosos V. C.1, Doucas K.-A. G.2 and Giannoulas V. J.2 1Democritus University of Thrace, 2Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Introduction Results Since the forest opening-up is inevitable, (Heinimann 1994) in order to achieve their commercialization and at the same time their protection that corresponds to the viable development and the efficient forest fire confrontation, a golden section has to be found. Harvesters are used in many regions of the world to gather a large proportion of the total timber harvest. According to Greek forest norm we implement selective cuts in order to product the growth of the forest and to improve the quality of the logs. So in coppice forest, when it is possible from the weather conditions, we cut trees in small groups, while in seedling forest we cut individual trees from within the stand. That encourages stump revegetation or seedlings in the understory respectively. In most industrialized countries, the use of draught animals in forest operations represents a curiosity, rather than a technical necessity. The rapid mechanization of all rural activities has brought animal power to the brink of extinction, despite the staunch resistance of its few loyal supporters (Μagagnotti, Spinelli 2011). Only after forest fires we use “clearcuts” methods in order to sale the burned logs and construction of barriers against the erosion (Karantzidis et. al 2008). Selective Harvesting Selective harvesting is perhaps for the Greek conditions the most environmentally sound method of logging. Proposed opening up model of Lailias forest complex Conifers species The crawler harvester indicated on slopes > 30% (50-55%) and coniferous (black pine, fir), because it will be reforestation and therefore damage the roots are of no concern, however stir up the ground. Even soil compaction is less. The straightness of the logs of conifers is not an obstacle to the selection of the harvester’s head. Broadleaves species The harvester with elastic wheels is appropriate for slopes up to 30%, because it protects the roots of stumps needed for revegetation. But because of the upright of logs require special heads for the harvester. One such type is the CTL 40 HW. Passes of harvest. According to the above to less damage, the proposed design is shown in the figure beside. The distances of the passages are larger than that in Germany. Since draught animals work efficiently to 100 meters and are ideal for combining with the harvesting method of the entire tree (Salzgeber 2010), suggested distance passes of harvester meters (Mean skidding distance 100m). For logs cannot reach by the harvester (> 15 meters), they felled with a chainsaw and transported by animals or winch to the range of the harvester for processing. By use of Bagger the distance can be increased to × 200 = 340 meters. Problems arise to the strong support of cable crane after the fire. The transport to the forest road is done by forwarder. The paths of the side passages are straight, but where interrupted by the horizontal (crosses) moved the position of the side passages parallel in order to reduce the risk of erosion. Existing harvesting means and system in productive forest Methods Area of study & existing opening up model Proposed forest opening up (Harvesting) model in Greece for environmental protection in nonproductive forest (firewood) In Mountainous forests producing firewood, the use of the animals for the time being is ecological, provides work for people who live near the forest and is cheaper (Model with a road density m/ha and road distance 500 m). Proposed forest opening up (Harvesting) model in Greece for environmental protection in productive forest In mountainous forests producing wood logs is proposed the model below. Conclusions The proposed opening up model is more compatible with the environment causing less damage during skidding to forest ecosystems, and its opening up percentage is better than the existing one, by the same road density. The standardization of the opening up of the forest areas is non-feasible, since every forest area is unique and requires special management. The economical-technical opening up of every forest area is accomplished via thorough study of the traffic, soil-climatic, forest-economic and ecological conditions of the region. Bibliography 400 m m Heinimann H Umweltverträglichkeit forstlicher Erschließungen - Konzept für die Abwicklung, die Analyse und die Bewertung. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes., 145: Karantzidis Ν., Mpasianas G., Doukas Κ Forest Constructions for protection and harvesting operations before and after forest fires in Greece. Proceedings: FORMEC 08 41th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization, June. 2008, Schmallenberg (Germany). pp. 259. Μagagnotti N., Spinelli R Integrating Animal and Mechanical Operations in Protected Areas. Croatian j. for. Eng. 32(2): Salzgeber N., Holzbringungsmethoden mit Pferden. Bündner Wald 4/2010. Combination of Bagger with Processor and cable crane for a distance of 400 m

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