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The Happy World of Homebound and Teen Parent Related Services

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Presentation on theme: "The Happy World of Homebound and Teen Parent Related Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Happy World of Homebound and Teen Parent Related Services
Working together, we all can help make our teen parents successful in school and in life.

2 Teen Parent Related Services and Compensatory Education Home Instruction or CEHI The presentation’s objectives: Provide overview of the Teen Parent program Explain what the homebound teachers do Outline what TPRS needs from the classroom teachers

3 CEHI teachers work to make sure that students do your work
Worksheets Q and A work Activities Projects quizzes Homebound teachers do the following: Receive academic work from each teacher in every class on the schedule. Pick up, deliver, and return assignments, teach and administer tests for the three to six weeks postpartum period (longer for prenatal). work with up to 40 different campus teachers or classes, as well as substitutes, and testing coordinators. Classroom teachers do the following: Provide clear, specific classroom instructions, explanations, examples, models, and notes. Provide assignments including list on the right: reviews Power points websites Study questions Discussion notes or recordings tests Fall and spring final exam reviews Final exams TELPAS samples STARR Tests/EOC

4 We serve all students who qualify for homebound services.
The TPRS homebound teachers visit: ECISD Students from 6th to 12th grade whose doctors prescribe prenatal bed rest and, primarily, postpartum three to six weeks. At their parents’ home, their temporary resident(s), the hospital, hotel, or wherever they can meet. Social Studies English Language Arts US and World History Science: Biology to Physics Math: Algebra to Calculus Fine Arts, Electives, Communications , Avid, PE, AP and OC

5 Focus and direction: Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Ray, as well as tutors and staff, work one-on-one with your student to encourage her to focus on academics while she is preoccupied with her new baby.

6 The Goal: Stay current, Make-Up, and Return passing all classes.
Every teacher from each class should send pertinent and meaningful assignments from the first day of homebound to the last week. Focus on sending assignments that will be entered in your gradebooks and prepare for EOC testing.

7 Teen Parent Related Services assist at-risk teens become successful:
Teen Mothers Teen students High school graduates

8 We celebrate our seniors who continue to excel and graduate.
Most of our students graduate from Odessa and Permian High Schools. Several earn college hours from Odessa College.

9 Above and Beyond Mrs. Valderaz, the TPRS administrator, encourages every member of our staff to go above and beyond to save as many young mothers as we can from dropping out of high school.

10 We offer a full service program
TPRS Services also provide: Certified homebound teachers: Laptops Hotspots for internet Graphing calculators Textbooks School supplies tutors Provide instruction and guidance for daily work. Communicate with classroom teachers and campus staff. Coordinate communication and interventions with school and community related services if needed Proctor classroom tests, benchmarks, and state exams Collaborate with SPED and ELL teachers

11 The classroom teacher is the key to a successful homebound experience:

12 Homebound students need meaningful, academic connections
Suggestions of what to send to your students while they are on homebound: Planners and syllabi with weekly assignments and due dates Vocabulary lists Study questions Novels with study questions Research of subject related topic or person Vocabulary lists or activities Study notes, Assignment keys Visuals showing how answers are derived or how problems are solved Manipulatives Graded work and feedback Homebound students need meaningful, academic connections Classroom assignemtns Notes from teachers Graded wok Prompt feedback School support

13 Thank you for all that you do.
Teachers, Thank you for all that you do.

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