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Permanent Endowment Committee

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1 Permanent Endowment Committee
Highland Church A United Methodist Community 125 E. Westover Avenue Colonial Heights, VA Fall 2016 Edition Highland’s Endowment Fund Established in 1999 as a means for church members to provide permanent, financial gifts to help support future church ministries. The principal of these gifts is held in perpetuity while the investment income is used to support Highland’s mission and outreach. The endowment fund strengthens Highland by empowering outreach. Highland’s endowment fund, invested to grow over time, is currently managed by the Virginia United Methodist Foundation. Gifts make a lasting impact at home and beyond. An endowment gift may be made at any time, and is often made in honor, or memory, of an individual, or as part of an estate plan. Permanent Endowment Committee Highland's PEC is charged with managing funds gifted and/or donated to Highland. As previously stated, our endowment gifts are invested through the Virginia United Methodist Foundation. Income gained by our investment is used to support specific mission and outreach callings. It is important to note, the endowment principal we receive is not spent. It is held in perpetuity to ensure the endowment remains a viable, living, source of income to accomplish now, and in the future, the intent of those who give. Current members of the Committee include: Donald Colbert, Mike Coleman, Sandra Coleman, Dick Covington, Neil Knarr, Lisa Walker, and Jen Webb. Your thoughtful deliberation to give to this fund is sincerely appreciated, and we thank you for your prayerful consideration to this request. Please contact any one of the Endowment Committee members for assistance and guidance concerning your charitable gift to our church. Giving to the Endowment Fund Unless specified otherwise, all endowment funds received (no minimum amount required) are place in Highland’s undesignated Endowment Fund. Highland uses the income from that fund for purposes recommended by the Permanent Endowment Committee (PEC) and approved by Highland’s Administrative Council. Any donor who contributes $20,000, or more, may designate a specific purpose for which the income from that contribution shall be used.

2 Highland’s Permanent Endowment Fund
Helps Support our Church Ministries Examples of your gifts to the Endowment Fund are as follows: Capital Improvement Fund: used for capital improvements, building programs, debt reduction, and church furnishings. It is not used for routine maintenance and repairs. Missionary and Missions Fund: used to support in-house needs, and the work of local, regional, national, and international missionaries and mission projects. It may also be applied to grants for new church development, professional leadership, educational ministries, work missions, and ecumenical ministries. Endowment Fund Gifts Distributed 2005 thru 2016 – $69,403 Hand Bells for our Church Brown Bags with Snacks for Transients Campus Crusades for Christ (Cru Ministry) Donations to Help the Needy in our Area Vacation Bible School Wednesday Night Community Suppers Donations to the Youth Group for Retreats Feeding the Homeless in Petersburg Haiti Earthquake Relief Highland’s Security System Martha for the Homeless, Inc. (Petersburg) Mineral, VA, Church Earthquake Damage Philippines Earthquake Relief United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) The Virginia UM Conference - Conference Disaster Response - Imagine No Malaria James River District - Waverly Tornado Relief - February 2016 Evangelism/Reaching New People - Community Based Program - Home Bound Ministries Endowment Fund Balance Thru 9/30/16 1999–2004 $13,253 2011 $423,365 2005 $344,819 2012 $464,141 2006 $433,529 2013 $522,619 2007 $460,163 $552,098 2008 $311,246 2015 $545,940 2009 $398,566 $554,049 2010 $437,372 Please Help Support Highland UMC Give to the Permanent Endowment Fund

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