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Principles of Management Learning Session # 11 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Management Learning Session # 11 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Management Learning Session # 11 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar

2 Re-cap of Session # 10

3 System Levels General Specific Level Component Global
Multinational Corp. Corporate Corporation Organizational Division Group Work Group / Dept. Organismic Individual Organic Heart / Kidneys Cellular Individual Cells Specific 9

4 System’s View of Organization
Environment INPUTS Human, physical, financial, and information resources TRANS-FORMATION PROCESS OUTPUTS Products and Services Feedback Loops

5 Managing Systems System - a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. System Theory provides a more general and broader picture of what managers do than the other perspectives of Management provide.

6 Organization as a System
Environmental Factors Cultural influences Political influences Market influences Customer contact Inputs 1.Managers 2.Workers 3.Equipment 4.Facilities 5.Materials 6.Money 7.Energy 8.Information Outputs 1.Goods 2.Services 3.Waste 4.Profits & Losses 5.Staff Growth and Satisfaction Transformations 1 3 5 2 4 Managerial and Tech. Abilities (POLCA & Technology) Performance feedback ( Info about Results & Org. Status)

7 Managing Systems Closed system - not influenced by and do not interact with their environment

8 Open system - dramatically interacts with its environment
Open system - dramatically interacts with its environment. Organizations -- take inputs from their environments and transform or process the inputs into outputs and outputs are distributed into the environment .

9 Organization As An Open System
Environment System Transformation Employee’s work activities Management Technology and operations methods Outputs Inputs Raw materials Human resources Capital Technology Information Products and services Financial results Human results Feedback

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