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S.P.A.R.C. Self Paced Acceleration and Recovery of Credits Self Paced

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2 S.P.A.R.C. Self Paced Acceleration and Recovery of Credits Self Paced

3 Austin High’s Vision For SPARC
“We strive to give all students the opportunity to accelerate their high school career, recover credits, and continue their education when homebound.” We strive to give all students the opportunity to recover credits, continue their education when homebound, and accelerate their high school career

4 We serve students who are……
At risk of dropping out Recovering credits Transfers Homeschooled Homebound Graduate early Not just students who are at risk of dropping out,

5 Procedures Counselor creates a referral
Student will meet with SPARC teacher to create an academic plan Student contract will be signed Student’s progress will be monitored until course is completed After completion of course, student will meet with SPARC teacher and create a new academic plan

6 Approved Online Programs
GradPoint Edgenuity Garza Online

7 GradPoint Created by Pearson Reading is key Course Options
Prescriptive Sequential Password protected test Most Experience

8 Edgenuity Khan Academy Feel For Visual and Audio leaners Videos
Virtual teacher leads instruction Lower Level Readers Translates Course Material ELL

9 Garza Online In house online programs
Creators are teachers at Garza High School Student-Teacher interaction through “Learn the material vs. recover credit” Uses free outside sources for articles and videos AQR, Algebraic Reasoning, and Art are available

10 Acceleration Algebraic Reasoning AQR Art I Astronomy
Communication Applications Computer Science I and II Earth Space Science Health Psychology Sociology Spanish I and II For Spanish speakers What other courses? Core classes ok?

11 When can I advance? Twilight SPARC period At home Saturday School
Take post test in SPARC room. Given permission by teacher FIT Saturday School Summer School

12 Credit Recovery Student can recover credits due to…
Transfer (out of state, private school, etc.) Homeschool Failure of course Student will be scheduled into a SPARC period Twilight for 2nd course or extra time

13 Homebound Counselors can create a referral for any students who is homebound. SPARC teacher will communicate with student/parent and create an academic plan Constant communication SPARC faculty available Monday- Thursday 9am-7:30pm Friday 9am- 4:30 pm Saturday 8am- 12pm 6 weeks during summer

14 Test Prep Through Edgenuity students can take prep courses for :
STAAR SAT ACT TSI Entire Test or Units Ex. EOC Algebra 1 Entire course Linear systems and absolute value

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