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Exploration& Colonization

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1 Exploration& Colonization

2 Renaissance led to the Age of Exploration
Renaissance Spirit People were ambitious, curious, and craved adventure Individual Glory (individualism) Exploring uncharted territory

3 Search for Luxury Goods
Asia contained goods that rich Europeans wanted Rich wanted the goods and were willing to pay for people to go get it Needed to find new routs to the East

4 Christian Duties European Christians wanted to spread their religion
It was their religious duty to convert non-Christians

5 New Technology Caravel- new ship designed for sailing in the ocean
Astrolabe-tell you how close you are to the equator Compass- indicates direction

6 Explorations Portugal Prince Henry -promotes exploration
Wants to make new discoveries and find gold Starts Age of Exploration 1141 Portuguese ship brings the first African slaves to Europe (make a lot of money)

7 Next Stop India Bartholomeu Dias 1488 Vasco da Gama
Reached the southern tip of Africa Vasco da Gama Sailed around the tip of Africa and made it to India. Traveled 27,000 miles (cinnamon, pepper, silk) Now have a charted sea route to India

8 Columbus Wanted to find shorter route to India
Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Discovered the Bahamas instead First Europeans to see pineapples, corn, and tobacco 1493, 1498, 1502 went back to the new world Opened the door to European settlement died thinking he had found India

9 Later American Voyages
Amerigo Vespucci- Said this new land was new continent Americas named after him Vasco Nunez- reached Pacific Ocean 1494-Spain & Portugal fighting over America Treaty of Tordesillas divide America between them

10 Age of Exploration Magellan
Starts off from Spain in 1519, by 1522 his crew had sailed around the world. People in Europe now realized the world was much bigger than anyone had thought


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