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National BDPA Regionalization update june, 2011

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1 National BDPA Regionalization update june, 2011
Good evening and welcome to the National BDPA Regionalization Update. We thank each of you for making time to attend this critical update.

2 Regionalization Update -- Agenda
Meeting Purpose Transition To Regionalization Benefits Regional State Map Organization Structure Milestones Offices Available For Nomination Next Steps Adjourn Our meeting agenda is fairly straightforward. We’ll talk about why we’re here; provide you with an overview of Regionalization and how we’ll implement it, review the open positions and next steps. The meeting will not last more than one hour. To ensure we get through all the content, please hold your questions until the end. Again, thank you for your time and attention.

3 Regionalization Update – Meeting Purpose
Re-Acquaint The National Membership With The New Regionalization Organizational Structure Educate and Inspire Membership To Nominate or Run For A Regional Vice-President or Regional Director Role Inform The Membership Of Key Milestones Address Any Questions Our meeting this evening will accomplish the following: Help you understand why we’re moving to the new regionalization structure Inspire you to nominate or run for an open position Make you aware of the timeline for nominations Address any questions that you might have.

4 Rationale For Transition To Regionalization
Decrease the size and complexity of the National Board of Directors 62 members to 17 members Reduce the number of communication channels Improve transition as new leaders come aboard Reduce expense associated with quarterly meetings The organization will save $160k per year by transitioning to a small NBOD Evolve and grow managers to leaders Drive greater accountability, influence and leadership at local level Increase value add benefit for our sponsor companies by group member skills Increase focus on local organizations Leverage Regional VPs to drive execution of national strategies at local level Increase membership So why did we decide to transition to a Regional organization structure. The reasons are as follows: Streamline the National Board of Directors in terms of size and communication channels and improve the transition process as new leaders come on-board Second, we have the opportunity to save $160,000 by having fewer people attending the NBOD meetings. This will help us with our reduce our expenses and positively impact our overall budget. Third, one of the benefits associated with BDPA is professional development and growth. Individuals who step up for this role will have a great opportunity to grow their skills, helping them be more valuable to BDPA and their companies. Fourth and finally, the regional structure will enable our leaders to provide more focus at the local level around understanding and executing BDPA strategies. The NEC is very excited about this transition and looks forward to realizing these benefits over the next two years.

5 Regional State Map BDPA REGION STATES NORTHEAST CT DC (Washington) DE MD MA ME NH NJ NY PA RI VT MIDWEST IA IL IN KS MI MO MN ND NE OH SD WI SOUTH AL AR FL GA KY LA MS NC OK SC TN TX VA WV WEST AK AZ CA CO HI ID MT NM NV OR UT WA WY This chart illustrates the new regions and the states associated with them. Every effort was made to balance the states across the regions, providing everyone with an opportunity to be successful.

6 BDPA Organizational - NBOD
PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DIRECTORS AT LARGE (3) SECRETARY This slide illustrates the National Board of Directors structure, effective January 1, 2012. The key difference between the new structure and old one is that the Regional VPs and Directors replace the Chapter presidents. VICE PRESIDENT VP FINANCE FOUNDER REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS (4) REGIONAL DIRECTORS (4)

7 Regionalization Milestones
2006 – NBOD charged Founder to solicit consultant(s) for the purpose of improving BDPA efficiency and improve services to its members and stakeholders (BDPA paid for this service!) 2007 – Founder presented committee’s report to NBOD; NBOD approved report and charged committee to move forward November 2009 –NBOD voted to include the new regional structure within its overall strategy July 2010 – Chapter Delegates approve new Regionalization structure and associated By-laws at national conference January – Chapter Presidents updated on the milestones and next steps for implementation of Regionalization May 2011 – Nominations for Regional and National openings reviewed at Q2 NBOD meeting. Only one (1) nomination has been made and accepted. NBOD commissions team to address this issue. June – July 2011 – SWAT team creates and executes plan to re-acquaint membership with Regionalization, open positions and new timeline. August 2011 – Chapter delegates vote on all nominations at national conference. November 2011 – Q4 NBOD meeting occurs – 2013 strategic plan reviewed and ratified. NOTE: Any open positions not filled during the national conference will be reviewed and filled by the NBOD during this meeting January Regionalization Structure implemented. The concept of Regionalization is not new to BDPA. We have been discussing it since 2006. The key takeaways from this slide are: Regionalization was ratified by member delegates at the 2010 National Technology Conference. Nominations for open positions will be accepted through July 4th. Chapter delegates will vote on the candidates during the 2011 Conference. Please be aware that the NBOD is empowered to nominate and appoint Regional VPs and Directors if there are not sufficient nominations presented. We need your help to ensure that we have adequate and highly qualified candidates for all positions. Finally, the new organizational structure will be implemented on January 1, 2012

8 Offices Available For Nomination
The following positions are currently available for nomination. Each position requires a two (2) year commitment , January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2013 National Vice-President National Vice-President of Finance Regional Vice-President (4) – All Regions Regional Director (4) - All Regions Credentials for each role can be found under NOMINATIONS at Nominations must be submitted no later than end of day, Monday, July 4 As we’ve discussed already, this slide is simply a reminder of the positions that are available. To ensure that you’ve got a great understanding of what each role entails, please review the credentials for each position that you’re interested in and proceed to the NOMINATIONS area of Please remember that all nominations must be submitted by Monday, July 4, 2011.

9 Regionalization Update – Next Steps
Review the position descriptions on the website Nominate yourself or others who are well qualified Collaborate with your chapter president and membership to agree on who you will vote for at the national conference Support the organization as we transition to Regionalization on January 1, 2012 In closing, our next steps are pretty simple. We need you and your chapter membership to review the credentials for all open positions and discuss members who are qualified for the national positions. Seek out your chapter president to discuss any nominations that you may have or would like to make. Finally, as we transition to the new structure, we will need your support. Please partner with your chapter president, members and the organization to make the transition a success.

10 Q & A Good evening and welcome to the National BDPA Regionalization Update. We thank each of you for making time to attend this critical update.

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