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Chapter 11: Cultural tourism demand

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1 Chapter 11: Cultural tourism demand
Introduction The role of ‘need’ and ‘motivation’ in cultural tourism travel The role of ‘need’ in cultural travel The motivation for cultural travel The theory of tourist motivation: Pearce’s Travel Career Ladder




5 McIntosh’s motivational categories: the centrality of cultural motives
The correlation between motivation for travel and the consumption of culture Travel awareness and tourist attitudes Mathieson and Wall’s tourist decision-making process

6 Mass tourism demand and the consumption of culture
Catalysts for mass tourism demand The homogeneity of mass tourism demand Mass tourism and the consumption of culture The emergence of Special Interest Tourism

7 The experiential economy and the consumption of culture
Lifestyle demand and cultural experience The EXCITE Economy The characteristics of demand for cultural tourism New market niches for cultural tourism Creative consumption in cultural tourism Summary

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