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Wishing You Health: Addressing Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge of Physical Activity Among Russian-Speaking Newcomers age 50 years and older residing.

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Presentation on theme: "Wishing You Health: Addressing Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge of Physical Activity Among Russian-Speaking Newcomers age 50 years and older residing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wishing You Health: Addressing Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge of Physical Activity Among Russian-Speaking Newcomers age 50 years and older residing in San Francisco, CA By Katherine Brown, MPHc; Mylene A. Cahambing-Yukhymuk, RN, MPHc; John-Vincent D. Banagan, MPHc San Francisco Department of Public Health, Newcomers Health Program: Patricia Erwin MPH, Linette Escobar MA Abstract Physical inactivity is a contributing factor to chronic illness as people get older. According to the Newcomers Health Program 2002 report, the Russian-speaking newcomer population experienced health issues that include chronic health conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Additional mental health related issues include depression and somatization. It is noted that Russian-speaking males and females exhibit hypertension while in their mid-20’s, a factor leading to premature deaths, while older Russian-speaking newcomers exhibit an average loss of 15 years of life from the U.S. average. In collaboration with the Newcomers Health Program (NHP) and the Masters in Public Health (MPH) program at San Francisco State University, the MPH student team conducted a community health assessment in which the purpose was to identify current behavior, knowledge and attitude of the community as it relates to physical activity. The student team conducted 12 key informant interviews with local service providers that assist the Russian-speaking newcomer population in San Francisco. Their insight offers ideas of how to address barriers and limitations, as well as highlight the strengths and resources within this community related to physical activity. The information collected will provide a foundation for future studies for this population- as well as help in the development and deployment of resources within this community. Department of Health Education Contact: San Francisco State University MPH Program, HSS 326 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 (415)

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