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Welcome to Year 2’s Introductory talk 2017/18

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1 Welcome to Year 2’s Introductory talk 2017/18
Becki Grunsell, Kerry Austin, Sarah Pithouse (2A), Sue Metcalfe and Shila (2G) Head of Phase: Jessie Cunningham

2 Objectives for this meeting
A chance to meet the teachers To get information on the following; - School priorities - The curriculum - Ravenstone entitlement - Routines and timetable - Admin points - Key things to remember - Contact details - Answer any questions

3 Our Values Happy Kind Creative Honest Determined
Our Vision Children Fulfilling Their Potential In The Heart Of The Community Our Values Happy Kind Creative Honest Determined

4 Our School focus This year we are focusing on;
- Implementing our vision and values - Making sure every child reaches their academic potential and is happy and safe when they come to school - To improve the curriculum, including first hand learning opportunities - To develop as teachers through a range of professional development opportunities - Improving the school environment

5 The Curriculum The Year 2 Curriculum focuses on:
The Mastery approach to Maths, Literacy texts include: The Day the Crayons Quit, The Bog Baby, The Emperors Egg, Jack and the Baked Beanstalk, Traction Man PSHE – Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and the Wider World Our Topics are: The UK, Continents and Oceans Remembrance Day Balham vs Kenya The Great Fire of London Penguins Florence Nightingale The Seaside

6 Ravenstone entitlement
The Ravenstone entitlement for this term is as followed; Trip – London Aquarium (Monday 4th December) Themed day – Remembrance Day (Monday 6th November) Internal visit – Minibeast Safari (Thursday 30th November) Total contribution in one payment via parent mail is £20 Thank you

7 Routines and timetables
Music (Aut 1Y2G) / Dance (Aut 1 Y2A) – Tuesday Library - Wednesday PE – Thursday Italian - Thursday Homework – Spellings, Times tables, Reading, Suggested Tasks – Friday Take home books – throughout the week Rewards - Marbles/Pom Pom jars

8 Admin points Milk - please order on-line with Cool Milk.
Water and fruit - clearly labelled containers please. Book bags or rucksacks labelled for taking books and letters home. Morning bells will ring at 8.40, 8:45 – late children to front office Please let the office or class teacher know if a family member or friend is picking up your child. Let the School Office know of any changes to your Emergency Contact details. Prompt dismissal in the playground at 3:15 Birthday treats - No nuts / class allergies. Sweets will only be given out at end of day and must only be eaten when child is with their parent.

9 Things to remember Homework
Homework sheets will come home on Friday in the home learning books. These will include suggested activities, tasks, space for parent comments and an area to sign to say you have read with your child (this is very important). We will also give you an update as to what we have been doing in class that week. SATs will be in May 2018 – relaxed, teacher assessment throughout the year. Phonics test in June for those who did not pass or who did not take the test in Year 1 in their previous school.

10 Contact details We will be in the playground before & after school for quick messages. If you would like to speak more privately please arrange a meeting with us.

11 Any Questions?

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