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U.S. Government Chapter 1 Notes

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1 U.S. Government Chapter 1 Notes
Section 1 Objective The learner will be able to: Identify the essential features of a state and describe the theories about the origin of government.

2 The State Aristotle was an ancient Greek scholar that was one of the first students of government. He studied the polis, the ancient Greek city-state Many terms and concepts of government such as politics, democracy, and republic originated in ancient Greece and Rome

3 Country and State Country and State have basically the same meaning.
State- comes from the Latin word “stare” meaning “to stand”. State identifies a political unit that occupies a definite territory and has an organized government with the power to make and enforce laws without approval from a higher authority.

4 Characteristics of a Nation
Is often used to describe an independent state or country. A nation is any sizable group of people who are united by common bonds of race, language, custom, tradition, and sometimes religion

5 Essential Features of a State
Population—States that have a population that shares a general political and social consensus, or agreement about basic beliefs, have a more stable government. Example: Most Americans share basic beliefs about the value of a democratic government.

6 Territory Boundaries that a state has is known as a territory.
United States continental boundaries are the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and recognized borders are with Canada and Mexico.

7 Sovereignty Sovereignty is a key characteristic of a state.
Political sovereignty means that the state has supreme and absolute authority within its territorial boundaries. It has the power to make laws, shape foreign policy, and determine its own course of action.

8 Government Every state has some form of government.
Government is the institution through which the state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces decisions that are binding on all people living within the state.

9 Theories of the Origin of the State
Many scholars have constructed theories that attempt to explain the origin of the state. Evolutionary Theory scholars believe that the state evolved from the family. The head of the primitive family served as the authority figure.

10 Origins cont. Force Theory- says that government emerged when all the people from an area were brought under the authority of one person or group. Divine Right Theory- The notion that the gods have chosen certain people to rule by divine right. Examples: The early Egyptians, Chinese, and the Aztecs

11 Social Contract Theory
Came about in the 1600s when European philosophers opposed the divine right theory. Thomas Hobbes in England was one of the first to theorize how the social contract came about. Theory that says by contract people surrender to the state the power needed to maintain order and the state, in turn, agrees to protect its citizens.

12 Social Contract cont. John Locke took the social contract a step further. He wrote that people were naturally endowed with right to life, liberty, and property. When government failed to preserve the rights of the people, the people could justly break the contract.

13 The Purposes of Government
To maintain social order To provide public services To provide for national security and a common defense To provide for and control the economic system

14 1. Maintaining Social Order
According to the social contract theory, people need government to maintain social order because they have not yet discovered a way to live in groups without conflict. Examples: people argue about boundary lines between properties, some people try to take an unfair advantage of others.

15 Providing Public Services
Government provides essential services that make community life possible and promote the general welfare. Law enforcement Food inspections

16 Providing National Security
Government protects the people against attack by other countries or from threats such as terrorism. It is very difficult to protect a country such as the United States. Guarding against terrorist, nuclear weapons, spy satellites, huge armies is difficult thing to do.

17 Making Economic Decisions
Many times the government has to make tough economic decisions. Not everyone will be taken care of.

18 Chap. 1 Sec. 1 Assignment In your own words, summarize the divine right and social contract theories. Include an introductory paragraph, one paragraph summarizing the Divine Right theory, one paragraph that summarizes the Social Contract theory, and one closing paragraph. Use your online textbook or internet to research the question. Submit assignment in net-school! Due on January 29! Chp. 1 Section 1 Quiz is tomorrow.

19 Chapter 1 Section 2 The Formation of Government
I. Government Systems A unitary system of government gives all key powers to the national or central government. Great Britain, Italy, and France were the first

20 Systems continued A federal system of government divides the powers of government between the national and state governments. The United States developed the federal system after the 13 Colonies became states.

21 Discussion Question What are the major advantages of a federal system of government?

22 Answers Participation at more levels of government.
Security at national and local levels of government.

23 II. Constitutions and Government
A constitution is a plan that provides rules for the government. Whether written or unwritten, a constitution organizes the structure of government and the way it operates. Constitutions set out the goals and purposes of government as well as the ideals shared by the people. Constitutions provide the supreme law of states and their governments.

24 Discussion Question #2 How important do you think a written constitution is to a democratic form of government?

25 III. Politics and Government
Politics is the effort to control or influence the policies and actions of government. We take part in politics if we join a citizens’ group that protest things such as higher taxes.

26 Politics continued Individuals and groups use politics to seek benefits from government. Construction workers may want the support of govt. to build new highways to create jobs. Although special interest groups seek special benefits, politics also provides benefits for all the people.

27 Why do some U.S. citizens consider “politics” negative?
Discussion Question #3 Why do some U.S. citizens consider “politics” negative? The negative side of political news often receives more attention.

28 IV. Governing in a Complex World
The world today is divided into industrial nations, developing nations, and newly industrialized nations. Industrialized countries generally have large industries with a better standard of living. Developing nations are only beginning to develop industrially. Newly industrialized nations are fast approaching industrialization.

29 Governing continued These groups of nations have many differences, but they are interdependent in many ways. Nations depend on each other in today’s world. (Global economy, developing countries depend on industrialized countries for economic aid and for medical supplies)

30 Governing continued Other groups besides nations, including multinational corporations, political movements, and international organizations, are important in today’s world. Multinationals are huge companies with factories all over the world. (General Motors, Sony etc) International Organizations (United Nations)

31 Last Section 2 Question What responsibility does the United States have for the welfare of other nations?

32 Chapter 1 Section 3 Types of Government
I. Major Types of Government Governments may be classified according to who governs the state. It could be an autocracy, oligarchy, or democracy. In an autocracy, such as a dictatorship or absolute monarchy, power and authority reside in a single individual

33 Autocracy In an autocracy, such as a dictatorship or absolute monarchy, power and authority reside in a single individual. Totalitarian dictatorship- the government control social and economic life. (Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin) Absolute Monarchy- King, Queen, or Emperor have complete power of government. (King of Saudi Arabia) Constitutional Monarchy- King, Queen share power with legislature. (Great Britain, Japan)

34 Oligarchy In an oligarchy, such as a communist country, a small group holds power in the government. Power derived from wealth, military power, social position, religion, or a combination of these. (Cuba, North Korea)

35 Democracy In a democracy, such as the United States, the people hold the sovereign power of government. Abe Lincoln describe democracy as “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

36 Discussion Question #1 Critics argue that the low voter turnout of many national elections is a weakness in our democratic system. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your viewpoint.

37 Types of Govt. cont. II. Characteristics of a Democracy
Government works to secure an equal opportunity for people to develop their own abilities. Govt. is based on majority rule through the people’s elected representatives, but respects the rights of minorities.

38 Democracy continued Govt. is based on free and open elections in which every citizen has the right to vote, every vote has equal weight, and candidates can freely express their views. Political parties choose candidates for office, respect the voters’ decisions in elections, and act as loyal opposition.

39 Discussion Question #2 Why do you think that nations with wide gaps between the rich and the poor are less likely to have successful democracies?

40 Possible answer Usually where there are wide gaps between rich and poor there is less agreement on basic issues.

41 Types of Govt. cont. III. The Soil of Democracy
Certain conditions or environments favor the development of the democratic system of govt. Countries where citizens participate fully in civic life are more likely to maintain a strong democracy.

42 Soil of Democracy cont. Stable, growing economies with a large middle class help strengthen democracies. A public school system open to all people helps promote democracy.

43 Soil Democracy cont. A strong civil society in which a network of voluntary organizations exists independent of govt. helps democracy to flourish. (religious groups, local newspapers, NRA) The people accept democratic values such as individual liberty and equality for all social consensus.

44 Chapter 1 Section 4 Economic Theories
I. The Role of Economic Systems Governments provide for many different kinds of economic systems. (Capitalism , Socialism, and Communism)

45 Role of Economic Systems cont.
Adam Smith in his book “The Wealth of Nations” wrote that the basic idea of Laissez-faire economics is the government should be hands off. Economic systems make decisions about what goods and services should be produced, how they should be produced, and who gets them.

46 Discussion Question #1 Why is some government involvement necessary for economic systems to function?

47 Answer Government must provide the basic structure in which an economic system may function.

48 Economic Theories cont.
II. Capitalism Capitalism is based on free enterprise, or individual economic choices. Capitalism developed gradually from the economic and political changes in medieval and early modern Europe.

49 Capitalism cont. The United States has a capitalist economy, but the government plays a role. Governments role in the U.S. economy has increased since the early 1900s. Today the U.S. has a mixed economy, incorporating both free enterprise and government regulation of business and industry.

50 Advantages/Disadvantages of Capitalism
Incentive to achieve individual potential Individual freedom Disadvantages: Extremes of wealth and poverty Some are left out

51 Economic Theories cont.
III. Socialism Govt. owns the basic means of production, plans the use of resources, distributes many products and wages, and provides basic social services. Socialism developed in Europe during the 19th century.

52 Socialism cont. Some socialists favored taking over the government by means of revolution, while other socialists believed in democratic socialism in which economic conditions change peacefully and people have some freedoms and rights.

53 Socialism cont. Socialist governments have taken power in several countries; however, critics argue that this economic system fails to solve most economic problems. (Norway, Great Britain, Denmark and Sweden)

54 Theories Cont. IV. Communism
Is based on the 19th century ideas of Karl Marx, who argued that capitalism exploited workers to benefit a small group of capitalists who controlled the economy. Marx predicted workers would eventually rise in a violent revolution, which would result in govt. ownership of all means of production and distribution.

55 Communism cont. In communist nations, the govt. makes all economic decisions The govt. owns the land, natural resources, industry, banks, transportation system, and controls all mass communication.

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