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14 Diaries of the First World War The anguish/ Part 3

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1 14 Diaries of the First World War The anguish/ Part 3

2 Contents 1. Summary 2. Assistant nurses 3. Persons 4. Doctors
4. Picture of an assistant nurse 5. Medical development 6. Injured soldiers 7. Marina Yoklova 8. Quotations 9. First chlorine gas attack 10. List of sources

3 summary The movie is about....
the work of assistant nurses in the First World War the injuries of soldiers the development of medicine the first gas attack in history

4 The assistant nurses were often very young (13 years)
not trained for the real thing are very proud, often members of the upper class came from all over the world Tasks: - washing and knitting bandages - burning bled things (bandage) - cheering up the wounded soldiers (patriotic smile) Weren´t allowed to go to the injured soldiers

5 Persons Elfriede Kuhr (13 years) Her grandma was an assistant nurse
She helped her grandma Sarah Macnauten Assistant nurse from England Worked in Belgium She is proud of her country

6 Picture of an assistant nurse

7 Our painting In the picture you can see an assistant nurse. You can see that she looks like an angel. The nurses were like angels for the injured soldiers. They spoke to them to ease their pain. The soldiers could forget their pain and feel better for a short moment.

8 Doctors Called helpers of death
Their task was to make the soldiers front-compatible again Miserable hygiene Decision about life and death New research in medicine

9 Medical Development Amputation: - every 2nd survived
- new job (protheses builder) Blood transfusion New painkillers New anesthesia

10 Injured soldiers Phantom pain Typhus fever- delirium
Screaming in pain like animals Were divided into 3 groups: 1. slightly injured: - back to the front 2. badly injured: - millitary hospital behind the front 3. hopeless cases: - no help Propaganda: injured soldiers are heroes

11 Marina Yurlova Children soldier Severe leg injury
A doctor could save her leg She was very frightened

12 Quotations Sarah Macnauten:
Some of the injured soldiers are so disfigured that even their mothers wouldn´t recognize them. They were crying like mad. They are so young and had to look into the hell. Their pain breaks my heart. Marina Yorlova: Most bodies lay on the ground where they had been killed- enemies side by side. The silence was terrible.

13 First chlorine gas attack
on April 22nd 1915 in Ypern/Belgium by the Germans Gas: corrosive to the lungs-agonizing death In an hour hundreds of dead people Main aim wasn´t killing but demoralizing the enemies

14 Military Hospital (Lazarett)

15 Sources content/uploads/2013/11/DSC01147-Elisa-Monse-as-Elfriede-Kuhr- e jpg&imgrefurl= weltkriegs/&h=337&w=600&tbnid=nNnzLyRdHT9XlM:&zoom=1&tbnh=90&tbnw=1 60&usg=__jQKo4lsUM_tiqOIBgwoLAxC2z7E=&docid=DO5Ah4I6SkaFFM&sa=X& ei=qadbVMyJFYHzPIKSgOgI&ved=0CCkQ9QEwAQ&dur=386 1/1a/Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I ,_Russland,_Lazarett_retouched.jpg&imgrefurl= File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I ,_Russland,_Lazarett_retouched.jpg&h=548&w=798&tbnid=nz7DSVRmkXaYZM: &zoom=1&tbnh=90&tbnw=131&usg=__ShLkDKQ9SaCt9BrFLJQKkYkQQGI=&doci d=PCo5BieVtyeUnM&client=firefox- a&sa=X&ei=5qlbVLrTE8jDObDvgLgK&ved=0CD8Q9QEwBA&dur=415

16 Thank you for your attention

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