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Published byRafe Owen Modified over 6 years ago
Using Tau polarization for Charged Higgs boson & SUSY searches @ LHC
D. P. Roy Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, India
Outline τ Polarization effect SUSY and SUSY-Higgs searches at LHC
Charged Higgs boson signal in the τ channel Using τ polarization for H± search SUSY signal in the τ channel Using τ polarization for SUSY search
τ-Polarization: V = ρ,a1 => 90% of 1-pr. hadronic decay
Best channel for τ id. is its 1-prong hadronic decay channel with BR ≈ 50% => 90% of 1-pr. hadronic decay V = ρ,a1 τ (Pτ =+1) gives hard τ-jet from π,ρL, a1L τ (Pτ = -1) gives hard τ-jet from ρT , a1T Can be distinguished from X = pπ± / pτ-jet
Raychaudhuri & Roy PRD ‘96
ρT & a1T => even sharing of E/p among decay π’s. ρL & a1L => uneven sharing, where the π± carries little or most of the E/p Hardness of π± reqd for τ-id => X > 0.3 (low-X peaks of ρL , a1Linaccessible) X > 0.8 cut will retain the high-X ρL & π conts ( Pτ = + Signal), while effectively suppressing the ρT ,a1T conts ( Pτ = – bg ). It will also suppress the fake τ bg from QCD jets effectively.
Natural Soln to the Hierarchy Problem of EWSB scale
SUSY and SUSY Higgs Boson LHC: The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is the most popular extension of the SM for 4 reasons: Natural Soln to the Hierarchy Problem of EWSB scale Natural (Radiative) Mechanism for EWSB Natural Candidate for the cold DM (LSP) Unification of Gauge GUT Scale We hope to probe this model at LHC via search for 1) Supersymmetric (SUSY) particles, and 2) The extended Higgs boson sector of MSSM and in particular the H±.
8 States - 3 Goldstone = 5 Physical St : h0, H0, A0& H±
H± LHC: 8 States - 3 Goldstone = 5 Physical St : h0, H0, A0& H± H± carries unambiguous hallmark of MSSM Higgs sector All the MSSM Higgs masses & couplings => MA & tan β
mt > MH± => large tbH+ BR at tan β 1 & tan β mt/mb
LL QCD Corr => mq mq(MH±) => mt =170, mb = 3, mc =1 GeV Pert. Lim. of H±tb coupling upto GUT Sc. => 1 < tan β < mt /mb MH= 140 GeV H→τν dominate at tanβ > 1 t→bH→bτν Sig t→bW→bτν Bg
τ-Polarization: X > 0.8
Sig cross-sections satisfying Sig/Bg ratio > 1 shown for MH = 80, 100, 120, 140, 150 & 160 GeV. (Raychaudhuri & Roy PRD ’96)
Assamagan, Coadou & Deandrea
mH > mt => gb→tH+ H+→ tb (leading): QCD Bg H+→τν (BR~15%): Viable Sig Viability of H± tb channel is not supported by the full simulation study:Lowette, D’Hondt &Vanlaer
Heavy H± (MH>200GeV) Signal at LHC in hadronic τ decay channel
b t g t Sig has much harder pTτ-jet > 100 GeV (Enhanced by τ pol effect). Azimuthal angle between τ-jet and missing-pT is peaked in backward direction for signal ( forward direction for background). Transverse mass of τ-jet and missing-pT —> MH for Sig (MW for Bg)
Guchait, Kinnunen & Roy EPJ ‘07 PYTHIA+TAUOLA + CMSJET Hardness of π± reqd for τ-id => X > 0.3 X > 0.8 cut retains most of the remaining Signal, while effectively suppressing the Bg.
3-prong τ-jet without π0 R3 > 0.8 or < 0.4 retains most of the Signal, while suppressing the Bg.
mT > 200 GeV cut effectively suppresses the Bg without affecting the Signal. Provides estimate of H± mass.
H± discovery limit at LHC with luminosity of 30 fb -1 (solid)
and 100 fb -1 (dashed lines).
SUSY LHC: mSUGRA: SUSY Br in HS communicated to the OS via grav. Int. m0 , m ½ , tanβ, A0 , sign (μ) at GUT scale ( A0 = 0 & +ve μ) RGE ( Weak Sc masses)
Chattopadhyay et al m0 ~ m1/2 TeV (Bino LSP) mh > 115 GeV m1/2 > 400 GeV (M1>2MZ) also large sfermion mass Bino does not carry any gauge charge Pair annihilate via sfermion exch Large sfermion mass too large Ωh2 Except for the stau co-ann. region
τ is soft, but Pτ≈+1 Guchait & Roy Co-annihilation region μ >0
BR ≈ 1 BR = 1 τ is soft, but Pτ≈+1 μ<0 One can use Pτ to detect the Soft τ coming from
= X 1-prong hadronic τ decay (BR≈0.5) With pT > 20 GeV cut for the τ-jet the τ misid. Probability from QCD jets goes down from 6% for R > 0.3 (pTπ±> 6 GeV) to 0.25% for R > 0.8 (pTπ± > 16 GeV), while retaining most Of the signal.
Soft τ signal from decay in the co-annihilation region Godbole, Guchait and Roy ‘08
N(15-25 GeV)/N(25-40 GeV) = 2.3 for Signal and 1.0 for BG.
So the steep rise of the Signal at the low PT end can be used to distinguish it from the BG and also to measure the small mass difference
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