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Published byFrancine O’Brien’ Modified over 6 years ago
Development of CMOS sensors adapted to the vertex detector requirements
M.Winter, on behalf of IPHC (ex-IReS) Strasbourg DAPNIA Saclay (Mimosa-8,-15, ADC) LPSC Grenoble (ADC) LPC Clermont (ADC) Univ. Frankfurt (Mimosa-11) Fast integrated signal processing architecture Delayed signal processing architecture room temperature Exploration of fabrication processes Thinning EUDET project, STAR upgrade LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India
Specific aspects of the CMOS VD concept
ADC, sparsification pixels Overall design a priori very similar to TESLA TDR concept (CCD): Basic characteristics: Main R&D effort 5 cylindrical layers inner most double sided ? R = 15 – 60 mm surface ~ 3000 cm2 support sensor thickness ~ 35 m total number of pixels ~ 300 millions Pmean ~≤ 25 W (full detector; 1/20 duty cycle) operated T ~ 20oC Layer Pitch tr.o. Nlad Npix Pinstdiss Pmeandis L1 20 m 25 s 20 25M < 100 W < 5 W L2 25 m 50 s 26 65M < 130 W < 7 W L3 30 m 200 s 24 75M L4 35 m 32 70M < 110 W < 6 W L5 40 m 40 < 125 W total 142 305M < 565 W <29 W concentrated on achieving fast CMOS sensors signal processing (sparsification) integrated/chip LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Status of the main R&D directions
Fast read-out in L1/L2 with // processing of columns Mimosa 8 (with Saclay) characterized in test beam. Mimosa 15 (M8 pixel in AMS 0.35 opto) tested in lab. Multi-memory architecture (FAPS) in L3-L5 Mimosa 12 tested in lab. Radiation hardness (Ionising high TºC Mimosa 11 characterized in test beam. irradiated with 10 keV X-Rays up to 1 MRad. other on going activities Fabrication process characterisation ADC Thinning Mimostar-2 data taking in real experimental conditions (end ‘06) CMOS sensor beam telescope (EUDET-FP6 project) LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
// read-out architecture
// read-out architecture: Mimosa 8
Test in lab: 55Fe results Pixel noise ~ 15 e- CDS ending each column Pixel-to-pixel dispersion ~ 8 e- Test beam results (DESY, 5GeV e-) Analog part (see F.Orsini, Vienna Nov. ‘05) Charge ~ 450 e- thin epi layer Typical noise ~ e- S/N (MPV) ~ Digital part The discriminator works as expected: efficiency / purity / multiplicity Next: AMS 0.35 OPTO, rad. tol. pixel, ADC, speed - TSMC 0.25 m fab. process with ~ 7 m epitaxial layer Pixel pitch: 25 m 3 sub matrices with 3 diode sizes 1.2 x 1.2 μm2 1.7 x 1.7 μm2 2.4 x 2.4 μm2 24 // columns of 128 pixels with 1 discriminator per column 8 analog outputs Vth = 2.5mV w/o source with source Vth = 5.5mV LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter w/o source with source
M8 digital : Efficiency and fake rate
Temp. = +20oC; r.o. = 40 MHz Fake Hit rate / pixel / event Average hit multiplicity (number of pixels in cluster) S/N(seed) cut > 4 ( discri. threshold =3.4 mV) Fake rate ~ 10-3 First sensor with integrated signal digitisation ! Architecture may be extended for EUDET beam telescope LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Mimosa 15: translation in AMS 0.35 opto
TSMC – 0.25 technology < 7 μm epitaxial layer thickness: signal ~ 450 e- while AMS-0.35 OPTO techno ~< 12 μm thickness: signal ~ e- Translate Mimosa 8 in AMS-0.35 OPTO technology First step: Mimosa 15 (fabricated in Summer 2005) Pixel with integrated CDS design of Mimosa 8 2 diode sizes: 1.7 x 1.7 μm2 & 2.4 x 2.4 μm2 Lab. tests in December-January LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Mimosa 15: tests with 55Fe source
2.4 x 2.4 μm2 diode: Noise ~< 10 e- ENC Charge to voltage conversion gain ~ 50 μV/e- Gain & Noise very close to Mimosa 8 ready for full translation of Mimosa 8 But: less signal charge collected adapt sensing diode size Qseed ~ 10% of Qtot (instead of ~ 25%) Q3x3 ~ 30% of Qtot (instead of ~ 70%) Cluster seed Mean ~ 8.3 e- 2.4 x 2.4 μm2 T = 20 oC 25 MHz Calibration peak Charge (electrons) Noise (electrons) LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Multi-memory architecture
Multi-memory architecture (1)
Mimosa 12 (MOSAIC-1) Layers 3-5 (& layer 2 ?) Prototype exploring various types & dimensions of memory cells AMS-0.35 m techno 4 capacitors/pixel (35 m pitch) 6 sub-arrays with various MOS capa.: 50, 100, 200 fF Aim for minimal size capacitors providing satisfactory precision, depending on pitch - i.e. layer - (~ 4.6 fF/m2) Minimal size of capacitor: ~ 50 fF (see also CAP for BELLE) Cap : 100 fF Cap : 200 fF Cap : 50 fF AC : Poly - Poly AC : Nwell - Poly Clamping LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Multi-memory architecture (2)
4 capacitors / pixel Calibration peak with 55Fe With sampling and read-out With direct read-out Write Read Read tint ~ 230 μs ~ O(1 ms) Standard pixel Without sampling 50 fF 100 fF 200 fF Storage duration is critical LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Radiation hardness
Radiation hardness (1) Mimosa 11: structures Mimosa 11: test beam
AMS 0.35 μm opto. 8 different sub-matrices Standard rad tol: thin oxide and guard ring Minimize leakage current Mimosa 11: test beam DESY, 5 GeV e- T = +40 oC ; 700 μs (2.5 MHz) S/N (MPV) ~ 24 Eff = 99,9 0.05 % SF SB p+ p+ n+ p+ P-Well N-Well P-epi Standard (A0 sub 2) P+ poly filling Partially P+ doped Partially P+ doped P+ poly filling SF SB p+ n+ p+ n+ p+ P-Well N-Well P-epi Rad hard (A3 sub 1) LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Mimosa 11 200 μs 10 keV X-ray Temperature -25 °C 10°C 40 °C 0kRad
(with S. Amar-Youcef, C. Müntz, J. Stroth. Frankfurt) Temperature -25 °C 10°C 40 °C 0kRad Noise (e-) Standard structure 200 μs 500kRad Integration time (ms) Rad hard structure 4-pixel cluster: 55Fe spectrum before (red) and after (green) 1 Mrad of +40°C (200 µs integ. time) Standard structure Rad hard structure ADC counts LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Other on-going activities
Other on-going activities
Fabrication process exploration TSMC 0.25 μm: Typical cluster charge for MIP ~ 450 e- Epi. Layer ~ 6.5 μm AMS 0.35 μm OPTO: S/N ~ (MPV) det ~ % ; sp = m (20 m pitch) Process performances assessed (M9, M11, M14, M15) engineering run for fab. yield estimate Epi. Layer ~ 12 μm (new option: “20 µm”) Process expected to remain available for many years Will be used for EUDET, STAR ADC LPC-Clermont: full flash ADC proto. fab. in Autumn 2005 LPSC-Grenoble: semi-flash ADC proto. subm. in Dec 2005 DAPNIA & IPHC: Succ. approx. 4 & 5 bits proto. subm. in March & June 2006 IPHC: Wilkinson double ramp (5 bits) Thinning (Mimosa-5) TRACIT company: Thinning at 50 μm successful (mech.) electrical tests foreseen On going tests to thin down to μm LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
MimoSTAR 2 Efficiency vs Temp S/N (MPV) vs Temp (DESY, 5 GeV e-)
AMS 0.35 μm OPTO. 30 μm pitch 2 matrices 64 x 128, JTAG architecture Rad. hard structure (based on Mimosa 11) To be mounted on ladders installed in STAR (2006) assessment in real exptal conditions Ionising radiation tolerant pixel validated at temperature up to + 40 oC No active cooling needed at int. time ~< O(1 ms) Prototype of a beam telescope demonstrator chip (EUDET) Efficiency vs Temp S/N (MPV) vs Temp Test-beam results (DESY, 5 GeV e-) 2 r.o. time (2 and 10 MHz) 800 μs and 4 ms LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Plans for 2006
2006 overview Engineering Run in AMS 0.35 OPTO (end June 06)
5 different sensors ILC, EUDET, STAR Several ADC prototypes spin-offs: 1) fabrication yield assessment 2) < 50 µm thinning trials and yield assessment 3) explore 20 µm epitaxy performances Other chip fabrications Mimosa-21 (multi-memory pixel for outer layers) 8 capacitors per pixel (60 fF, 120 µs int. time, 26 µm pitch), 1 kHz r.o. freq. several different memory types (current and voltage) V.D.S.M. process exploration: AMS O.18 µm OPTO ? Start sparsification studies Thinning Aim for 35 µm thickness Try several suppliers (eventually with full custom substrate) Power cycling DESY LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Engineering Run in AMS 0.35 OPTO
Submission end June ‘06 Motivated by MIMOSTAR-3L : 200 kpixels, 30 µm pitch, tr.o. = 2 ms, 2 cm2 Other chips: MIMOTEL: 0.8x0.8 cm2, rad.tol., 800 μs (EUDET) MIMOSA-8+: fast read out architecture (EUDET, ILC) MIMOSA-15+: Noise reduction, etc. (EUDET, ILC) IMAGER: resolution ~1 μm (EUDET) ADCs: flash, 1/2-flash, succ. app., ... (EUDET, ILC) Epitaxy thickness «14» and «20» µm Up to six 8 inch wafers, made of ~ 50 reticles each Back from foundry in September ‘06 MIMO*3L (640 x 320) M-20 Mimosa 8+ (128 x32) M-16 Imager (512 x 512) M-18 MIMOTEL (256 x 256) M-17 Mimosa 15+ (200 x400) M-19 LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Summary Fast col. // architecture for inner most layers
Full chain up to discrimination validated on test beam Next step (June ’06): translation in AMS 0.35 OPTO with rad. tol. pixel at Troom In parallel: development of various 4-5 bits ADCs Multi-memory pixels for outer layers Sensors with 4 capa./pixel (35 µm pitch) characterised ≥~ 50 fF mandatory (?) New prototype in Autumn ’06: 8 capa./pixel (60fF, 120 µs integ. time), 26 µm pitch, current vs voltage memories Fabrication process investigations AMS 0.35 OPTO assessed (likely to remain available for several years) estimate yield and study ~≤ 20 µm epitaxy option (engineering run in June ’06) Study VDSM technology by end ’06 (e.g. AMS 0.18 OPTO) Assessment of sensor operation in STAR (4 MIMO*-2 on ladders) by end ’06 Thinning: 50 µm thickness seems ~ OK (yield ?) try µm LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Research team IPHC: J. Baudot, A. Besson, G. Claus, C. Colledani, (G. Deptuch), M. Deveaux, A. Dorokhov, W. Dulinski, M. Goffe, D. Grandjean, F. Guilloux, S. Heini, A. Himmi, Ch. Hu, K. Jaaskelainen, M. Pellicioli, O. Robert, A. Shabetai, M. Szelezniak, I. Valin, M. Winter DAPNIA: M. Besançon, Y. Degerli, E. Delagnes, N. Fourches, Y. Li, P. Lutz, F. Orsini LPSC: D.Dzahini, M.Dahoumane, H.Ghazlane, J.Y.Hostachy, E.Lagorio, O.Rossetto, D.Tourres LPCC: B.Bohner, R.Cornat, P.Gay, J.Lecoq, L.Royer (Univ. Frankfurt: S. Amar-Youcef) LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Mimosa 11 200 μs 10 keV X-ray Temperature -25 °C 10°C 40 °C 0kRad
(with S. Amar-Youcef, C. Müntz, J. Stroth. Frankfurt) Temperature -25 °C 10°C 40 °C 0kRad 20kRad Standard structure 200 μs 500kRad Rad hard structure Noise (e-) 1000kRad Integration time (ms) LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
M8 digital : Hit multiplicity
LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
Multi-memory architecture (1)
Diode « self-bias » Couplage AC 50fF Ampli. Nmos G~10 4 capacités de stockage Ampli. Source Follower Cap : 200 fF Cap : 100 fF Diode « self-bias » Couplage AC 50fF Ampli. Nmos G~10 2 capacités de stockage « clamping » (CDS intégré) Ampli. Source Follower Cap : 50 fF Diode « self-bias » Couplage AC 50fF Poly-Poly Nwell - Poly Ampli. Pmos G~7 4 capacités de stockage ( Cap =200 fF) Ampli. Source Follower AC : Poly - Poly AC : Nwell - Poly Clamping LCWS March 2006, Bangalore, India Marc Winter
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