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The Muscular System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Muscular System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Muscular System

2 Cool Facts About Your Muscles
You have over 630 muscles in your body! 40% of your body weight is muscle. Eye muscles are the busiest muscles in the body. Scientists estimate they may move more than 100,000 times a day! Your largest muscle is the gluteus maximus It takes only 17 muscles to smile, but 42 muscles to frown!

3 READ….. Page 409 Define: muscular system

4 What does your muscular system do?
Produces movement (muscles pull not push) Maintains body position and posture (through contraction) Guards entrances and exits (openings to digestive and urinary tracts) Maintains body temperature (energy from contraction is converted to heat)

5 READ & DEFINE…. Read page 410 Define:
Skeletal muscles: attach to bones to make them move. They are voluntary muscles. Smooth muscles: found in internal organs, blood vessels and glands. They are involuntary. Cardiac-only found in the heart. They are involuntary muscles. Voluntary muscles- you have the power to control their movement. Involuntary muscles - move without you being aware of it.

6 How do muscles move me? Read pages 411 & 412
Muscles work together in pairs called antagonistic muscle pairs. The first motion is called contraction (the muscles get shorter) The second motion is called extension (the muscles lengthen) Examples: Biceps & triceps Hamstrings & quadriceps

7 Contraction and Extension

8 Diagram…. Use Figure 16.2 (page 410) to label the muscles
Answer the questions that follow.


10 Muscle Actions What do your biceps do? What do your triceps do?
What do your hamstrings do? What do your quadriceps do?

11 Taking care of your muscles
Stay active-remember the heart is a muscle too! Warm-up and cool-down Lift properly When muscles are strained use the P.R.I.C.E formula Protect -Compression Rest Elevate Ice

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