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Hydration Why is it important?.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydration Why is it important?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydration Why is it important?

2 Did you know… 60% of our body is water. Lungs are 90% water
Brain is 70% water Blood is 80% water

3 ~Water allows our bodies to work~
During and post workout water: Lubricates our joints Maintains our blood volume Flushes out toxins & lactic acid Aids in repair of micro tears in muscles due to exercise Repairs cellular damage

4 How much do we lose??? A person under normal conditions will lose between ounces per hour. Add in heat, humidity, and high intensity and a person can lose up to 3% of their body weight per hour.

5 Dehydration, or loss of 2. 5% bodyweight, takes place very quickly
Dehydration, or loss of 2.5% bodyweight, takes place very quickly. Mild Dehydration, or loss of 1.5% bodyweight, can occur within just 30 minutes.

6 How does dehydration affect us?
---Negative impact on performance--- Studies have shown that a drop of only 2.5% of bodyweight resulted in a 45% loss in capability to perform high intensity exercise.

7 How do I stay hydrated? Old Way: 6 to 8 glasses of water a day
New Way: active hydration with a purpose * With the demands you are putting on your body, just drinking plain water may not be enough.*

8 What to do? Have a Game Plan:
-Hydrate before practice hours before. -Hydrate before meets---the night before.

9 What to do? 2. Decide what to drink: Commercial drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, or Juice are not the best options. Why not??? Gatorade = full of simple sugars. Powerade = full of high fructose corn syrup. Juice = full of fructose.

10 What to do? ~Water = okay at hydrating.
~Chocolate milk = okay for a recovery drink, not for hydration.

11 What to do? Active Hydration Drinks such as Hammer Heed, Cytomax, and Osmo are good for hydration. Note: Osmo appears to have the highest impact.

12 *Great at keeping you hydrated*
What to do? Water Plus: ~20 oz water ~1/8 teaspoon iodized table salt ~1/2 teaspoon sugar or honey *Great at keeping you hydrated*

13 What to do? ~Soda = never. ~Energy drinks = never.

14 What to do? How much should I have?
-2 hours before practice: 24 ounces -During practice: ounces per hour

15 What to do? 3. Drink ~Make sure to drink oz/kg of your body weight per hour. ~Drinking water that is ice cold helps to keep core temperature down. ~Drink before, during AND after practice.


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