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Mental Health Chapter 4 Notes.

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1 Mental Health Chapter 4 Notes

2 Entry Task Lately, I spend a lot of time just staring at the ceiling or crying or no reason at all. I haven’t told anyone about my problems. I don’t want to be labeled as a “mental case.” Please Respond thoroughly: What Advice would you give to this person? What would you say about the person’s fear of being labeled?

3 Mental Health Please answer the following questions as thoroughly and thoughtfully as possible… Brainstorm known causes of mental health disorders How much control do you think a person has over those causes?

4 Mental Health Please create 5 sentences using the words below (at least one word from the list per sentence) Heredity - Paranoid Anxiety - Disorder Phobia - Therapy Compulsion - Perfectionist Personality - Relaxation

5 Mental Health 0ne in every five teens has some type of mental health problem Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens. Nearly two-thirds of all people with diagnosable mental disorders do not seek treatment. --Surgeon General's Report on _Mental Illness

6 After today you should be able to…
Explain how mental disorders are recognized Identify causes of mental disorders Describe various mental disorders

7 What is a Mental Disorder?
Reduces one’s ability to function An inability to adjust to change Can influence social skills/ability

8 What Causes Mental Illness?
Environment Experiences Self-esteem Physical Causes Body chemistry Disease Toxins and drugs Heredity Genetic

9 Warning Signs Anxiety Depression Sudden change in mood or behavior
Physical complaints Psychosomatic Poor performance

10 Classifications of Mental Disorders
Neurosis Common, easily treated Anxiety disorders Phobias Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder \ Panic attacks Mood Disorders Depression Impulse-Control Disorders

11 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
How are traumatic events covered in the media? Initial coverage Coverage on anniversaries How do you think media coverage might effect survivors or witnesses? Please write one paragraph

12 Anxiety Disorders – Phobias
How is fear a helpful emotion? Examples?

13 Bipolar Disorder Distinguish the difference between normal mood shifts and mood shifts that would signify a disorder

14 Classifications of Mental Disorders
Personality Disorders Group A Paranoid personality disorder Group B Antisocial personality disorder Group C Dependent personality disorder

15 Classifications of Mental Disorders
Psychosis Difficult to function in the real world Schizophrenia Misconceptions? Examples? Movies? T.V. shows?

16 Eating Disorders Anorexia Bulimia Obesity

17 Therapy Psychotherapy Insight Therapy Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
Group Therapy

18 Therapy Medication Hospitalization Alternative
Relaxation techniques, meditation, music therapy or art therapy

19 People With Healthy Personalities…
Are self-disciplined Are trustworthy Like themselves Are responsible Will help others

20 People With Health Personalities…
Feel valuable Get along well with others Express emotions in healthful ways Solve problems in a constructive manner Have a philosophy and purpose of life

21 Evaluation Evaluate the five sentences you wrote at the beginning of class by putting a + by correct sentence, or a – by the incorrect sentences Now, write a correct statement for each incorrect sentence

22 Anorexia – Signs Dieting despite being thin
Obsession with calories, fat grams, and nutrition Pretending to eat or lying about eating Preoccupation with food Strange or secretive food rituals

23 Anorexia – Causes Biological Psychological Family and social pressures

24 Eating Disorders – Maria’s Story
“Seventeen-year-old Maria has been on one diet or another since she was in junior high. She recently lost 10 pounds from an already slender frame after becoming a strict vegetarian. Her parents are concerned about the weight loss, but Maria insists that she’s just under stress at school. Meanwhile, her vegetarian diet is becoming stricter by the day. Maria obsessively counts calories, measures food portions, and weighs herself at least twice a day. She refuses to eat at restaurants, in the school cafeteria, or anywhere else in public, and she lives on salad dressed with vinegar, rice cakes, and sugar-free Jell-O. Maria also has a large stash of fat-free candy in her room. She allows herself to indulge as long as she goes for a run right afterwards”.

25 Anorexia Healthy Dieting Unhealthy Dieting
Weight loss is viewed as a way to improve health and appearance. Self-esteem is based on more than just weight and body image. Is an attempt to control weight The goal is to lose weight in a healthy way. Unhealthy Dieting Weight loss is viewed as a way to achieve happiness. Self-esteem is based entirely on how much you weigh and how thin you are. Is an attempt to control your life and emotions Becoming thin is all that matters; health is not a concern.

26 Anorexia - Affects

27 TREATING ANOREXIA Restoring the person to a healthy weight
Treating the psychological issues related to the eating disorder Reducing or eliminating behaviors or thoughts that lead to disordered eating, and preventing relapse. Source: National Institute of Mental Health

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