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From Inception to Elaboration
Objectives Elaboration is the initial series of iterations during which the team does the following Serious investigation Discover & stabilize major requirements Mitigate/retire risks ( business value ) Build core architecture elements Estimate overall schedule and resources Establish a supporting environment
Inception - Artifacts and Activities (1)
Short Requirements workshop Naming most actors, goals, use cases Keep use cases brief (10-20% are in fully dressed) Identify most risky & influential quality requirements First version of Supplementary Specification and vision are written
Inception - Artifacts and Activities ( 2 )
Risk list (including deadlines on demo) Technical feasibility investigation (does the requirements supported by our used technology? ) UI oriented prototypes to clarify vision Buy/build/reuse components (ex: recommendations to buy a tax calculator) High-level candidate architecture (a rough estimate of various accessories; a java front end? ) Plan for the first iteration Candidate tools list
Elaboration - Key Ideas
Not a waterfall model ! Two to six weeks for each iteration Timeboxed iterations (deadlines should be strictly maintained) Each iteration products ends in a stable and tested release
Architecture Prototype/Baseline
Not a partial system Evolutionary prototype of final product Don’t create throw-away prototypes Production subset of final system Also called Executable Architecture
Best Practices Start programming early
Adapt based on feedback from tests, users, developers Design, implement and test adaptively Test early and realistically Requirements and use case details through series of workshops (once per iteration)
Requirements and Iterations ranking depends on….
Risk -includes technical complexity and other factors. Coverage -whether all major parts are covered or not. Criticality -functions of high business value.
Ranking Rank work across iterations
High ranking scenarios in early iterations (ex: process sales, logging, etc.) Rank adaptively
UP Artifacts planning Iteration Plan:- only the next iteration is planned Change Request:- plan written in greater detailed whenever necessary Software Development Plan:- overall requirement ranking is recorded.
Artifacts starting in Elaboration (this will not be completed rather refined over iterations)
Domain Model (conceptual class diagram) Design Model (logical design: class diagram, object oriented diagram, etc.) Software Architecture Document (summary of ideas and motivations) Data Model (database schemas..) Test Model Implementation Model (source code, databases and so on. ) Use-Case Storyboards and UI Prototypes (description of user interfaces, navigations etc.
Inception and Elaboration
Main output is a stable software architecture, that enables quality planning of Construction and Deployment 15 to 25 percent of total project cost
You didn’t Understand Elaboration When …
No Timeboxed schedule Single Iteration Most requirements already defined No Risk mitigation/resolution No Executable Architecture Requirements Phase Attempt full and careful design
You didn’t Understand Elaboration When (2)...
Minimal feedback and adaptation No early and realistic testing Frozen Architecture No Proof-of-concept programming No multiple requirements workshops
Drawing System Sequence Diagrams
Objectives Identify System Events.
Create System Sequence diagrams for the events.
Iteration 1 First real development iteration.
The requirement work done during inception phase was to decide if the project was worth more serious investigation. Before starting iteration 1 design work, further investigation of the problem domain is useful such as clarification of the input and output system events, related to the system.
SSD versus Sequence Diagram
A System Sequence Diagram is an artifact that illustrates input and output events related to the system under discussion. System Sequence Diagrams are typically associated with use-case realization in the logical view of system development. Sequence Diagrams (Not System Sequence Diagrams) display object interactions arranged in time sequence.
Sequence Diagrams Sequence Diagrams depict the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the system. Sequence diagrams can be used to drive out testable user interface requirements.
SSD—System Behavior System behaves as “Black Box”.
Interior objects are not shown, as they would be on a Sequence Diagram. :System
System Sequence Diagrams
Use cases describe- How actors interact with system. Typical course of events that external actors generate and The order of the events. System Sequence Diagrams should be done for the main success scenario of the use-case, and frequent and alternative scenarios.
Notation Object: Objects are instances of classes. Object is represented as a rectangle which contains the name of the object underlined. Because the system is instantiated, it is shown as an object. :Object1
Notation (2) Actor: An Actor is modeled using the ubiquitous symbol, the stick figure. actor1
Notation (3) Lifeline: The Lifeline identifies the existence of the object over time. The notation for a Lifeline is a vertical dotted line extending from an object.
Notation (4) Message: Messages, modeled as horizontal arrows between Activations, indicate the communications between objects. messageName(argument)
Example of an SSD enterItem(itemID, quantity) endSale() and
Following example shows the success scenario of the Process Sale use case. Events generated by cashier (actor)- makeNewSale() enterItem(itemID, quantity) endSale() and makePayment(amount).
SSD for Process Sale scenario
System Sequence Diagrams and Use Cases
System Sequence Diagram is generated from inspection of a use case. Constructing a systems sequence diagram from a use case- 1.Draw a line representing the system as a black box. 2.Identify each actor that directly operates on the system. Draw a line for each such actor.
System Sequence Diagrams and Use Cases
3.From the use case, typical course of events text, identify the system (external) events that each actor generates. They will correspond to an entry in the right hand side of the typical use case. Illustrate them on the diagram. 4.Optionally, include the use case text to the left of the diagram.
SSDs are derived from use cases.
System Events and System Boundary
Identifying the System events- Determine the actors that directly interact with the system. In the process Sale example, the customer does not directly interact with the POS system. Cashier interacts with the system directly. Therefore cashier is the generator of the system events.
Defining system boundary (system itself).
Naming System Events and Operations
External input event generated by an actor. Initiates a responding operation by system. System operation Operation invoked in response to system event.
Naming System Events and Operations(2)
System events and their associated system operations should be expressed at the level of intent rather than in terms of the physical input medium or widget. In order to improve the clarity, it is appropriate to start the name of the system event with a verb (for example- add….,enter….,end….,make…. etc.,). It also emphasizes the command origination of these events.
Naming System Events and Operations(3)
For example “enterItem” is better than “scan” as it captures the intent of operation rather than what interface is used to capture the system event (design choice).
Choose event and operation names at an abstract level
Showing Use Case Text It is desirable to show at least fragments of use case text for the scenario. The text provides the details and context, while the diagram visually summarizes the interaction.
SSD with use case text
SSD and the Glossary Since the terms used in SSDs are terse, they may need proper explanation. If these terms are not explained in use cases, glossary could be used. A glossary is less formal, it is easier to maintain and more intuitive to discuss with external parties such as users and customers. However, glossary data should be meaningful, otherwise it will be an unnecessary work.
System Sequence Diagrams Within the Unified Process
System Sequence Diagrams are a visualization of the interactions implied in the use cases. System Sequence Diagrams were not explicitly mentioned in the original UP description. In UP Phases 1.Inception: System Sequence Diagrams are not usually motivated in inception.
System Sequence Diagrams Within the Unified Process
Elaboration: It is useful to create System Sequence Diagrams during elaboration in order to - Identify the system events and major operations. To write system operation contracts (Contracts describe detailed system behavior) and To support estimation.
Domain model: visualizing concepts
Domain Model Relationships
Business Model Classes, attributes, associations Elaboration on some terms Use Case Model Domain objects Glossary Requirements Interaction Diagrams Design
A Domain Model illustrates meaningful conceptual classes in a problem domain. is a representation of real-world concepts, not software components. is NOT a set of diagrams describing software classes, or software objects and their responsibilities. It may show: concepts associations between concepts attributes of concepts
Domain Model UML Notation
Illustrated using a set of class diagrams for which no operations are defined. A Domain Model is a description of things in the real world. A Domain Model is not a description of the software design. A concept is an idea, thing, or object.
A Domain Model is not a Software Artifact
Software Artifacts: A Conceptual class: Sales Database Sale Date Time vs. Sale Date Time Print()
Identify Conceptual Classes by Noun Phrase:
Identify Nouns and Noun Phrases in textual descriptions of the domain. Fully dressed Use Cases are good for this type of linguistic analysis. It’s not strictly a mechanical process: Words may be ambiguous Different phrases may represent the same concepts.
Steps to create a Domain Model
Identify Candidate Conceptual classes Draw them in a Domain Model Add associations necessary to record the relationships that must be retained Add attributes necessary for information to be preserved Apply existing Analysis Patterns
Apply the Mapmaker Strategy
Use existing names for things, the vocabulary of the domain Exclude irrelevant features Do not add things that are not there
A Common Mistake - Classes as Attributes
Rule: If we do not think of a thing as a number or text in the real world, then it is probably a conceptual class. If it takes up space, then it is likely a conceptual class. Examples: A Store is not an attribute of a Sale A Destination is not an attribute of a flight
Specification or Description Conceptual Classes
A Class that records information about an item. Even if all Instances of the item are sold out, the description remains. Avoids duplication of recording the descriptive information with each instance of the item.
Description of a Service Example (Flight)
Date Time Number Airport Name Flies-to vs. Flight Date Time Flight Desc Date Time Airport Name Described -by Describes -flights-to
Monopoly Concepts (candidates)
Monopoly Game Player Piece Square Die Board
The NextGen POS (partial) Domain Model
Domain Model Adding Associations
Objectives Identify associations for a domain model.
Distinguish between need-to-know and comprehension-only associations.
Introduction Identify associations of conceptual classes needed to satisfy the information requirements of current scenarios. Also identify the aid in comprehending the domain model.
Associations An association is a relationship between instances of types that indicates some meaningful and interesting connection
Associations Fig 1.Associations
Useful Associations Associations for which knowledge of the relationship needs to be preserved for some duration. Associations derived from the Common Associations List.
UML Association Notation
An association is represented as a line between classes with an association name. Associations are inherently bidirectional. Optional reading direction arrow is only an aid to the reader of the diagram.
UML Association Notation
Finding Associations-Common Associations List
The common categories that are worth considering are: A is a physical part of B . Eg: Wing-Airplane A is a logical part of B. Eg: SalesLineItem-Sale. A is physically contained in B . Eg: Register- Store.
Common Associations List 2
A is logically contained in B. Eg:ItemDescription-Catalog. A is a description of B.Eg:ItemDescription-Item. A is a line item of a transaction or report B.Eg:SalesLineItem-Sale. A is a member of B .Eg: Cashier-Store. A uses or manages B.Eg:Cashier-Register.
Common Associations List 3
A is known/logged/recorded/reported/captured in B.Eg: Sale-Register. A is an organizational subunit of B . Eg:Department-Store. A communicates with B. Eg:Customer-Cashier. A is next to B. Eg:City-City.
Common Associations List 4
A is related to a transaction B. Eg: Customer-Payment. A is a transaction related to another transaction B. Eg:Payment-Sale. A is next to B. Eg:City-City. A is owned by B. Eg:Register-Store. A is an event related to B. Eg:Sale-Customer.
High-Priority Associations
A is a physical or logical part of B. A is physically or logically contained in/on B. A is recorded in B.
Associations Guidelines
The knowledge of the relationship needs to be preserved for some duration. Identifying conceptual classes is more important than identifying associations. Avoid showing redundant or derivable associations.
Roles Each end of an association is called a role. Roles may have name
multiplicity expression navigability
Multiplicity Multiplicity defines the number of instances of a class A ,that can be associated with one instance of class B,at a particular moment. Eg: In countries with monogamy laws,a person can be married to 1 person at any particular time.But over a span of time one person can be married to many persons.
Multiplicity Fig 3 Multiplicity on an association.
Multiplicity Fig 4. Multiplicity values.
Naming Associations Name an association based on TypeName-VerbPhrase-TypeName format. Names should start with a capital letter. Legal formats are: Paid-by PaidBy
Associations Names Fig 5.Association names.
Multiple Associations
Two types may have multiple associations between them.
Multiple Associations
Fig 6. Multiple associations.
Implementation The domain model can be updated to reflect the newly discovered associations. But,avoid updating any documentation or model unless there is a concrete justification for future use. Defer design considerations so that extraneous information is not included and maximizing design options later on.
Cleaning Associations 1
Do not overwhelm the domain model with associations that are not strongly required. Use need-to-know criterion for maintaining associations. Deleting associations that are not strictly demanded on a need-to-know basis can create a model that misses the point.
Cleaning Associations 2
Add comprehension-only associations to enrich critical understanding of the domain.
A partial domain model
Without need-to-know associations
Conclusion When in doubt if the concept is required,keep the concept.
When in doubt if the the association is required,drop it. Do not keep derivable association.
Domain Model: Adding Attributes
OBJECTIVES Learn how to identify and specify attributes in a domain model Learn to distinguish attributes correctly
ATTRIBUTES After establishing classes based on the concepts of use case scenarios, the scenarios are examined to discover attributes Attributes are logical data values of an object
UML Attribute Notation
Valid Attribute Types Keep attributes simple
Distinguish between conceptual and implementation perspectives Identify data types
Relate with associations, not attributes
Avoid Representing Complex Domain Concepts as Attributes
Non Primitive Data Type
Represent what may be considered a primitive data type (such as a number or string) as a non primitive class if: It is composed of separate sections. phone number, name of person There are operations usually associated with it, such as parsing or validation. social security number It has other attributes promotional price could have a start date and end date
Non Primitive Data Type
It has a quantity with a unit. payment amount has a unit of currency It has abstraction of one or more types with some of these qualities. item identifier in the sales domain is a generalization of types such as Universal product code(UPC) or European Article Number(EAN)
Non primitive data Types
Applying these guidelines to the POS domain model yields the following analysis: The item identifier is an abstraction of various common coding codes schemes, including UPC-A, UPC-E, and the family of EAN schemes. These numeric coding schemes have subparts identifying the manufacturer, product and EAN
(continued) The price and the amount attribute should be non primitive Quantity or Money classes because they are quantities in a unit of currency The address attribute should be a non primitive Address class because it has separate sections
If the attribute class is a data type, it may be shown in the attribute box
No attributes as Foreign Key
Modelling Attribute Quantites and Units
Domain Model Conclusion
A relatively useful model has been created for the domain of the POS application. A good domain model captures the essential abstractions and information required to understand the domain in context of current requirements, and aids people in understanding the domain – its concepts , terminology, and the relationships.
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