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Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT

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Presentation on theme: "Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT
You may need to cut POS in ½ It’s okay!! I trust you with scissors! Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT New numbers, NEW NUMBERS!! 11AG 12 MHall 13 MHawkes 14 TM 15 PM 16 DM 17SMo 18 SMu 19 ON 20SO 21RO 22 JS 23 MS 24 JT 25 KW 26 SW 27 28 29 30 1 BA 2 RA 3 KB 4 AB 5 MCain 6 MCaron 7 CC 8 MC 9 AE 10 RF 31 32 33 34 35 Find your number, file your phone, find your seat, pick up POS and circle identified Parts of Speech.

2 Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT
You may need to cut POS in ½ It’s okay!! I trust you with scissors! Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT New numbers, NEW NUMBERS!! 1 JA 2 SA 3 SB 4 EB 5 EC 6 JC 7 CC 8 PD 9 AD 10 MF 11 JG 12 AG 13 SI 14 MJ 15 LJ 16 JK 17 SL 18 KM 19 PM 20 MK 21 K0 22 KP 23 CR 24 KR 25 LS 26 SS 27 AS 28 BSt 29 QT 30DT 31SV 32 HW 33 34 35 Find your number, file your phone, find your seat, pick up POS and circle identified Parts of Speech.

3 Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT
You may need to cut POS in ½ It’s okay!! I trust you with scissors! Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT New numbers, NEW NUMBERS!! 1 EA 2 CB 3 EB GB ABi 6 ABr 7 FBG 8 JC 9 DC 10 EE 11SE 12 CG 13 JG 14 EK 15 AL 16 SL 17 PL 18 HM 19 CM 20 MP 21 ER 22 JR 23 ASh 24 ASt 25 HT 26 MV 27 KW 28 MW 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Find your number, file your phone, find your seat, pick up POS and circle identified Parts of Speech.

4 Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT
You may need to cut POS in ½ It’s okay!! I trust you with scissors! Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT New numbers, NEW NUMBERS!! 1 AA 2 ABa 3 ABe 4 KB 5 RB 6 LB 7 BC 8 AC 9 DD 10 DF 11 MF 12 SH 13 BH 14 HK 15 JK 16 DL 17 AL 18 XN 19 MN 20 GO 21 IP 22 ER 23 KR 24 LR 25 BSm 26 BSt 27 LV 28 KV 29 AZ 30 31 32 33 34 35 Find your number, file your phone, find your seat, pick up POS and circle identified Parts of Speech.

5 Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT
You may need to cut POS in ½ It’s okay!! I trust you with scissors! Yer number = seat assignment & cell phone VAULT New numbers, NEW NUMBERS!! 11 LJ 12 KJ 13 TM 14 AM 15 BM 16 RM 17 LN 18 KP 19 RR 20ER 21MR 22 BS 23CS 24 TS 25 ATi 26 BT 27 ATr 28 HW 29 EW 30LW 1 PA 2 IA 3 GA 4 ZB 5 EB 6 CD 7 PF 8 EF 9 HH 10GH 31 KW 32CW 33 34 35 Find your number, file your phone, find your seat, pick up POS and circle identified Parts of Speech.

6 English 9, Day 3 * Tues/Wed POS #1
Circle identified POS (Part of Speech) Be thoughtful: what have you learned about these Parts of Speech in previous English classes? KEEP the paper on your desk open your self-selected book and read!!!!

7 English 9, Day 4 * Thurs/Fri POS #2
Circle identified POS (Part of Speech) Be thoughtful: what have you learned about these Parts of Speech in previous English classes? YES More than one answer for some! KEEP the paper on your desk open your self-selected book and read!!!!

8 What is “silent reading”
Book that interests you You have selected it, you are committed to it Eyes are on book You are reading, not looking at pictures or doing hw for this or any other class 10 – 15 min = 20ish pages of reading each day

9 About the Reading Program . . .
You pick the book We will read min/day When you finish a book, pick another one You will prepare and present a “book talk project” at end of quarter (end of Oct) You’ll get that assignment by end of Sept.

10 About the class . . . (honors)
You’re here because you belong here Don’t worry about the score on the pretest We’ll start getting grades next week It’s too late (and too early) to be stressed about your grade

11 Upcoming. . . 28 = B BYOB return parent ½ page A Library 2A 10:32
Bring Current Event Library 2A 10:32 3A 12:47 4A 2:22 B HANDBOOK assembly PICTURES in math class 2B 10:41 3B 12:49 Continue to BYOB every class period 5 Library 163 2A 10:06 3A 12:22 4A 1:57 2B 10:17 3B 12:25


13 PowerPoints and handouts will be posted on my homepage under Rocky’s webpage.

14 Table of Contents B classes, let’s tape #2 now & score later
Write: 1: POS #1 2. Book Possibilities 3. POS #2

15 1. POS #1 Write: #1: POS #1 This is your first notebook entry. Tape it in.

16 Noun: person, place, thing, idea singer = Taylor Swift city = Meridian, ID team = Idaho Youth Soccer Association democracy, freedom, kindness

17 Pronoun: a pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase

18 Pronoun: a pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase

19 Adjective: describes a noun

20 Preposition:. always part of a phrase (CANNOT stand alone)
Preposition: *always part of a phrase (CANNOT stand alone) *indicates a relationship between two things

21 Preposition:. always part of a phrase (CANNOT stand alone)
Preposition: *always part of a phrase (CANNOT stand alone) *indicates a relationship between two things He gave the paper to John. He gave John the paper. She wanted to go to the beach.


23 Verb: Action word State of being (“to be” verbs)

24 Verb: Action word State of being (“to be” verbs)

25 Verb: Action word State of being (“to be” verbs)

26 Adverb:

27 Conjunction:

28 Conjunction:

29 Interjection:

30 Table of Contents Write: 1: POS #1 2. Book Possibilities 3. POS #2

31 POS #2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

32 1 POS #2 2 3 4 5 6

33 First Assignment!!!!

34 Current Event Due today!
May be article from hard copy newspaper or printed from online source No word limit requirement Current w/i the last 7 days ANY NEWS topic (appropriate for school!) We will be writing with it IN CLASS.

35 Today! Current Event We will be WRITING multi-sentence connections to each event We will be selecting 1 event / week (ish) For Tues/Wed – all you have to do is FIND an article and BRING IT IN. We will write in-class


37 Table of Contents Write: 1: POS #1 2. Book Possibilities 3. POS #2 4. The Quotation Sandwich

38 The Quotation Sandwich
Context Quotation Analysis


40 An example of a quote sandwich
In the novel Peace Like a River, Reuben describes his brother’s intense expression when Davy shoots the goose. Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). This scene, and Reuben’s description of it, foreshadows the scene where, with equal calmness and confidence, Davy shoots and kills Tommy Basca and Israel Finch. (Etc.)

41 1. Context Where in the story the quote is from
Which character said or thought it What is happening at that moment Example: In the novel Peace Like a River, Reuben describes his brother’s intense expression when Davy shoots the goose. Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). This scene, and Reuben’s description of it, foreshadows the scene where, with equal calmness and confidence, Davy shoots and kills Tommy Basca and Israel Finch. Etc.

42 1.a. Smooth Quote Introductions
The quotation should always be part of the context sentence’s grammatical pattern. Yes: Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). No: Davy’s expression worries Reuben “on his face is nothing at all…” (Enger 16). No: Reuben finds Davy’s expression striking. “On his face…” (Enger 16). If you can’t work a quote into the context sentence smoothly, introduce it with a colon. Davy’s intense expression puzzles Reuben: “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16).

43 2. Quote Should not be too long
Should be the piece that sparked a memory! Must be punctuated correctly Must be followed by the correct citation Example: In the novel Peace Like a River, Reuben describes his brother’s intense expression when Davy shoots the goose. Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). This scene, and Reuben’s description of it, foreshadows the scene where, with equal calmness and confidence, Davy shoots and kills Tommy Basca and Israel Finch. Etc.

44 2.a. Punctuating the quotation
The quote will start with a lower case letter if you start in mid-sentence Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). The quote will start with a capital letter if it is the beginning of a sentence Reuben recalls clearly Davy’s shooting of the goose, emphasizing how “His right index finger is just whitening on the trigger, and on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16).

45 2.b. Punctuating the Quote (cont.)
The author and page number will be in parentheses after the quote. Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). There is no comma between the author’s name and page number The page number is not introduced with “page” or “pg.”

46 2.c. Punctuating the Quote (cont.)
The period goes after the parenthesis. ….striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). When a quotation ends with a question mark or an exclamation point, leave the end punctuation inside the quotation mark and add a period after the parenthesis. In the opening of the novel, Reuben points out to the reader that most babies cry at birth: “How you yowled!" (Enger 8).

47 3. Analysis Your interpretation Explain how it proves your point
Describe what the quote reveals Example: In the novel Peace Like a River, Reuben describes his brother’s intense expression when Davy shoots the goose. Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). This scene, and Reuben’s description of it, foreshadows the scene where, with equal calmness and confidence, Davy shoots and kills Tommy Basca and Israel Finch. Etc.

48 Some notes This example was a very simple version of a quote sandwich.
The context, quote, and analysis can, and often will be, more than one sentence each. The main purpose of quoting is to support your analysis.

49 Current Event Due today! You have your article
Pick ONE text connection Text to Self (reminds me of my life) Text to Text (reminds me of something I’ve read) Text to World (reminds me of something happening in the world around me, that I saw on the news, that I learned about the world)

50 HINTS Decide on your connection FIRST Find your quotation FIRST
THEN write your context and analysis




54 Table of Contents Write: We will write next clas
1: POS #1 2. Book Possibilities 3. POS #2 The Quotation Sandwich Draft of CECE #1 & Works Cited entry We will write next clas

55 HOMEWORK Next class: BYOB (always)
Next class: bring Current Event article (next class, we’ll continue to USE it!!)

56 Upcoming. . . 28 = B BYOB return parent ½ page A Library 2A 10:32
Bring Current Event Library 2A 10:32 3A 12:47 4A 2:22 B HANDBOOK assembly PICTURES in math class 2B 10:41 3B 12:49 Continue to BYOB every class period 5 Library 163 2A 10:06 3A 12:22 4A 1:57 2B 10:17 3B 12:25

57 Check yer desk . . . Does it still have a number on it???

58 Enroll in Remind!!!

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