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“How to effectively Utilize and Accurately reflect your EO Program”

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Presentation on theme: "“How to effectively Utilize and Accurately reflect your EO Program”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “How to effectively Utilize and Accurately reflect your EO Program”
Affirmative Action Plans (AAP) and the National Guard Equal Opportunity Annual Report “How to effectively Utilize and Accurately reflect your EO Program” This briefing is UNCLASSIFIED

2 Affirmative Action Plan EO Program
AAP Requesting, Capturing, and Managing the data you need in Equal Opportunity for required reports and plans is time consuming and daunting! However, it doesn’t have to be! Session Breakout Objective: How to adequately navigate the required reports, how to prepare early to collect and manage the data required, and ideal practices shared.

3 Reference and Guidance Elements of the Affirmative Action Plan
Agenda Reference and Guidance Elements of the Affirmative Action Plan Practical Exercise Elements of the NG Annual Report Ideal practices to Collecting, Managing, Reporting AND Utilizing the Data and Report

4 AAP and AR Reference & Guidance
DoDD DoD MEO Program DoDI Affirmative Action Planning CNGBI ? – Pending ANGI 36-7 ANG MEO Program NGR AAP is #2 of the Essential Elements in the Military EO Program – Operationalize EO in strategic planning! Continue to use the respective reference and guidance. NGB-EO will strive to provide the field with timely updates and guidance.


6 Affirmative Action Plan
What is “Affirmative Action”? What is Affirmative Action Plan’s intent and purpose What does AAP addresses in combat readiness? AAP is #2 of the Essential Elements in the Military EO Program – Operationalize EO in strategic planning! - Affirmative Action - Positive actions taken by the unit directed toward ensuring that all Members and their families are afforded equal opportunity in the National Guard. Affirmative actions are measures designed to (a) correct the effects of institutional discrimination; and (b) provide career development and upward mobility for all qualified personnel regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin or sexual orientation. - Purpose and intent: is to identify and establish specific responsibilities that will provide for the assurance of equal opportunity through milestones and objectives that can be managed and measured to help ensure EO is the norm within the NG. - AAP addresses the human element in combat readiness.

7 Affirmative Action Plan EO Program
Why is the AAP essential? How often are AAP’s reviewed? To create and maintain an environment that encourages personal and professional growth regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation. Reviewed: at least annually to assess the effectiveness of action steps, to initiate new actions items, and to sustain goals already achieved.

8 DoD Mandatory AAP Categories
Recruiting and/or Accessions Composition Promotions PME (Schools) Separations Retention Assignments Discrimination Utilization of Skills Discipline Minimum AAP assessment: 1) Recruiting/accessions: number of enlisted entering the Service and number of officers accessed through different programs. 2) Composition: racial and ethnic designation for commissioned officers, Warrant officers and enlisted by grade and gender 3) Promotions: results of promotion selections for officer and enlisted 4) Professional military education: Listing of selections to attend career schooling 5) Separations: A listing of involuntary separation rates 6) Retention: Data listing re-enlistment and retention 7) Assignments: Senior Enlisted assignments and Officer command selection 8) Discrimination: Summary of discrimination complaints 9) Utilization of skills: Ensure applicants in all categories are provided EO for assignment in various branches, AFSC, or MOS based on their qualifications 10) Discipline: Assessments of judicial and non-judicial punishment

9 Affirmative Action Plan EO Program
What are the objectives for an AAP Statistical data does not define the problem List the areas of an AAP and define - Objectives Actions listed within the AAP are designed to: a. Provide the opportunity for growth and effective use of the capabilities of NG Personnel and to facilitate the achievement of a positive EO environment. b. Provide an environment free of sexual harassment. c. Provide representative participation of minority and female personnel in all possible skill areas. d. Identify and correct systemic problems that have a negative effect on equal opportunity by establishing a system to assist in the total assessment of the EO Program. e. Provide the opportunity to assure upward mobility for all members. f. Improve the capability to provide a total assessment and review of the unit. g. Provide assessment, evaluation, analysis, and feedback for new affirmative action directions. h. Emphasize the chain of command as the primary channel for correcting discriminatory practices and communication on racial matters and sexual harassment. i. Infuse affirmative action into the traditional system by placing affirmative actions responsibilities in the hands of commanders and functional managers at the lowest level of command. - Statistics are a starting point. Units must identify the problem through analysis of the data and take step to resolve the issues. THE AAP AREAS 1. The SUBJECT is the area where affirmative action is needed.; 2. The PROPONENT is the subject matter expert or responsible agency or activity.; 3. The OBJECTIVE is the general end to be attained.; 4. AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONS are specific steps to achieve the objective.; 5. GOALS are realistic objectives that are both measurable and attainable. Goals are not quotas. They are neither ceilings nor base figures. Goals should be developed, not just reviewed. Each level in the chain of command must take part in developing them. Affirmative action goal development and accountability are the responsibilities of the commander or functional manager. This person has the means and authority to control or influence the outcome of specific affirmative actions. Goal design should be based on sound reasoning, consideration of appropriate variables, realistic limits, and prospects for achievement. Goal revision occurs not less than each year after annual EO unit assessments.; 6. MILESTONES are timetables or schedules for carrying out AAPS.

10 Example SUBJECT. Newcomer’s Orientation PROPONENT All Commanders/EOA
OBJECTIVE Ensure that newly assigned members are oriented on the equal opportunity program as it relates to unit effectiveness AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONS Maintain attendance rosters verify attendance by all GOAL Commanders will establish procedures to orientate newly assigned members on the location of the EO office and educate them on the command’s EO policies MILESTONE Verification that information is being provided to members during staff assistance visits Example of an AAP Subject. It is important that the EOA does not establish the goals without input from the command and from the proponent.

11 Affirmative Action Plan EO Program
Practical Exercise Break into small groups Take 30 minutes to come up with 12 assessment categories. ( Be sure to include the 10 mandatory ) List goals and milestones 15 minute break and come back to brief (Identify a group leader to brief)

12 Annual Report

13 National Guard Equal Opportunity Annual Report
A “Check and balance” of the AAP; Outlines progress made in achieving EO goals Contains statistical tables on the state’s/territory composition Designed to measure the effect of affirmative actions and initiatives Provides the rationale for establishing and updating AAP milestones

14 Annual Report TAG’s assessment of the human relations climate Reports data for the previous FY Requires TAG signature

15 Data Elements to be reported on the Annual Report
Section 1: Complaint Summary Information Section 2: Informal Complaint Details Section 3: Formal Complaint Details Section 4: Complaints Out Of Office Section 5: EO Staff 1 - Complaint Information a summary of complaints reported during the FY (Will be broke out to show ANG and ARNG) 2 - Informal Complaints details of Informal complaints such as a basis, issues and actions taken 3 - Formal Complaints details of Formal complaints such as a basis, issues and actions taken *note: A lack of formal complaints may or may not reflect a healthy human relation’s climate. 4 - Complaints out of Office listing of command directed investigations or congressional EO reports 5 - EO Staff list of EO staff assigned/trained

16 Section 6: EO Education and Training
Data Elements Section 6: EO Education and Training Section 7: EO Briefings & Climate Monitoring Section 8: Demographics Section 9: Status of AAP Section 10: Remarks Narrative 6 - EO Education and Training listing total number trained and identification of senior leaders in attendance 7- EO Briefings & Climate Monitoring activities and briefings performed during the FY 8 - Demographics OPM data on race and Ethnicity 9 - Status of AAP narrative of goals and objectives 10 - Remarks narrative remarks section to annotate the AAP progress

17 Section 11: Recruitment and Accessions Section 12: Force Composition
Data Elements Section 11: Recruitment and Accessions Section 12: Force Composition Section 13: Promotions Section 14: Professional Military Education Section 15: Involuntary Separations Section 16: Retention Section 17: Assignments Section 18: Discrimination Section 19: Utilization of Skills Section 20: Discipline 11 thru 20 are IAW DoD 10 mandatory categories. DoDI Affirmative Action Planning & DoDD DoD MEO Program

Data Elements SECTION 11. RECRUITMENT AND ACCESSIONS PART 11A. DETAILED RECRUITMENT AND ACCESSIONS Enter total base strength into yellow blank. ARNG RACE CATEGORIES ETHNICITY (SEPARATE FROM RACE) TOTAL AMERICAN INDIAN / ASIAN BLACK OR NATIVE HAWAIIAN WHITE TWO OR MORE DECLINED HISPANIC NOT (ALL ALASKAN NATIVE AFRICAN OR OTHER RACES TO OR LATINO GROUPS) AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDER SELECTED RESPOND 58 M F NUMBER OF 30 2 1 5 OFFICERS OFFICER 20.0% 6.7% 3.4% 1.7% 8.6% PERCENT 28 ENLISTED 48.3% 0.0% ANG PART 11B. TOTAL FEMALE AND MINORITY REPRESENTATION TOTAL FEMALE PERCENTAGE TOTAL RACIAL MINORITY PERCENTAGE TOTAL HISPANIC PERCENTAGE 6.9% 17.2% Updated Annual Report being staffed. New Annual Report will have both the respective state’s ARNG and ANG data. Organizations will complete their annual report, obtain command signature, and submit to their respective SEEM. The SEEM will and be routed through respective SEEM to be submitted to NGB-EO.

19 Ideal Practices Don’t wait!! Build Relationships Have leadership buy-in Document and maintain...continuity Goals and Milestones must have substance Field needs??

20 Reference and Guidance Elements of the Affirmative Action Plan
Summary Reference and Guidance Elements of the Affirmative Action Plan Practical Exercise Elements of the NG Annual Report Ideal practices to Collecting, Managing, Reporting AND Utilizing the Data and Report This breakout session gave you guidance and reference to the National Guard AAP and AR. Additional guidance is being routed and staffed and will be coming to your EO office soon via your SEEM. AAP was defined and the purpose and intent explained. The DoD Elements that make up the AAP was highlighted. The new and improved NG Annual Report was introduced coupled with rolling the Army NG Report and Air NG report into one state report that will be elevated through the SEEM, TAG and sent to NGB EO. Ideal practices, tips and tools were shared from SGM Kurle and Maj Scott, and the field attendees. aka: ideal practices to help you gather, track and effectively utilize the resources and accurately reflect the status of your EO Program.

21 Final Thoughts

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