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Cisco Live /10/2018 Troubleshooting LISP Mark “Mitch” Mitchiner Solutions Architect - Peyton Schouest Solutions Architect -

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2 Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Troubleshooting LISP Mark “Mitch” Mitchiner Solutions Architect - Peyton Schouest Solutions Architect - BRKRST-3047

Cisco Spark Questions? Use Cisco Spark to chat with the speaker after the session How Find this session in the Cisco Live Mobile App Click “Join the Discussion” Install Spark or go directly to the space Enter messages/questions in the space Cisco Spark spaces will be available until July 3, 2017. BRKRST-3047 © Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

4 Troubleshooting LISP Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair failed products or processes. It is a logical, systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved, and so the product or process can be made operational again. Determining the most likely cause is a process of elimination - eliminating potential causes of a problem. So the initial focus is often on recent changes to the system or to the environment in which it exists. A basic principle in troubleshooting is to start from the simplest and most probable possible problems first. Source: BRKRST-3047

5 Agenda LISP – Brief Refresher Part 1: LISP Operations
Part 2: Basic Configuration for the Use Cases Part 3: Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? Part 4: LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” Part 5: LISP Troubleshooting - Transition Part 6: Troubleshooting the Use Cases Part 7: Additional sources and mailing lists Summary BRKRST-3047

6 Building a Network… Overlay Routing… What else is there?
Core DFZ Normal Routing Behavior Destination-based forwarding, Ingress Traffic Engineering, and other requirements dictate injecting all routes into the core (e.g. Internet DFZ, MPLS VPN, etc.) Contains all types of routes: Edge (site) routes, Core (provider) routes, “more-specific” routes IPv6 does not fix this LISP Behavior Locator/ID “split” architecture creates a level of indirection between “core routes” and “site routes” In this model, prefixes describing core topology (locators) go in the Core; prefixes describing end sites (EIDs) go in the LISP mapping system Clear separation: who you are looking for and how to best get there Core DFZ Map System LISP Mapping System BRKRST-3047

7 What is LISP? (Locator-ID Separation Protocol)
A Next Generation Routing Architecture – RFC 6830 LISP creates a “Level of indirection” with two namespaces: EID and RLOC Non-LISP RLOC Space EID-to-RLOC mapping EID Space xTR MS/MR PxTR EID RLOC a.a.a.0/24 w.x.y.1 b.b.b.0/24 x.y.w.2 c.c.c.0/24 z.q.r.5 d.d.0.0/16 z.q.r.5 EID (Endpoint Identifier) is the IP address of a host – just as it is today RLOC (Routing Locator) is the IP address of the LISP router for the host EID-to-RLOC mapping is the distributed architecture that maps EIDs to RLOCs Network-based solution Use Cases Complimentary No host changes Support for mobility Minimal configuration Address Family agnostic Incrementally deployable IPv4 to v6 Transition option BRKRST-3047

8 LISP Operations LISP :: Mapping Resolution “Level of Indirection” DNS analog LISP “Level of Indirection” is analogous to a DNS lookup DNS resolves IP addresses for URL Answering the “WHO IS” question [ who is ] ? DNS Name-to-IP URL Resolution host DNS Server [ , 2610:D0:110C:1::3 ] LISP resolves locators for queried identities Answering the “WHERE IS” question [ where is 2610:D0:110C:1::3 ] ? LISP Mapping System LISP Identity-to-locator Mapping Resolution LISP router [ locator is , ] BRKRST-3047

9 LISP Multihoming and Multi-AF
LISP Encapsulation: Any IPv4 and IPv6 combination IPv4 Outer Header IPv6 Outer Header Outer Header IPv4/IPv6 IPv6/IPv6 IPv4/IPv4 UDP + LISP Header LISP UDP payload IPv4 Inner Header (and payload) payload IPv6 Inner Header (and payload) Inner Header BRKRST-3047

10 LISP Overview LISP :: A Routing Architecture – Not a Feature
Uses pull vs. push routing OSPF and BGP are push models; routing stored in the forwarding plane LISP is a pull model; Analogous to DNS; massively scalable LISP use-cases are complimentary Simplified multi-homing with Ingress traffic Engineering; no need for BGP Address Family agnostic support Virtualization support End-host mobility without renumbering An overlay technology Address Family agnostic Incrementally deployable End systems can be unaware of LISP Enables IP Number Portability Never change host IP’s; No renumbering costs No DNS changes; “name == EID” binding Session survivability Deployment simplicity No host changes Minimal CPE changes Some new core infrastructure components An Open Standard Being developed in IETF (RFC , 7052) No Cisco Intellectual Property Rights BRKRST-3047

11 Agenda LISP – Brief Refresher Part 1: LISP Operations
Part 2: Basic Configuration for the Use Cases Part 3: Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? Part 4: LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” Part 5: LISP Troubleshooting - Transition Part 6: Troubleshooting the Use Cases Part 7: Additional sources and mailing lists Summary BRKRST-3047

12 Cisco Live 2014 9/10/2018 LISP Operations LISP Data Plane :: Ingress/Egress Tunnel Router (ITR/ETR)(xTR) ITR – Ingress Tunnel Router Receives packets from site-facing interfaces LISP encap to remote LISP sites, or native-fwd to non-LISP sites PI EID-prefix 2001:db8:2::/48 xTR-3 ETR ITR xTR-4 LISP Site 2 D LISP Site 1 S xTR-1 xTR-2 2001:db8:1::/48 Provider A /8 Provider B /8 Provider C /8 Provider D /8 packet flow ETR – Egress Tunnel Router Receives packets from core-facing interfaces De-cap and deliver packets to local EIDs at site BRKRST-3047

13 Cisco Live 2014 9/10/2018 LISP Operations LISP Control Plane :: Map-Register Message/Map-Notify Message MR MS PI EID-prefix 2001:db8:2::/48 xTR-3 ETR ITR xTR-4 LISP Site 2 D LISP Site 1 S xTR-1 xTR-2 2001:db8:1::/48 Provider A /8 Provider B /8 Provider C /8 Provider D /8 packet flow EID IID RLOC POLICY 2001:db8:2::/ p 1 w 50 p 1 w 50 2001:db8:1::/ p 1 w 50 p 1 w 50 EID IID RLOC POLICY 2001:db8:2::/ p 1 w 50 p 1 w 50 EID IID RLOC POLICY Other sites… 3 1 LISP Map-Notify . . . > 1 LISP Map-Register (udp 4342) SHA2 HMAC 2001:db8:2::/48 , > BRKRST-3047

14 Is 2001:db8:2::1 a LISP Destination?
Cisco Live 2014 9/10/2018 LISP Operations 4 > LISP ECM (udp 4342) / 2001:db8:2::1 Map-Request (udp 4342) nonce LISP Control Plane :: Map-Request/Map-Reply 3 > LISP ECM (udp 4342) / 2001:db8:2::1 Map-Request (udp 4342) nonce MR MS PI EID-prefix 2001:db8:2::/48 xTR-3 ETR ITR xTR-4 LISP Site 2 D LISP Site 1 S xTR-1 xTR-2 2001:db8:1::/48 Provider A /8 Provider B /8 Provider C /8 Provider D /8 packet flow Is 2001:db8:2::1 a LISP Destination? 5 > Map-Reply (udp 4342) nonce / TTL 2001:db8:2::/48 [1, 50] [1, 50] 2 2001:db8:1::1 -> 2001:db8:2::1 EID-prefix: 2001:db8:2::/48 Locator-set: , priority: 1, weight: 50 , priority: 1, weight: 50 Map-Cache Entry 6 DNS entry: AAAA :db8:2::1 1 BRKRST-3047

15 LISP Operations S D LISP Control Plane :: Map-Request/Proxy-Map-Reply
Cisco Live 2014 9/10/2018 LISP Operations LISP Control Plane :: Map-Request/Proxy-Map-Reply 1 LISP Map-Register (udp 4342) SHA2 HMAC Proxy-Bit Set 2001:db8:2::/48 , > 2 > LISP ECM (udp 4342) / 2001:db8:2::1 Map-Request (udp 4342) nonce MR MS PI EID-prefix 2001:db8:2::/48 xTR-3 ETR ITR xTR-4 LISP Site 2 D LISP Site 1 S xTR-1 xTR-2 2001:db8:1::/48 Provider A /8 Provider B /8 Provider C /8 Provider D /8 packet flow 3 > Map-Reply (udp 4342) nonce / TTL 2001:db8:2::/48 [1, 50] [1, 50] EID-prefix: 2001:db8:2::/48 Locator-set: , priority: 1, weight: 50 , priority: 1, weight: 50 Map-Cache Entry 4 BRKRST-3047

16 Is 2001:db7:1::1 a LISP Destination?
Cisco Live 2014 9/10/2018 Notes: When an ITR queries for a destination that is not in the Mapping System, the Map-Resolver returns an NMR. A TTL of 1-minute or 15-minutes is set depending on the space covered by the NMR. LISP Operations LISP Control Plane :: Map-Request/Negative-Map-Reply 2 > LISP ECM (udp 4342) / 2001:db7:1::1 Map-Request (udp 4342) nonce MR MS PI EID-prefix 2001:db8:2::/48 xTR-3 ETR ITR xTR-4 LISP Site 2 D LISP Site 1 S xTR-1 xTR-2 2001:db8:1::/48 Provider A /8 Provider B /8 Provider C /8 Provider D /8 packet flow Is 2001:db7:1::1 a LISP Destination? 3 > Negative-Map-Reply (udp 4342) nonce / TTL 2001:8000::/21 1 2001:db8:1::1 -> 2001:db7:1::1 NOTE: The actual “covering prefix” returned in an NMR depends on the number and distribution of EID prefixes in the Mapping System. The NMR prefix will cover the shortest prefix that doesn’t cover any LISP Sites in the Mapping System EID-prefix: 2001:8000::/21 forward-native Map-Cache Entry 4 BRKRST-3047

17 LISP Operations S D LISP Data Plane :: Unicast Packet Flow LISP Site 1
Cisco Live 2014 9/10/2018 LISP Operations LISP Data Plane :: Unicast Packet Flow EID-prefix: 2001:db8:2::/48 Locator-set: , priority: 1, weight: 50 , priority: 1, weight: 50 Map-Cache Entry 3 This policy controlled by the destination site 7 2001:db8:1::1 -> 2001:db8:2::1 PI EID-prefix 2001:db8:2::/48 xTR-3 ETR ITR xTR-4 LISP Site 2 D LISP Site 1 S xTR-1 xTR-2 2001:db8:1::/48 Provider A /8 Provider B /8 Provider C /8 Provider D /8 packet flow 2001:db8:1::1 -> 2001:db8:2::1 > 6 5 2 2001:db8:1::1 -> 2001:db8:2::1 2001:db8:1::1 -> 2001:db8:2::1 > 4 DNS entry: AAAA :db8:2::1 1 BRKRST-3047

18 LISP Operations S D LISP Locator Status Bits (LSB) example…
Cisco Live 2014 9/10/2018 LISP Operations LISP Locator Status Bits (LSB) example… loc-reach-bits: 0x EID-prefix: 2001:db8:2::/48 Locator-set: , priority: 1, weight: 50 (D1) , priority: 1, weight: 50 (D2) Mapping Entry 3 -> ordinal 0 -> ordinal 1 b ’xxxx xxxx’ 1 1 PI EID-prefix 2001:db8:2::/48 xTR-3 ETR ITR xTR-4 LISP Site 2 D LISP Site 1 S xTR-1 xTR-2 2001:db8:1::/48 Provider A /8 Provider B /8 Provider C /8 Provider D /8 packet flow xTR3 xTR4 xRT3 0003 LSBs provide “data plane” reachability info BRKRST-3047

19 X LISP Operations S D LISP Locator Status Bits (LSB) example…
Cisco Live 2014 9/10/2018 LISP Operations LISP Locator Status Bits (LSB) example… loc-reach-bits: 0x EID-prefix: 2001:db8:2::/48 Locator-set: , priority: 1, weight: 50 (D1) , priority: 1, weight: 50 (D2) Mapping Entry 2 -> ordinal 0 -> ordinal 1 b ’xxxx xx11’ PI EID-prefix 2001:db8:2::/48 xTR-3 ETR ITR xTR-4 LISP Site 2 D LISP Site 1 S xTR-1 xTR-2 2001:db8:1::/48 Provider A /8 Provider B /8 Provider C /8 Provider D /8 packet flow xTR4 xRT4 X 0002 LISP Reachability Options: Data Plane with LSB and RLOC-Probing BRKRST-3047

20 Agenda LISP – Brief Refresher Part 1: LISP Operations
Part 2: Basic Configuration for the Use Cases Part 3: Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? Part 4: LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” Part 5: LISP Troubleshooting - Transition Part 6: Troubleshooting the Use Cases Part 7: Additional sources and mailing lists Summary BRKRST-3047

21 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Basic Configuration MS/MR Lo0: .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 Real configs and show/debug command – no editing Configs with IOS-XE Focus on LISP sections (complete config/show/debug on Box – check link) BRKRST-3047

22 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Basic Configuration MS/MR Lo0: Config #1 – xTRs .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 hostname SD2-xTR ! router lisp locator-set CL priority 1 weight 50 priority 1 weight 50 exit eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /32 locator-set CL database-mapping /32 locator-set CL database-mapping /24 locator-set CL ipv4 itr map-resolver ipv4 itr ipv4 etr map-server key cisco ipv4 etr router bgp 65001 . RLOC hostname LV1-xTR ! router lisp locator-set CL IPv4-interface Ethernet1/0 priority 1 weight 50 IPv4-interface Ethernet0/0 priority 1 weight 50 exit eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /32 locator-set CL database-mapping /24 locator-set CL ipv4 itr map-resolver ipv4 itr ipv4 etr map-server key cisco ipv4 etr router bgp 65001 .

23 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Basic Configuration MS/MR Lo0: Config #1 – MS/MR .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 hostname MSMR ! router lisp site Las-Vegas description CL Las Vegas authentication-key cisco eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /24 accept-more-specifics exit site San-Diego description CL San Diego eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /24 accept-more-specifics ipv4 map-server ipv4 map-resolver router bgp 65001 . SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 BRKRST-3047

24 LISP Use Cases Efficient Multi-Homing IPv6 Transition Support
IP Portability Ingress Traffic Engineering without BGP LISP routers LISP Site Internet IPv6 Transition Support v6-over-v4, v6-over-v6 v4-over-v6, v4-over-v4 IPv4 Internet IPv6 Internet v6 v4 LISP router v6 services VPNs and Segmentation Over-the-Top Multi-tenency HQ LISP Site Internet Data Center User Network Remote LISP Site k . . VM-Mobility Cloud / Layer 3 VM moves Segmentation Data Center 1 Data Center 2 a.b.c.1 VM VM move LISP router Internet BRKRST-3047

25 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 Usecase 1: Multihoming 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Config - #1 - xTRs .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 hostname SD2-xTR ! router lisp locator-set CL priority 1 weight 50 priority 1 weight 50 exit eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL ipv4 itr map-resolver ipv4 itr ipv4 etr map-server key cisco ipv4 etr router bgp 65001 . RLOC hostname LV1-xTR ! router lisp locator-set CL IPv4-interface Ethernet1/0 priority 1 weight 50 IPv4-interface Ethernet0/0 priority 1 weight 50 exit eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL ipv4 itr map-resolver ipv4 itr ipv4 etr map-server key cisco ipv4 etr router bgp 65001 . BRKRST-3047

26 LISP Use Cases Efficient Multi-Homing IPv6 Transition Support
IP Portability Ingress Traffic Engineering without BGP LISP routers LISP Site Internet IPv6 Transition Support v6-over-v4, v6-over-v6 v4-over-v6, v4-over-v4 IPv4 Internet IPv6 Internet v6 v4 LISP router v6 services VPNs and Segmentation Over-the-Top Multi-tenency HQ LISP Site Internet Data Center User Network Remote LISP Site k . . VM-Mobility Cloud / Layer 3 VM moves Segmentation Data Center 1 Data Center 2 a.b.c.1 VM VM move LISP router Internet BRKRST-3047

27 LISP provides easy IPv6 Transition
LISP to connect IPv6 Islands S6 S6D6 S6D6 A4B4 S6D6 S6D6 A4B4 D6 xTR A4 xTR B4 IPv6 Island IPv6 Island IPv6 LISP Site IPv4 Core IPv6 LISP Site No disruption to existing WAN connectivity IPv4 and IPv6 use same infrastructure and protocols LISP can transport IPv4/IPv4, IPv6/IPv4, IPv6/IPv6, and IPv4/IPv6 BRKRST-3047

28 EID IPv6 prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Usecase 2: IPv6 Transition Support MS/MR Lo0: EID IPv6 prefixes LISP Site SD 2001:db8:a:1::/64 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV 2001:db8:a:2::/64 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo0 2001:db8:a:1::10/64 .2 .2 LV1-xTR EID Lo0 2001:db8:a:2::10/64 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 2001:db8:a:1::/64 /30 /30 2001:db8:a:2::/64 .2 RLOC LISP connects IPv6 Islands over an IPv4-only Core BRKRST-3047

29 EID IPv6 prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Usecase 2: IPv6 Transition Support EID IPv6 prefixes LISP Site SD 2001:db8:a:1::/64 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV 2001:db8:a:2::/64 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID hostname MSMR ! router lisp site Las-Vegas description CL Las Vegas authentication-key cisco eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /24 accept-more-specifics eid-prefix 2001:DB8:A:2::/64 accept-more-specifics exit site San-Diego description CL San Diego eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /24 accept-more-specifics eid-prefix 2001:DB8:A:1::/64 accept-more-specifics ipv4 map-server ipv4 map-resolver ipv6 map-server ipv6 map-resolver .1 .2 .2 LV1-xTR EID ::1 /30 .10 SD2-xTR .1 VIP: .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 ::10 .1 ::1 ::10 .3 2001:db8:a:1::/64 /30 /30 2001:db8:a:2::/64 ::2 .2 hostname SD2-xTR ! router lisp locator-set CL priority 1 weight 50 priority 1 weight 50 exit eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL database-mapping 2001:DB8:A:1::/64 locator-set CL ipv4 itr map-resolver ipv4 itr ipv4 etr map-server key cisco ipv4 etr ipv6 itr map-resolver ipv6 itr ipv6 etr map-server key cisco ipv6 etr RLOC BRKRST-3047

30 LISP Use Cases Efficient Multi-Homing IPv6 Transition Support
IP Portability Ingress Traffic Engineering without BGP LISP routers LISP Site Internet IPv6 Transition Support v6-over-v4, v6-over-v6 v4-over-v6, v4-over-v4 IPv4 Internet IPv6 Internet v6 v4 LISP router v6 services VPNs and Segmentation Over-the-Top Multi-tenency HQ LISP Site Internet Data Center User Network Remote LISP Site k . . VM-Mobility Cloud / Layer 3 VM moves Segmentation Data Center 1 Data Center 2 a.b.c.1 VM VM move LISP router Internet BRKRST-3047

31 LISP VPN/Virtualization
LISP router Non LISP router EID RLOC Efficient Virtualization and High-Scale VPNs – Overview Generalized LISP Shared Model deployment IID EID RLOC 1 /24 xTR1 /24 xTR3 2 xTR2 MS/MR Shared by multiple customers Located in RLOC name space MS/MR EID Name Space (IPv4/IPv6) EID Name Space (IPv4/IPv6) User Blue EID /24 IID 1 VRF Blue User Blue EID /24 IID 1 VRF Blue RLOC EID Data LISP Hdr IID 1 xTR1 RLOC Name Space (IPv4/IPv6) xTR3 User Red EID /24 IID 2 VRF Red RLOC EID Data LISP Hdr IID 2 User Red EID /24 IID 2 VRF Red xTR2 xTR (Single Tenant) Accommodates single customer Deployed for CPE Overlay model Located at customer site xTR (Multi-Tenant) Accommodates multiple customers Deployed for PE model Located at Edge layer, DC or customer site BRKRST-3047

32 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV EID-prefixes LISP Site SD
Cisco Live 2016 Usecase 3: Virtualization 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: EID-prefixes LISP Site LV IID 10: /24 IID 20: /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD IID 10: /24 IID 20: /24 .2 SD1-xTR /30 .1 .10 .2 LV1-xTR /30 .10 SD2-xTR .1 /30 .2 EID IID 10 .1 /30 /30 .2 .10 RLOC .10 EID IID 20 Example: Shared Model Multiple EID VRFs are allocated EID lookups are in the VRF associated with an Instance-ID All RLOC lookups are in a single table – (default/global or RLOC VRF) The Mapping System is part of the locator address space and is shared BRKRST-3047 Lo /32 /24 .3

33 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 Usecase 3: Virtualization 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Config #1 - xTRs hostname SD2-xTR ! vrf definition BLUE address-family ipv4 exit-address-family vrf definition RED interface LISP0.10 interface LISP0.20 interface Ethernet2/0 vrf forwarding BLUE ip address interface Ethernet3/0 vrf forwarding RED router lisp . eid-table vrf BLUE instance-id 10 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL exit eid-table vrf RED instance-id 20 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD IID 10: /24 IID 20: /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV IID 10: /24 IID 20: /24 .2 SD1-xTR /30 .1 .10 .2 LV1-xTR /30 .10 SD2-xTR .1 /30 .2 EID IID 10 .1 /30 /30 .2 .10 RLOC .10 EID IID 20 Lo /32 /24 .3

34 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 Usecase 3: Virtualization 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Config #2 – MS/MR EID-prefixes LISP Site SD IID 10: /24 IID 20: /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV IID 10: /24 IID 20: /24 .2 SD1-xTR /30 .1 .10 .2 LV1-xTR hostname MSMR ! ! No VRF config needed! router lisp site Las-Vegas description CL Las Vegas authentication-key cisco eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /24 accept-more-specifics eid-prefix 2001:DB8:A:2::/64 accept-more-specifics eid-prefix instance-id /24 accept-more-specifics eid-prefix instance-id /24 accept-more-specifics exit site San-Diego description CL San Diego eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /24 accept-more-specifics eid-prefix 2001:DB8:A:1::/64 accept-more-specifics eid-prefix instance-id /24 accept-more-specifics eid-prefix instance-id /24 accept-more-specifics /30 .10 SD2-xTR .1 /30 .2 EID IID 10 .1 /30 /30 .2 .10 RLOC .10 EID IID 20 BRKRST-3047 Lo /32 /24 .3

35 LISP Use Cases Efficient Multi-Homing IPv6 Transition Support
IP Portability Ingress Traffic Engineering without BGP LISP routers LISP Site Internet IPv6 Transition Support v6-over-v4, v6-over-v6 v4-over-v6, v4-over-v4 IPv4 Internet IPv6 Internet v6 v4 LISP router v6 services VPNs and Segmentation Over-the-Top Multi-tenency HQ LISP Site Internet Data Center User Network Remote LISP Site k . . VM-Mobility Cloud / Layer 3 VM moves Segmentation Data Center 1 Data Center 2 a.b.c.1 VM VM move LISP router Internet BRKRST-3047

36 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 Use Case #4: VM Mobility 9/10/2018 ESM vs. ASM MS/MR Lo0: EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 SD1-xTR .2 /30 LV1-xTR .1 .2 .2 .11 /30 .2 /30 .2 VIP: .1 /24 .1 .1 VIP: .1 /24 SD2-xTR LV2-xTR .3 .10 .2 .3 /30 .2 /30 RLOC Routing for extended subnets – ESM ingress path optimization needs L2 transport between DC (L1, A-VPLS, OTV, …) DCI for VM mobility IP mobility across subnets – ASM cross IP mobility (foreign subnet) disaster recovery, cross-organizational moving nodes and networks BRKRST-3047

37 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 Use Case #4: VM Mobility 9/10/2018 Config #1 – EID Client and xTR MS/MR Lo0: EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 SD1-xTR .2 /30 LV1-xTR .1 .2 .2 .11 /30 /30 .2 .2 VIP: .1 /24 /24 VIP: .1 SD2-xTR .1 .1 interface Ethernet1/0 ip address standby 1 ip standby 1 priority 90 standby 1 mac-address e1d.010c lisp mobility Mobile_Subnet ! router lisp locator-set CL priority 1 weight 50 priority 1 weight 50 exit eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /32 locator-set CL database-mapping /32 locator-set CL dynamic-eid Mobile_Subnet database-mapping /24 locator-set CL map-notify-group LV2-xTR .3 .10 .2 .3 /30 .2 /30 RLOC IP-Adr.: Default-GW:

38 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 Use Case #4: VM Mobility 9/10/2018 Config #2 – xTR and MS/MR MS/MR Lo0: EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 SD1-xTR .2 /30 LV1-xTR .1 .2 .2 .11 /30 /30 .2 .2 VIP: .1 /24 router lisp site Las-Vegas description CL Las Vegas authentication-key cisco eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /24 accept-more-specifics exit ! site San-Diego description CL San Diego eid-prefix /32 eid-prefix /32 site Roaming description Roaming from SD to LV eid-prefix /24 accept-more-specifics /24 SD2-xTR .1 .1 VIP: .1 LV2-xTR .3 .10 .2 interface Ethernet1/0 ip address standby 1 ip standby 1 priority 110 standby 1 mac-address e1d.010c lisp mobility Mobile_Subnet ! router lisp locator-set CL priority 1 weight 50 priority 1 weight 50 exit eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /32 locator-set CL database-mapping /24 locator-set CL dynamic-eid Mobile_Subnet database-mapping /24 locator-set CL map-notify-group .3 /30 .2 /30 RLOC

39 Agenda LISP – Brief Refresher Part 1: LISP Operations
Part 2: Basic Configuration for the Use Cases Part 3: Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? Part 4: LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” Part 5: LISP Troubleshooting - Transition Part 6: Troubleshooting the Use Cases Part 7: Additional sources and mailing lists Summary BRKRST-3047

40 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first?
Cisco Live 2016 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? 9/10/2018 Test #1 - Using RLOC to RLOC tests underlying network (ping) MS/MR Lo0: .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /30 /24 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 SD1-xTR#ping so rep 10 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 10, 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with a source address of !!!!!!!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (10/10), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SD1-xTR#

41 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first?
Cisco Live 2016 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? 9/10/2018 Test #2 - Using RLOC to MS/MR tests underlying network (ping) MS/MR Lo0: .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /30 /24 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 SD1-xTR#ping so rep 10 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 10, 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with a source address of !!!!!!!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (10/10), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SD1-xTR#

42 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first?
Cisco Live 2016 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? 9/10/2018 Test #3 - Using EID to EID tests overlay network (ping) MS/MR Lo0: .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /30 /24 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 SD1-xTR#ping source rep 10 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 10, 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with a source address of ..!!!!!!!! Success rate is 80 percent (8/10), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SD1-xTR#

43 LISP – Data Plane LISP Header Format (IPv4 example)
Cisco Live 2014 LISP – Data Plane 9/10/2018 LISP Header Format (IPv4 example) LISP0 / |Version| IHL |Type of Service| Total Length | / | | Identification |Flags| Fragment Offset | | OH | Time to Live | Protocol = 17 | Header Checksum | | | Source Routing Locator | \ \ | Destination Routing Locator | / | Source Port = xxxx | Dest Port = 4341 | UDP \ | UDP Length | UDP Checksum | L |N|L|E|V|I|flags| Nonce/Map-Version | I \ S / | Instance ID/Locator Status Bits | P IH | Time to Live | Protocol | Header Checksum | | | Source EID | \ | Destination EID | Internal Interface External Interface DATA DATA LISP LISP encapsulation (36 bytes) : IP header (20 Bytes) UDP header (8 Bytes) LISP header (8 Bytes) OH – Outer Header (LISP Encap packet) Source Routing Locator: Public address of external Interface Destination Routing Locator Public address provided by network configuration Source Port - Set by LISP Instance ID - Set by EIGRP IH – Inner Header (Site Data packet) Source EID (Site private address) Destination EID(Site private address) Only true for NX-OS: displayed how 36 extra bytes are added when encapsulating an IP packet to be sent via LISP across an IPv4 transport infrastructure. Given the original IP header of the packet, the consequence is that the largest IP payload that can be sent without requiring any fragmentation is (1500 – 36 – 20) = 1444 Bytes. The current behavior on Nexus 7000 is to drop IP packets larger than 1444 Bytes, without performing LISP encapsulation. If the DF bit is set, the xTR will also generate an ICMP Destination Unreachable message (type 3, code 4) with a code meaning "fragmentation needed and DF set" and will send it back to the source of the packet (as specified in the original IP header). The behavior of packets being dropped independently of the available MTU of the L3 links connecting the xTR to the L3 domain. This means that even if Jumbo frame support is configured on these interfaces, the xTR would not perform the LISP encapsulation and simply discard the traffic. As a consequence, it is required to ensure that the source of the traffic can adjust the MTU based on the received ICMP message, or that the original MTU of the servers is set lower than 1444 Bytes. BRKRST-3047

44 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first?
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Test #4 - Using RLOC to RLOC tests underlying network (MTU) MS/MR Lo0: EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /30 /24 SD1-xTR#ping source rep 10 size 1500 df-bit Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 10, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with a source address of Packet sent with the DF bit set !!!!!!!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (10/10), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SD1-xTR#ping source rep 10 size 1501 df-bit Sending 10, 1501-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Success rate is 0 percent (0/10) /30 /24 .2 RLOC Note: “PING” application on a router DOES NOT listen to PMTUD – but LISP does, so ICMP 3/4 should be sent back to internal (EID) hosts BRKRST-3047

45 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first?
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Test #5 - Using EID to EID tests overlay network (MTU) MS/MR Lo0: EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /30 /24 /24 SD1-xTR#ping so rep 10 size 1500 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 10, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with a source address of !!!!!!!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (10/10), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SD1-xTR#ping so rep 10 size 1500 df-bit Packet sent with the DF bit set Success rate is 0 percent (0/10) /30 .2 RLOC Note: Not all OS do fragmentation for LISP. So check with the release notes.

46 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first?
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Test #6 - Using EID to EID tests overlay network (MTU) MS/MR Lo0: EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /30 /24 SD1-xTR#ping source rep 10 size 1464 df-bit Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 10, 1464-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with a source address of Packet sent with the DF bit set !!!!!!!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (10/10), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SD1-xTR#ping source rep 10 size 1465 df-bit Sending 10, 1465-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Success rate is 0 percent (0/10) /30 /24 .2 RLOC Note: Given the original IP header of the packet, the consequence is that the largest IP payload that can be sent without requiring any fragmentation is (1500 – 36) = 1464 Bytes.

47 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first?
Cisco Live 2016 Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? 9/10/2018 Test #7 - Using EID to EID tests under/overlay network (traceroute) MS/MR Lo0: EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /30 /24 /30 /24 .2 RLOC SD1#traceroute Type escape sequence to abort. Tracing the route to VRF info: (vrf in name/id, vrf out name/id) msec 1 msec 0 msec msec 0 msec 1 msec [MPLS: Labels 18/22 Exp 0] 0 msec 0 msec 1 msec msec 0 msec 1 msec msec 1 msec 1 msec SD1#

48 Agenda LISP – Brief Refresher Part 1: LISP Operations
Part 2: Basic Configuration for the Use Cases Part 3: Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? Part 4: LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” Part 5: LISP Troubleshooting - Transition Part 6: Troubleshooting the Use Cases Part 7: Additional sources and mailing lists Summary BRKRST-3047

49 LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig”
RFC The Locator/ID Separation Protocol Internet Groper (LIG) “A simple tool called the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Internet Groper or 'lig' can be used to query the LISP mapping database.” “The 'lig' is a manual management tool to query the mapping database. It can be run by all devices that implement LISP, including Ingress Tunnel Routers (ITRs), Egress Tunnel Routers (ETRs), Proxy-ITRs, Proxy-ETRs, Map-Resolvers, Map-Servers, and LISP-ALT Routers, as well as by a host system at either a LISP-capable or non-LISP- capable site.” Implemented in IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR and NX-OS Public Domain: BRKRST-3047

50 LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig”
Cisco Live 2016 LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” 9/10/2018 Show #1 – lig IPv4 MS/MR EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 Lo0: EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /30 /24 /30 /24 .2 SD1-xTR#lig self Mapping information for EID from with RTT 0 msecs /32, uptime: 00:00:00, expires: 23:59:59, via map-reply, self, complete Locator Uptime State Pri/Wgt :00:00 up, self 1/50 :00:00 up /50 SD1-xTR#lig Mapping information for EID from with RTT 1 msecs /24, uptime: 00:01:06, expires: 23:59:59, via map-reply, complete :01:06 up /50 :01:06 up /50 RLOC Note: lig adds a map-cache entry to the router (IOS/IOS-XE)

51 LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig”
Cisco Live 2016 LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” 9/10/2018 Debug #1 – lig IPv4 MS/MR EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 Lo0: .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 MSMR2#debug lisp control-plane lig *Jun  2 14:30:17.951: LISP: Processing received Encap-Control(8) message on GigabitEthernet0/1 from :4342 to :4342 *Jun  2 14:30:17.951: LISP: Processing received Map-Request(1) message on GigabitEthernet0/1 from :4342 to :4342 *Jun  2 14:30:17.951: LISP: Received map request for IID /32, source_eid IID , ITR-RLOCs: , records 1, nonce 0x7F27A0B4-0x622E510A *Jun  2 14:30:17.951: LISP-0: MS EID IID 0 prefix /32 site SD, Forwarding map request to ETR RLOC Lo /32 .2 .2 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 .3 /24 /30 .2 SD-2#debug lisp control-plane lig *Jun  2 14:30:17.666: LISP-0: LIG IID 0 request for IPv4, EIDs self, count 3. *Jun  2 14:30:17.820: LISP-0: LIG IID Overriding map request parameters. *Jun  2 14:30:17.821: LISP: Send map request type remote EID prefix *Jun  2 14:30:17.821: LISP: Send map request for EID prefix IID /32 *Jun  2 14:30:17.821: LISP-0: LIG IID Overriding map request parameters. *Jun  2 14:30:18.166: LISP-0: LIG IID Checking for mapping updates. *Jun  2 14:30:18.170: LISP-0: LIG IID Displaying info. Note: lig adds a map-cache entry to the router (IOS/IOS-XE) BRKRST-3047

52 Agenda LISP – Brief Refresher Part 1: LISP Operations
Part 2: Basic Configuration for the Use Cases Part 3: Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? Part 4: LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” Part 5: LISP Troubleshooting - Transition Part 6: Troubleshooting the Use Cases Part 7: Additional sources and mailing lists Summary BRKRST-3047

53 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 MS/MR EID Registration Lo0: router lisp site SD ... eid-prefix /24 SD1-xTR EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 router lisp ... eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL BRKRST-3047

54 1e 1a 1c 1b 1d Cisco Live 2017 9/10/2018 Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
For Your Reference EID Registration Yes 1e 1a 1c Check local LISP DB Check registr msg on ETR Check notify msg on ETR Validate local prefixes LISP process issue on ETR Packets dropped No No No Yes Yes Yes 1b 1d Check LISP DB on MS Check registr msg on MS LISP process issue on ETR EID Registration COMPLETE Packets dropped Yes No No Yes BRKRST-3047

55 1e 1a 1c 1b 1d Cisco Live 2017 9/10/2018 Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
For Your Reference EID Registration Yes 1e 1a 1c Check local LISP DB Check registr msg on ETR Check notify msg on ETR Validate local prefixes LISP process issue on ETR Packets dropped No No No Yes Yes Yes 1b 1d Check LISP DB on MS Check registr msg on MS LISP process issue on ETR EID Registration COMPLETE Packets dropped Yes No No Yes BRKRST-3047

56 Verification at the ETR – 1a
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD-xTR MS/MR Verification at the ETR – 1a SD1#sh ip lisp instance-id 0 database  LISP ETR IPv4 Mapping Database for EID-table default (IID 0), LSBs: 0x3 Entries total 3, no-route 0, inactive 0 /24, locator-set CL   Locator    Pri/Wgt  Source     State       1/50   cfg-addr   site-self, reachable Instance ID EID RLOC BRKRST-3047

57 Verification miss at the ETR
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR MS/MR Verification miss at the ETR SD1#sh ip lisp instance-id 0 database  LISP ETR IPv4 Mapping Database for EID-table default (IID 0), LSBs: 0x0 Entries total 1, no-route 1, inactive 0 *** ALL ACTIVE LOCAL EID PREFIXES HAVE NO ROUTE *** ***    REPORTING LOCAL RLOCS AS UNREACHABLE     *** /24, locator-set CL *** NO ROUTE TO EID PREFIX ***   Locator      Pri/Wgt  Source     State       0/0    cfg-intf   site-self, unreachable Instance ID EID RLOC BRKRST-3047

58 Missing local database entry?
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR MS/MR Missing local database entry? debug lisp control-plane local-eid-database *Jun 1 20:26:26.491: LISP-0: Local EID IID 0 prefix /24, no RIB route to EID prefix (state: active, rlocs: 1/1, sources: static). *Jun 1 20:27:46.904: LISP-0: Local EID IID 0 prefix /24, found RIB route /24 to EID prefix (state: active, rlocs: 1/1, sources: static). BRKRST-3047

59 MS DataBase Verification – 1b
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR MS/MR MS DataBase Verification – 1b MSMR1#sh lisp site instance-id 0 LISP Site Registration Information * = Some locators are down or unreachable # = Some registrations are sourced by reliable transport Site Name     Last      Up     Who Last             Inst     EID Prefix                Register         Registered           ID        SD           :32:50  yes#              0    /24 EID RLOC Instance ID BRKRST-3047

60 1e 1a 1c 1b 1d Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes For Your
Reference EID Registration Yes 1e 1a 1c Check local LISP DB Check registr msg on ETR Check notify msg on ETR Validate local prefixes LISP process issue on ETR Packets dropped No No No Yes Yes Yes 1b 1d Check LISP DB on MS Check registr msg on MS LISP process issue on ETR EID Registration COMPLETE Packets dropped Yes No No Yes BRKRST-3047

61 Verify ETR registration message – 1c
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR MS/MR debug lisp control-plane etr-map-server *Jun 7 19:10:22.524: LISP-0: IPv4 Map Server IID , Sending map-register (src_rloc ) nonce 0x6C8B0A5A-0xECA742F4. *Jun 7 19:10:22.526: LISP-0: IPv4 Map Server IID , Sending map-register (src_rloc ) nonce 0x9B0F0BB4-0x97F24B79. BRKRST-3047

62 Verify ETR registration message – 1d
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR MS/MR debug lisp control-plane map-server *Jun 7 17:26:41.140: LISP-0: MS registration IID 0 prefix / site SD, Created. *Jun 7 17:26:41.140: LISP-0: MS registration IID 0 prefix / site SD, Adding locator BRKRST-3047

63 1e 1a 1c 1b 1d Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes For Your
Reference EID Registration Yes 1e 1a 1c Check local LISP DB Check registr msg on ETR Check notify msg on ETR Validate local prefixes LISP process issue on ETR Packets dropped No No No Yes Yes Yes 1b 1d Check LISP DB on MS Check registr msg on MS LISP process issue on ETR EID Registration COMPLETE Packets dropped Yes No No Yes BRKRST-3047

64 Verify Notify message ETR– 1e
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR MS/MR debug lisp control-plane all *Jun 7 19:36:34.294: LISP-0: Local EID IID 0 prefix /24, Received map notify (state: active, rlocs: 1/1, sources: static). *Jun 7 19:36:34.294: LISP: Processing received Map-Notify(4) message on GigabitEthernet0/1 from :4342 to :4342 *Jun 7 19:36:35.789: LISP-0: IPv4 Map Server IID , Processing reliable NOTIFY message for prefix /24. BRKRST-3047

65 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV EID-prefixes LISP Site SD
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 EID Resolution router lisp site SD ... eid-prefix /24 site LV eid-prefix /24 MS/M R LV1- xTR SD1- xTR EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 router lisp ... eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL router lisp ... eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL BRKRST-3047

66 2a 2c 2e 2b 2d Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes For Your
Reference EID Resolution Yes 2a 2c Check Map- Cache on ITR Check map- request to MS/MR Packets dropped EID Resolution COMPLETE No 2e Yes Check map- reply on ITR Packets dropped No Yes 2b 2d No Check map- request on ITR Check map- request on ETR LISP process issue on ITR LISP process issue on MS/MR Yes No No LISP process issue on ITR Yes Yes BRKRST-3047

67 2a 2c 2e 2b 2d Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes For Your
Reference EID Resolution Yes 2a 2c Check Map- Cache on ITR Check map- request to MS/MR Packets dropped EID Resolution COMPLETE No 2e Yes Check map- reply on ITR Packets dropped No Yes 2b 2d No Check map- request on ITR Check map- request on ETR LISP process issue on ITR LISP process issue on MS/MR Yes No No LISP process issue on ITR Yes Yes BRKRST-3047

68 Map cache on ITR – 2a SD1#sh ip lisp map-cache
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR LV1-xTR MS/M R Map cache on ITR – 2a SD1#sh ip lisp map-cache LISP IPv4 Mapping Cache for EID-table default (IID 0), 2 entries /24, uptime: 00:00:08, expires: 23:59:52, via map-reply, complete Locator Uptime State Pri/Wgt :00:08 up /1 LV EID LV RLOC BRKRST-3047

69 Verify map-request – 2b debug lisp control map-request
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR LV1-xTR MS/M R Verify map-request – 2b debug lisp control map-request *Jun 6 17:00:44.302: LISP: Send map request for EID prefix IID /32 BRKRST-3047

70 2a 2c 2e 2b 2d Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes For Your
Reference EID Resolution Yes 2a 2c Check Map- Cache on ITR Check map- request to MS/MR Packets dropped EID Resolution COMPLETE No 2e Yes Check map- reply on ITR Packets dropped No Yes 2b 2d No Check LISP debug on ITR Check map- request on ETR LISP process issue on ITR LISP process issue on MS/MR Yes No No LISP process issue on ITR Yes Yes BRKRST-3047

71 Verify MS/MR – 2c debug lisp control map-server-map-request
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR LV1-xTR MS/M R Verify MS/MR – 2c MSMR2#sh lisp site instance-id 0 Site Name Last Up Who Last Inst EID Prefix Register Registered ID LV :31:34 yes# /24 SD :32:23 yes# /24 debug lisp control map-server-map-request *Jun 6 17:13:01.815: LISP: Received map request for IID /32, source_eid IID , ITR-RLOCs: , records 1, nonce 0x34DA2E22-0x2B52F7A3 *Jun 6 17:13:01.816: LISP-0: MS EID IID 0 prefix /24 site LV, Forwarding map request to ETR RLOC SD RLOC LV RLOC BRKRST-3047

72 Verify map-request on ETR – 2d
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR LV1-xTR MS/M R debug lisp control map-request *Jun 6 17:13:01.171: LISP: Received map request for IID /32, source_eid IID , ITR-RLOCs: , records 1, nonce 0x34DA2E22-0x2B52F7A3 *Jun 6 17:13:01.172: LISP-0: Sending map-reply from to LV RLOC SD RLOC BRKRST-3047

73 2a 2c 2e 2b 2d Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes For Your
Reference EID Resolution Yes 2a 2c Check Map- Cache on ITR Check map- request to MS/MR Packets dropped EID Resolution COMPLETE No 2e Yes Check map- reply on ITR Packets dropped No Yes 2b 2d No Check LISP debug on ITR Check map- request on ETR LISP process issue on ITR LISP process issue on MS/MR Yes No No LISP process issue on ITR Yes Yes BRKRST-3047

74 Verify map-reply on ITR – 2e
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 SD1-xTR LV1-xTR MS/M R Verify map-reply on ITR – 2e debug lisp control map-request *Jun 6 17:32:58.295: LISP: Processing Map-Reply mapping record for IID /24, ttl 1440, action none, authoritative, 1 locator pri/wei=1/1 LpR LV EID LV RLOC BRKRST-3047

75 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 Transitioning to LISP 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Show #1 – ITR: check DB – MSMR: check sites MSMR#sh lisp site LISP Site Registration Information * = Some locators are down or unreachable Site Name Last Up Who Last Inst EID Prefix Register Registered ID Las-Vegas :00:55 yes /32 00:00:55 yes /24 San-Diego :00:04 yes /32 00:00:04 yes /32 00:00:04 yes /24 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 SD1-xTR#sh ip lisp database LISP ETR IPv4 Mapping Database for EID-table default (IID 0), LSBs: 0x3, 3 entries . /24, locator-set CL Locator Pri/Wgt Source State /50 cfg-addr site-self, reachable /50 cfg-addr site-other, report-reachable RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 SD1-xTR#ping source rep 10 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 10, 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with a source address of !!!!!!!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (10/10), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms BRKRST-3047

76 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Transitioning to LISP Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Show #2 – ITR: check map-cache SD1-xTR#show ip lisp map-cache LISP IPv4 Mapping Cache for EID-table default (IID 0), 1 entries /0, uptime: 00:26:16, expires: never, via static send map-request Negative cache entry, action: send-map-request .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 LV1-xTR# conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. LV1-xTR(config)#router bgp 65001 LV1-xTR(config-router)# address-family ipv4 LV1-xTR(config-router-af)#no network mask LV1-xTR(config-router-af)#^Z SD1-xTR#show ip route Routing entry for /24 Known via "bgp 65001", distance 20, metric 0 Tag 1, type external Last update from :35:49 ago Routing Descriptor Blocks: * , from , 00:35:49 ago Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1 AS Hops 2 Route tag 1 MPLS label: none BRKRST-3047

77 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Transitioning to LISP Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Show #3 – ITR: check map-cache .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 SD1-xTR#ping source rep 10 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 10, 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with a source address of ..!!!!!!!! Success rate is 80 percent (8/10), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SD1-xTR#show ip lisp map-cache SD1-xTR#sh ip lisp map-cache LISP IPv4 Mapping Cache for EID-table default (IID 0), 2 entries /0, uptime: 00:33:01, expires: never, via static send map-request Negative cache entry, action: send-map-request /24, uptime: 00:01:01, expires: 23:58:59, via map-reply, complete Locator Uptime State Pri/Wgt :01:01 up /50 :01:01 up /50 BRKRST-3047

78 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Transitioning to LISP Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Configure route import .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR LV1 Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 MSMR#sh lisp site LISP Site Registration Information * = Some locators are down or unreachable Site Name Last Up Who Last Inst EID Prefix Register Registered ID Las-Vegas never no /32 00:00:20 yes /24 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 router lisp locator-set CL IPv4-interface Ethernet0/0 priority 1 weight 50 IPv4-interface Ethernet1/0 priority 1 weight 50 exit ! eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL ipv4 route-import database ospf 20 locator-set CL BRKRST-3047

79 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 Transitioning to LISP 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Show #4 – MSMR: check sites – ITR: check DB MSMR#sh lisp site LISP Site Registration Information * = Some locators are down or unreachable Site Name Last Up Who Last Inst EID Prefix Register Registered ID Las-Vegas :00:00 yes /32 00:00:00 yes /24 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR LV1 Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 LV1-xTR#sh ip lisp route-import database LISP IPv4 imported routes for EID-table default (IID 0) Config: 1, Entries: 1 (limit 1000) Prefix Uptime Source RLOC-set Cache/DB State / :03:37 ospf CL installed LV1-xTR#sh ip lisp database LISP ETR IPv4 Mapping Database for EID-table default (IID 0), LSBs: 0x3, 2 entries /32, route-import, locator-set CL Locator Pri/Wgt Source State /50 cfg-intf site-self, reachable /50 cfg-intf site-self, reachable /24, locator-set CL BRKRST-3047

80 Agenda LISP – Brief Refresher Part 1: LISP Operations
Part 2: Basic Configuration for the Use Cases Part 3: Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? Part 4: LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” Part 5: LISP Troubleshooting - Transition Part 6: Troubleshooting the Use Cases Part 7: Additional sources and mailing lists Summary BRKRST-3047

81 LISP Use Cases Efficient Multi-Homing IPv6 Transition Support
IP Portability Ingress Traffic Engineering without BGP LISP routers LISP Site Internet IPv6 Transition Support v6-over-v4, v6-over-v6 v4-over-v6, v4-over-v4 IPv4 Internet IPv6 Internet v6 v4 LISP router v6 services VPNs and Segmentation Over-the-Top Multi-tenency HQ LISP Site Internet Data Center User Network Remote LISP Site k . . VM-Mobility Cloud / Layer 3 VM moves Segmentation Data Center 1 Data Center 2 a.b.c.1 VM VM move LISP router Internet BRKRST-3047

82 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Usecase 1: Multihoming Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: ITR: check for map-cache .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 SD1-xTR#sh ip lisp map-cache /24 LISP IPv4 Mapping Cache for EID-table default (IID 0), 3 entries /24, uptime: 03:27:49, expires: 20:33:16, via map-reply, complete Sources: map-reply State: complete, last modified: 03:27:49, map-source: Active, Packets out: 1109 (~ 00:00:00 ago) Locator Uptime State Pri/Wgt :27:49 up /50 Last up-down state change: :27:49, state change count: 1 Last route reachability change: 03:27:49, state change count: 1 Last priority / weight change: never/never RLOC-probing loc-status algorithm: Last RLOC-probe sent: never :27:49 up /50 SD1-xTR# EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32

83 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Usecase 1: Multihoming Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: ITR: check for adjacency .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 SD1-xTR#sh ip lisp forwarding eid remote Prefix Fwd action Locator status bits / encap x packets/bytes /810900 path list F , 3 locks, per-destination, flags 0x49 [shble, rif, hwcn] ifnums: LISP0(16): , 2 paths path F314950C, share 50/50, type attached nexthop, for IPv4 nexthop LISP0, IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F54B12A8 path F31493D4, share 50/50, type attached nexthop, for IPv4 nexthop LISP0, IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F54B1148 1 output chain chain[0]: loadinfo F317D314, per-session, 2 choices, flags 0083, 5 locks flags [Per-session, for-rx-IPv4, 2buckets] 2 hash buckets < 0 > IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F54B12A8 IP adj out of Ethernet0/0, addr F324ABC8 < 1 > IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F54B1148 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32

84 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Usecase 1: Multihoming Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: ITR: check for adjacency .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 SD1-xTR#sh adjacency lisp0 detail Protocol Interface Address IP LISP (5) 0 packets, 0 bytes epoch 0 sourced in sev-epoch 0 Encap length 36 E70A010102 0A F L2 destination address byte offset 0 L2 destination address byte length 0 Link-type after encap: ip LISP Next chain element: IP adj out of Ethernet0/0, addr IP LISP (5) 8109 packets, bytes E70A010102 0A F Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 Note: The ability to achieve accurate load sharing is dependent upon statistically relevant five-tuple hash distributions from all flows. Depending upon this distribution, hashing may or may not be an exactly meet the desired percentages as specified by LISP weights. Given a sufficiently rich distribution, it will be very close, however.

85 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Cisco Live 2016 Usecase 1: Multihoming 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: WAN Link Failure Detection EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 X .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 RLOC SD1-xTR#sh ip lisp database /24, locator-set CL Locator Pri/Wgt Source State /50 cfg-addr site-self, reachable /50 cfg-addr site-other, probe-no-reply LV1-xTR#sh ip lisp forwarding eid remote Prefix Fwd action Locator status bits / encap x packets/bytes /960900 path list F490F16C, 3 locks, per-destination, flags 0x49 [shbl…] ifnums: LISP0(16): , 2 paths path F561151C, share 50/50, type attached nexthop, for IPv4 nexthop LISP0, IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F586D6A0 path F5610F6C, share 50/50, type attached nexthop, for IPv4 nexthop LISP0, IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F586D3E0 1 output chain MSMR#sh lisp site LISP Site Registration Information * = Some locators are down or unreachable Site Name Last Up Who Last Inst EID Prefix Register Registered ID Las-Vegas :00:22 yes /32 00:00:22 yes /24 San-Diego :00:43 yes* /32 00:00:43 yes* /32 00:00:43 yes* /24 BRKRST-3047

86 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD EID-prefixes LISP Site LV
Usecase 1: Multihoming Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: LAN Link Failure Detection LV1-xTR#sh ip lisp forwarding eid remote Prefix Fwd action Locator status bits / encap x packets/bytes /756600 path list F54907E4, 3 locks, per-destination, flags 0x49 [shble, rif, hwcn] ifnums: LISP0(16): , 2 paths path F49D1CCC, share 50/50, type attached nexthop, for IPv4 nexthop LISP0, IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F29570D0 path F49D1B94, share 50/50, type attached nexthop, for IPv4 nexthop LISP0, IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F2956F70 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 X .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 SD1#ping rep Type escape sequence to abort. Sending , 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Success rate is 99 percent (999967/ ), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/21 ms .2 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /32 /32 RLOC EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /24 /32 LV1-xTR#sh ip lisp forwarding eid remote Prefix Fwd action Locator status bits / encap x packets/bytes /790200 path list F54906A4, 3 locks, per-destination, flags 0x49 [shble, rif, hwcn] ifnums: LISP0(16): 1 path path F49D1AC4, share 50/50, type attached nexthop, for IPv4 nexthop LISP0, IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F29570D0 1 output chain chain[0]: IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F29570D0 IP adj out of Ethernet0/0, addr F32C9BC8

87 X Usecase 1: Multihoming MS/MR Anycast MS/MR1 SD1-xTR LV1-xTR SD2-xTR
Cisco Live 2016 Usecase 1: Multihoming 9/10/2018 MS/MR1 Lo0: MS/MR Anycast .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo /32 RLOC EID .2 .2 LV1-xTR Lo /32 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 /24 /30 /30 /24 .2 .5 Crash/Reboot 3 Min MS/MR2 /30 X .6 For Your Reference Lo0: BRKRST-3047

88 LISP Use Cases Efficient Multi-Homing IPv6 Transition Support
IP Portability Ingress Traffic Engineering without BGP LISP routers LISP Site Internet IPv6 Transition Support v6-over-v4, v6-over-v6 v4-over-v6, v4-over-v4 IPv4 Internet IPv6 Internet v6 v4 LISP router v6 services VPNs and Segmentation Over-the-Top Multi-tenency HQ LISP Site Internet Data Center User Network Remote LISP Site k . . VM-Mobility Cloud / Layer 3 VM moves Segmentation Data Center 1 Data Center 2 a.b.c.1 VM VM move LISP router Internet BRKRST-3047

89 Usecase 2: IPv6 Transition Support
Cisco Live 2016 Usecase 2: IPv6 Transition Support 9/10/2018 Reachability Failure MS/MR SD1#ping 2001:db8:a:2::10 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:DB8:A:2::10, timeout is 2 seconds: UUUUU Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) Lo0: EID IPv6 prefixes LISP Site SD 2001:db8:a:1::/64 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV 2001:db8:a:2::/64 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID .1 Lo0 2001:db8:a:1::10/64 .2 .2 LV1-xTR EID Lo0 2001:db8:a:2::10/64 /30 .10 SD2-xTR .1 /30 .2 VIP: .1 .1 .10 .1 .3 2001:db8:a:1::/64 /30 /30 2001:db8:a:2::/64 .2 RLOC SD1-xTR#lig 2001:db8:a:2::10 Mapping information for EID 2001:DB8:A:2::10 from with RTT 1 msecs 2001:DB8:A:2::/64, uptime: 00:07:50, expires: 00:00:59, via map-reply, forward-native Negative cache entry, action: forward-native SD1-xTR#lig 2001:db8:a:1::10 Mapping information for EID 2001:DB8:A:1::10 from with RTT 1 msecs 2001:DB8:A:1::/64, uptime: 00:00:00, expires: 23:59:59, via map-reply, complete Locator Uptime State Pri/Wgt :00:00 up /50 :00:00 up /50 BRKRST-3047

90 Usecase 2: IPv6 Transition Support
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Reachability Failure con’t *Jun  6 21:23:16.995: LISP-0: MS Site EID IID 0 prefix /24 site LV, Registration failed authentication. *Jun  6 21:23:56.651: LISP-0: MS Site EID IID 1234 prefix /24 site LV, Registration failed authentication. MS/MR Lo0: EID IPv6 prefixes LISP Site SD 2001:db8:a:1::/64 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV 2001:db8:a:2::/64 .2 SD1-xTR /30 EID LV1-xTR#sh run | section include router lisp router lisp eid-table default instance-id 0 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL database-mapping 2001:DB8:A:1::/64 locator-set CL exit ipv4 itr map-resolver ipv4 itr ipv4 etr map-server key cisco ipv4 etr ipv6 itr map-resolver ipv6 itr ipv6 etr map-server key Cisco ipv6 etr .1 Lo0 2001:db8:a:1::10/64 .2 .2 LV1-xTR EID Lo0 2001:db8:a:2::10/64 /30 .10 SD2-xTR VIP: .1 .1 /30 .2 .1 .10 .1 .3 2001:db8:a:1::/64 /30 /30 2001:db8:a:2::/64 .2 RLOC *Jun  6 21:19:48.820: LISP-0: IPv4 Map Server IID , Sending map-register (src_rloc ) nonce 0x1D x06AD2FD4. *Jun  6 21:19:57.144: LISP-0: IPv4 Map Server IID , Sending map-register (src_rloc ) nonce 0x1D x06AD2FD4. *Jun  6 21:20:13.532: LISP-0: IPv4 Map Server IID , Sending map-register (src_rloc ) nonce 0x1D x06AD2FD4. BRKRST-3047

91 LISP Use Cases Efficient Multi-Homing IPv6 Transition Support
IP Portability Ingress Traffic Engineering without BGP LISP routers LISP Site Internet IPv6 Transition Support v6-over-v4, v6-over-v6 v4-over-v6, v4-over-v4 IPv4 Internet IPv6 Internet v6 v4 LISP router v6 services VPNs and Segmentation Over-the-Top Multi-tenency HQ LISP Site Internet Data Center User Network Remote LISP Site k . . VM-Mobility Cloud / Layer 3 VM moves Segmentation Data Center 1 Data Center 2 a.b.c.1 VM VM move LISP router Internet BRKRST-3047

92 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV EID-prefixes LISP Site SD
Cisco Live 2016 Usecase 3: Virtualization 9/10/2018 MS/MR Lo0: Ping within BLUE VRF SD1#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: ..... Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) EID-prefixes LISP Site LV IID 10: /24 IID 20: /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD IID 10: /24 IID 20: /24 .2 SD1-xTR /30 SD2-xTR#debug lisp control-plane all *Jun 1 20:26:26.491: LISP-0: IID 10 No local EID prefix covering map request for /24. SD2-xTR#debug lisp control-plane local-eid-database *Jun 1 20:26:27.251: LISP-0: Local EID IID 0 prefix /24, no RIB route to EID prefix (state: active, rlocs: 1/1, sources: static). P-0: Local EID IID 0 prefix /24, no RIB route to EID prefix (state: active, rlocs: 1/1, sources: static). .1 .10 .2 LV1-xTR /30 .10 SD2-xTR .1 /30 .2 EID IID 10 .1 /30 /30 .2 SD2-xTR#sh ip lisp instance-id 10 database LISP ETR IPv4 Mapping Database for EID-table vrf BLUE (IID 10), LSBs: 0x0, 1 entries *** ALL CONFIGURED LOCAL EID PREFIXES HAVE NO ROUTE *** *** REPORTING LOCAL RLOCS AS UNREACHABLE *** /24, locator-set CL *** NO ROUTE TO EID PREFIX *** Locator Pri/Wgt Source State /50 cfg-addr site-other, probe-no-reply /50 cfg-addr site-self, unreachable .10 RLOC .10 EID IID 20 SD2-xTR#sh run | section include router lisp router lisp locator-set CL priority 1 weight 50 priority 1 weight 50 exit ! eid-table vrf BLUE instance-id 10 database-mapping /24 locator-set CL BRKRST-3047

93 LISP Use Cases Efficient Multi-Homing IPv6 Transition Support
IP Portability Ingress Traffic Engineering without BGP LISP routers LISP Site Internet IPv6 Transition Support v6-over-v4, v6-over-v6 v4-over-v6, v4-over-v4 IPv4 Internet IPv6 Internet v6 v4 LISP router v6 services VPNs and Segmentation Over-the-Top Multi-tenency HQ LISP Site Internet Data Center User Network Remote LISP Site k . . VM-Mobility Cloud / Layer 3 VM moves Segmentation Data Center 1 Data Center 2 a.b.c.1 VM VM move LISP router Internet BRKRST-3047

94 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM)
Cisco Live 2016 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM) 9/10/2018 ping to/from moved VM /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /30 /30 .1 .2 /30 /30 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /30 RLOC .11 .3 MS/MR Lo0: VIP: .1 .10 LV2-xTR SD1-xTR LV1-xTR SD2-xTR SD1#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: ..!!! Success rate is 60 percent (3/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SD1#sh arp Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface Internet e1d.010c ARPA Ethernet0/0 Internet ARPA Ethernet0/0 Internet ARPA Ethernet0/0 Internet aabb.cc01.0b00 ARPA Ethernet0/0 Internet e1d.010c ARPA Ethernet0/0 SD2-Mobile#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to , timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms Note: May not be able to ping/reach the router EID interface address BRKRST-3047

95 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM)
Cisco Live 2016 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM) 9/10/2018 VM & ETR: check ARP table /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /30 /30 .1 .2 /30 /30 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /30 RLOC .11 .3 MS/MR Lo0: VIP: .1 .10 LV2-xTR SD1-xTR LV1-xTR SD2-xTR SD1-xTR#sh standby Ethernet1/0 - Group 1 State is Active 2 state changes, last state change 1d02h Virtual IP address is Active virtual MAC address is e1d.010c (MAC In Use) Local virtual MAC address is e1d.010c (cfgd) Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec Next hello sent in secs Preemption disabled Active router is local Standby router is , priority 90 (expires in sec) Priority 110 (configured 110) Group name is "hsrp-Et1/0-1" (default) SD2-Mobile#sh arp Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface Internet e1d.010c ARPA Ethernet0/0 Internet e1d.010c ARPA Ethernet0/0 Internet aabb.cc01.0a01 ARPA Ethernet0/0 Internet aabb.cc01.0b01 ARPA Ethernet0/0 Note: Silent hosts may not be detected! BRKRST-3047

96 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM)
Cisco Live 2016 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM) 9/10/2018 ETR: check for mobility event /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /30 /30 .1 .2 /30 /30 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /30 RLOC .11 .3 MS/MR Lo0: VIP: .1 .10 LV2-xTR SD1-xTR LV1-xTR SD2-xTR LV1-xTR#show lisp dynamic-eid summary LISP Dynamic EID Summary for VRF "default" * = Dyn-EID learned by Site-Based Map-Notify ^ = Dyn-EID learned by EID Notify Dyn-EID Name Dynamic-EID Interface Uptime Last Pending Packet Ping Count Mobile_Subnet Et1/ :57:55 00:00:36 0 LV1-xTR#sh ip route Routing entry for /32 Known via "lisp", distance 10, metric 1, type unknown Last update from on Ethernet1/0, 00:44:10 ago Routing Descriptor Blocks: * , from , 00:44:10 ago, via Ethernet1/0 Route metric is 1, traffic share count is 1 BRKRST-3047

97 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM)
Cisco Live 2016 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM) 9/10/2018 ITR: check for map-cache /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /30 /30 .1 .2 /30 /30 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /30 RLOC .11 .3 MS/MR Lo0: VIP: .1 .10 LV2-xTR SD1-xTR LV1-xTR SD2-xTR SD1-xTR#sh ip lisp map-cache LISP IPv4 Mapping Cache for EID-table default (IID 0), 4 entries /0, uptime: 1d01h, expires: never, via static send map-request Negative cache entry, action: send-map-request /24, uptime: 1d01h, expires: never, via dynamic-EID, send-map-request /32, uptime: 1d00h, expires: 23:34:08, via map-reply, complete Locator Uptime State Pri/Wgt d00h up /50 d00h up /50 /24, uptime: 1d00h, expires: 23:08:59, via map-reply, complete

98 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM)
Cisco Live 2016 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM) 9/10/2018 ITR: check for mobility event /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /30 /30 .1 .2 /30 /30 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /30 RLOC .11 .3 MS/MR Lo0: VIP: .1 .10 LV2-xTR SD1-xTR LV1-xTR SD2-xTR SD1-xTR#sh ip cef /32 internal /32, epoch 0, flags [sc, lisp elig], refcnt 5, per-destination sharing sources: LISP, IPL subblocks: SC owned,sourced: LISP remote EID - locator status bits 0x LISP remote EID: 3 packets 300 bytes fwd action encap, dynamic EID need encap SC inherited: LISP cfg dyn-EID - LISP configured dynamic-EID LISP EID attributes: localEID No, c-dynEID Yes, d-dynEID No LISP source path list path list F57E2C9C, 4 locks, per-destination, flags 0x49 [shble, rif, hwcn] ifnums: LISP0(12): , 2 paths path F56E0E6C, share 50/50, type attached nexthop, for IPv4 nexthop LISP0, IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F57C3BF0 path F56E0E04, share 50/50, type attached nexthop, for IPv4 nexthop LISP0, IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F57C3A90 1 output chain chain[0]: loadinfo F , per-session, 2 choices, flags 0083, 5 locks flags [Per-session, for-rx-IPv4, 2buckets] 2 hash buckets < 0 > IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F57C3BF0 IP adj out of Ethernet0/0, addr F322F5C8 < 1 > IP midchain out of LISP0, addr F57C3A90 Subblocks: None . SD1-xTR# sh ip route Routing entry for /24 Known via "connected", distance 0, metric 0 (connected, via interface) Routing Descriptor Blocks: * directly connected, via Ethernet1/0 Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1 SD1-xTR#sh ip route % Subnet not in table

99 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM)
Cisco Live 2016 Use Case #4: VM Mobility (ASM) 9/10/2018 MS: check for mobility event /24 EID-prefixes LISP Site SD /24 /30 /30 .1 .2 /30 /30 EID-prefixes LISP Site LV /30 RLOC .11 .3 MS/MR Lo0: VIP: .1 .10 LV2-xTR SD1-xTR LV1-xTR SD2-xTR MSMR#sh lisp site detail ... EID-prefix: /32 instance-id 0 First registered: :15:41 Routing table tag: 0 Origin: Dynamic, more specific of /24 Merge active: No Proxy reply: No TTL: d00h State: complete Registration errors: Authentication failures: 0 Allowed locators mismatch: 0 ETR , last registered 00:00:36, no proxy-reply, map-notify TTL 1d00h, no merge, hash-function sha1, nonce 0x3 state complete, no security-capability xTR-ID 0x47FD971C-0x21DB708E-0x85D5C629-0xFCBAFFC5 site-ID unspecified Locator Local State Pri/Wgt Scope yes up /50 IPv4 none no up /50 IPv4 none MSMR#sh lisp site LISP Site Registration Information * = Some locators are down or unreachable Site Name Last Up Who Last Inst EID Prefix Register Registered ID Las-Vegas never no /32 00:00:37 yes /24 Roaming never no /24 00:00:32 yes /32 00:00:32 yes /32 00:00:32 yes /32 00:00:37 yes /32 San-Diego :00:32 yes /32 00:00:32 yes /32 BRKRST-3047

100 Agenda LISP – Brief Refresher Part 1: LISP Operations
Part 2: Basic Configuration for the Use Cases Part 3: Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? Part 4: LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” Part 5: LISP Troubleshooting - Transition Part 6: Troubleshooting the Use Cases Part 7: Additional sources and mailing lists Summary BRKRST-3047

101 Wireshark – LISP Packet Decode
For Your Reference Wireshark – LISP Packet Decode Control-Plane Example

102 LISP References LISP Information
For Your Reference LISP Information LISP Mailing Lists Cisco LISP Questions ……………… IETF LISP Working Group ………… LISP Interest (public) ………………. LISPmob Questions ………………... LISP Information Cisco LISP Site ……………..… (IPv4 and IPv6) Cisco LISP Marketing Site ………... LISP Beta Network Site …………… or LISP DDT Root ……………………... IETF LISP Working Group ……... BRKRST-3047

103 Agenda LISP – Brief Refresher Part 1: LISP Operations
Part 2: Basic Configuration for the Use Cases Part 3: Underlay and overlay – What to troubleshoot first? Part 4: LISP Troubleshooting Tool: “lig” Part 5: LISP Troubleshooting - Transition Part 6: Troubleshooting the Use Cases Part 7: Additional sources and mailing lists Summary BRKRST-3047

104 Summary – LISP Troubleshooting
Underlay first – overlay second Check EID connectivity on EID sites Control-Plane is separated from Forwarding-Plane Start from the end (ETR) Leverage “lig” Use show commands first Use debug and Wireshark when needed Document your findings Use Cisco TAC and “lisp-support” -list BRKRST-3047

105 LISP Home-Work ;-) Presentation, full configurations and other material will be available on Box after this session Do some testing w/ LISP and find your own use-case! Give feedback or ask questions at: BRKRST-3047

106 Continue Your Education
Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 Continue Your Education Demos in the Cisco campus Walk-in Self-Paced Labs Lunch & Learn Meet the Engineer 1:1 meetings Related sessions: LISP - A Next Generation Networking Architecture. Session ID: BRKRST-3045 Enhancing VXLAN/EVPN Fabrics with LISP. Session ID: LTRDCT-2224 Networking Challenges when Interconnecting Data Center Fabrics. Session ID: BRKDCN-2001 Transition to an IPv6 environment using LISP - A Hands-on LAB. Session ID: LABRST-2020 BRKRST-3047

107 SD-Access Cisco Live Sessions
Breakout Sessions: BRKCRS-2810: DNA Campus Fabric Automation – A Look Under the Hood (2 Hour, Shawn Wargo) (run twice) BRKCRS-2811: DNA Campus Fabric Automation – Connecting the Campus Fabric to External Networks (2 Hour, Satish Kondalam) (run twice) BRKCRS-2812: DNA Campus Fabric Automation – Integrating with Your Existing Network (2 Hour, Kedar Karmarkar) BRKCRS-2813: DNA Campus Fabric Automation – Monitoring and Troubleshooting (90 min, Vimarsh Puneet) BRKCRS-2814: DNA Campus Fabric Automation – Assurance and Analytics (90 min, Karthik Kumar Thatikonda) BRKCRS-3811: DNA Campus Fabric Automation – Policy Driven Manageability (90 min, Victor Moreno) BRKEWN-2020: DNA Campus Fabric Automation – Wireless Integration (2 Hour, Simone Arena and Kedar Karmarkar) BRKDCN-2489: DNA Campus Fabric Automation – Integration with Data Center Architectures (90 min, Karthik Kumar Thatikonda) Labs: LTRCRS-2810: DNA Campus Fabric Automation – Hands-On Lab (4 Hour, Derek Huckaby and Larissa Overbey) (run twice) BRKRST-3047

108 Cisco Live 2017 9/10/2018 Q & A For additional questions please send an to and BRKRST-3047

109 Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 BRKRST-3047

110 Cisco Live 2016 9/10/2018 BRKRST-3047

111 9/10/2018 Cisco Live 2017

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