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Vocab unit 4 Group 3.

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1 Vocab unit 4 Group 3

2 Expunge Definition: To erase or remove completely Part of Speech: Verb Sentence: Because the court decided to expunge my criminal record, there will be no documentation of my past transgressions. Etymology: Synonyms: Erase, remove Antonyms: Create, establish

3 Finite Definition: having limits or bounds. Part of Speech: adjective Sentence: Khayyam tries to express the idea that life is finite and eventually ends in his pieces. Etymology: late Middle English: from Latin finitus ‘finished’ Synonyms: definite, fixed Antonyms: unlimited, infinite

4 Invulnerable Definition: impossible to harm or damage Part of Speech: adjective Sentence: The invulnerable man leapt off the roof to save the children. Etymology: The latin word invulnerabillis, in meaning not and vulnerabillis meaning vulnerable Synonyms: impassable, indestructible Antonyms: vincible, vulnerable

5 Malevolent Definition: having or showing a wish to do evil to others. Part of Speech: Adjective Sentence: The malevolent dictator created harsh laws that restricted the rights of the citizens. Etymology: Synonyms: malicious, hostile, evil-minded Antonyms: benevolent

6 Nonchalant Definition: feeling or appearing casually calm and
relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm. Part of Speech: Adj Sentence: After the batter hit a homer run; he nonchalantly rounded the bases. Etymology: Synonyms:composed, unconcerned Antonyms: anxious, uneasy

7 Omniscient Definition: knowing everything Part of Speech: adjective Sentence: The Hebrew Bible says that the God of the universe is omniscient. Etymology: Synonyms: all-knowing, knowledgeable Antonyms: stupid, unknowing

8 Panacea Definition: A solution or remedy for all difficulties and diseases Part of Speech: noun Sentence: A Super Bowl victory would have been the panacea to all my troubles. Etymology: Comes from the greek pan (all) and akos (remedy) → panakes → panakeia Synonyms: elixir, universal cure Antonyms: toxin, bane

9 Scrupulous Definition: diligent, thorough and extremely attentive to details; very concerned to avoid doing wrong Part of Speech: adjective Sentence: The harsh teacher paid scrupulous attention to detail when grading papers. Etymology: from latin scrupulus and French scrupuleux Synonyms: careful, meticulous Antonyms: careless, negligent

10 Skulk Definition: to keep out of sight, typically with a sinister or cowardly motive Part of Speech: verb Sentence: The criminal tried to skulk around the neighborhood, but people saw him. Etymology: Scandinavian origin, from Norwegian skulka- lurk, and Danish skulke or Swedish skolka- shirk Synonyms: crouch, prowl, snoop Antonyms: confront, face

11 Supercilious Definition: behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others Part of Speech: adjective Sentence: The supercilious colleague always bragged about going to an ivy league school. Etymology: Synonyms: bossy, egotistic Antonyms: humble, modest

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