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WACREN Regional network for sharing knowledge

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1 WACREN Regional network for sharing knowledge
Prof Tiemoman Kone WACREN Board President

2 WACREN “World-class” infrastructure and services for the West and Central African Research and Education community for development Target: Membership of 22 countries More than 150 institutions About 2.2 million users Promotion and development of interconnection among NRENs in the region;   Fostering collaboration between research and education institutions in the region and with their peers at continental and international levels.

3 WACREN's Genesis 2006: - Incubated in AfNOG and AAU workshop on R&E Networks (Nairobi, April 2006); - Regional worshop on RREN (Accra, Nov 2006); 2007: AfREN worhshop (Rabat, Nov 2007); 2009: Task force to set up WACREN (Accra, Nov 2009)  2010: Registration as not for profit association in August 2010 2011: First Board installed in March 2011

4 NREN'S in WACREN 8 Established NREN members : Ongoing initiatives in:
GARNET - Ghana (operational) SnRER - Senegal (operational) MaliREN - Mali RITER - Côte d’Ivoire (operational) NigerREN - Niger GabonREN - Gabon TogoREN- Togo (operational) NgREN- Nigeria Ongoing initiatives in: Cameroun, Bénin, Burkina, Gambia.

 WACREN’s Network Operations Center : SnRER  3 Technical Committees Connectivity and infrastructure.   Capacity building, applications and services.   Strategy, partnership and resource mobilization.  International partnership with RENATER  Definition of a strategic development plan  Establishment of 6 new NRENs

6 Challenges for NREN'S in WACREN
Poor national Telcom and power infrastructures High cost of Bandwidth and ICT services Lack of institutional structure and human capacity for ICT; Unsustanaible funding Conservative Regulatory framework

7 WACREN’s Main fields for action
Administrative structure, Governance & Financing Connectivity/Infrastructures & Regulatory issues including interconnection Implementation strategy & Partnerships Capacity building Content/Applications Three types of challenges: 1. Physical infrasstructure and technology challenges 2. Human resources and instituional challenges 3. Policy and regulatory challenges Wacren members have to focus on the following domains for the next years :

8 Thank you for your kind attention
Thank you for your kind attention WACREN, 11 Aviation Road Extension, P O Box 5744, Accra, Ghana Board Chairman : Tiémoman KONE

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