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Green Buildings Olof Hansen Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)

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1 Green Buildings Olof Hansen Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Special Solicitation Workshop San Francisco Mar-23-04 Olof Hansen U.S. EPA Region 9 Waste Management Division Strategic Planning and Partnership Office

2 Buildings in the United States have a significant impact on the environment and account for:
Energy 37 % of primary energy use 68 % of all electricity use Materials 60 % of non-food/fuel raw materials use Waste 40 % of non-industrial solid waste from construction and demolition debris per year Water 36 billion gallons of water per day 20 % loss of potable water in many urban systems due to leakage Air Quality 35 % of CO2, 49 % of SO2, 25 % of NOx, and 10 % of PM emissions SBIR USEPA Region 9

3 Green Buildings and EPA
Sustainable building is a priority under EPA's Resource Conservation Challenge EPA is an active member of the U.S. Green Building Council Federal statutes require green building practices Agency issued Environmental Quality Guidance for Green, High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Buildings have tremendous human health and environmental impacts SBIR USEPA Region 9

4 Environmental Impacts of Buildings
Indoor Air/Human Health Americans spend 90% of their time indoors On average, indoor air is 2-10 more contaminated that outdoor air 20% of workers suffer from indoor air illnesses resulting in 11,400 premature deaths/year Health and productivity losses associated w/indoor air quality are estimated to cost tens of billions of $ annually SBIR USEPA Region 9

5 Environmental Impacts of Buildings
Air/Energy Impacts Buildings consume one third of all energy Consume 2/3 of all electricity in the U.S. Buildings contribute 25% of all greenhouse gas emissions, 49% of sulfur dioxide emissions, and 10% of particulate matter emissions SBIR USEPA Region 9

6 Environmental Impacts of Buildings
Waste Impacts Worldwide construction activities consume 3 billion tons of raw materials each year Nearly 40% million tons/year - of waste going to landfills in the US is building construction and demolition debris More than 30% of the mercury in solid waste is from building switches, thermostats, florescent tubes, and paints SBIR USEPA Region 9

7 Environmental Impacts of Buildings -Waste

8 Waste from Building Construction and Demolition Debris
136 M Tons = 1.36 M Freight Cars = 15,000 Miles SBIR USEPA Region 9

9 Federal Government Leading by Example
Owns 500,000 buildings = 3.1 billion sq. feet of floor space Largest energy user in the country 2% of building-related greenhouse gases in US $3.4 billion/year 23% reduction in energy (‘85-’01) 100 buildings are Energy Star labeled 10.5 million metric tons of carbon equivalent/year SBIR USEPA Region 9

10 Federal Green Building Materials Requirements
Building insulation Carpet & padding Cement & concrete containing fly ash/slag Latex paint Floor tiles Flowable fill Laminated paperboard Patio blocks Railroad grade crossing surfaces Restroom dividers Structural fiberboard Compost & mulch Landscaping timbers Park benches & picnic tables Playground equipment & surfaces SBIR USEPA Region 9

11 Federal Law: RCRA 6002 and Executive Order 13101
Requires the purchase of recycled materials - Federally funded projects Uses Federal purchasing power to promote recycling EPA and State inspectors enforce implementation of RCRA 6002 TOOLS: Screened vendor lists Specifications SBIR USEPA Region 9

12 Why Recycled Products? Aluminum Paper
95% less air pollution 97% less water pollution One can = energy savings of ½ a can of gasoline Paper 74% less air pollution 35% less water pollution One ton = 17 trees & 7,000 gallons water Green House Gases = 25 million cars/year SBIR USEPA Region 9

13 Additional Federal Focus Areas
Energy Star Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Green Janitorial Products Biobased Products (wheatboard, soy adhesives, plastics) Construction & Demolition Debris Database of C&D Recyclers Green Leasing Waste Wise GreenScapes SBIR USEPA Region 9

14 The Challenge SBIR USEPA Region 9

15 The Challenge Increase the efficiency with which buildings and their sites use energy, water, and materials, and Reduce building impacts on human health and the environment, through better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal Assess the complete building life cycle SBIR USEPA Region 9

16 Green Building requires an integrated design approach:
Focusing on only one component of a building can have unintended environmental, social, or economic consequences Examples: Poorly designed energy efficient building envelopes can result in poor indoor environmental quality Some recycled content latex paint could have higher volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions than other environmentally preferable paints SBIR USEPA Region 9

17 Example of Green Building (1)
New GSA Federal Building in San Francisco windows that open, shared spaces between offices, lots of natural light, reduce energy costs by 45 percent, and is expected to save $500,000 per year in taxpayer dollars. SBIR USEPA Region 9

18 Example of Green Building (2) - Low Tech
Earthship 4500 used tires Round adobe bricks Solar Panels Sinks Grease & particle filter Garden grey water Freshwater collection Roof/rain > 4 cisterns 40,000 gallons Garden “gray water” SBIR USEPA Region 9

19 SBIR R&D for Green Buildings
Impacts of buildings are so tremendous Numerous research opportunities on buildings’ environmental effects and interactions and on technologies and techniques to reduce these impacts We encourage new ideas/research SBIR USEPA Region 9

20 Research Needs life cycle assessment (LCA) and
Water conservation and reuse, Recharging of groundwater, Construction runoff control, Use of green building products, Indoor environmental quality (e.g., day-lighting, ventilation, low emitting materials) Design products to consider toxicity emphasizing natural, low-emitting materials Effect on cost savings, worker productivity, and worker health Comparable information on the environmental impacts of building products life cycle assessment (LCA) and building product life cycle inventories (LCI) tools and protocols SBIR USEPA Region 9

21 Some Green Building SBIR Topics
Design techniques or equipment to promote building renovation/deconstruction instead of demolition Design, construction practices or equipment to improve indoor air quality Building materials development to reduce risks from persistent, bio-accumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals Recycled content building materials development using local feedstock Develop natural flame retardancy for building materials Rapidly renewable/bio-based building materials development using local feedstock Environmentally preferable building systems or materials with unique application to arid Southwest Measurement/metering equipment for green building systems Moisture control systems/materials/detection equipment for condensation, water intrusion, etc. SBIR USEPA Region 9

22 EPA Resources Websites
Green Buildings: Recycled Products Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Green Building Contact in Region 9: Timonie Hood (415) SBIR USEPA Region 9

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