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Conditional-Sum Adders Parallel Prefix Network Adders

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1 Conditional-Sum Adders Parallel Prefix Network Adders
ECE 645: Lecture 3 Conditional-Sum Adders and Parallel Prefix Network Adders FPGA Optimized Adders

2 Required Reading Behrooz Parhami,
Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Design Chapter 7.4, Conditional-Sum Adder Chapter 6.4, Carry Determination as Prefix Computation Chapter 6.5, Alternative Parallel Prefix Networks

3 Add-Add-Multiplex Carry Select Adder

4 Two-level k-bit Carry Select Adder

5 Add-Add-Multiplex (AAM) Carry Select Adder
+ stands for the Ripple Carry Adder CCC stands for the Carry Computation Circuit CR stands for the Carry Recovery Circuit

6 Carry Computation Circuit

7 Carry Recovery Circuit

8 Carry & Control Logic in Virtex 4

9 Carry & Control Logic in Virtex 5

10 Homework 2 - Bonus Analytical Problem:
Find analytically an optimal value of the word size, w, for which a 1024-bit AAM Carry Select Adder has the smallest latency. Implementation Problem: Find experimentally an optimal value of the word size, w, for which a 1024-bit AAM Carry Select Adder has the smallest latency.

11 Conditional-Sum Adders

12 One-level k-bit Carry-Select Adder

13 Two-level k-bit Carry Select Adder

14 Conditional Sum Adder Extension of carry-select adder
One-level using k/2-bit adders Two-level using k/4-bit adders Three-level using k/8-bit adders Etc. Assuming k is a power of two, eventually have an extreme where there are log2k-levels using 1-bit adders This is a conditional sum adder

15 Conditional Sum Adder: Top-Level Block for One Bit Position

16 Three Levels of a Conditional Sum Adder
xi+3 yi+3 xi+2 yi+2 xi+1 yi+1 xi yi branch point 1-bit conditional sum block concatenation c=1 c=0 c=1 c=0 c=1 c=0 c=1 c=0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1+1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 c=1 c=0 c=1 c=0 3 3 3 3 1 2+1 1 2 2 3 3 block carry-in determines selection 5 4+1 5 c=0 c=1

17 16-Bit Conditional Sum Adder Example

18 Conditional Sum Adder Metrics

19 Parallel Prefix Network

20 Parallel Prefix Network Adders
Basic component - Carry operator (1) g p B” B’ B g” p” g’ p’ g = g” + g’p” p = p’p” (g, p) = (g’, p’) ¢ (g”, p”) = (g” + g’p”, p’p”)

21 Parallel Prefix Network Adders
Basic component - Carry operator (2) g p overlap okay! B” B’ B g” p” g’ p’ g = g” + g’p” p = p’p” (g, p) = (g’, p’) ¢ (g”, p”) = (g” + g’p”, p’p”)

22 Properties of the carry operator ¢
Associative [(g1, p1) ¢ (g2, p2)] ¢ (g3, p3) = (g1, p1) ¢ [(g2, p2) ¢ (g3, p3)] Not commutative (g1, p1) ¢ (g2, p2)  (g2, p2) ¢ (g1, p1)

23 Parallel Prefix Network Adders
Major concept Given: (g0, p0) (g1, p1) (g2, p2) … (gk-1, pk-1) Find: (g[0,0], p[0,0]) (g[0,1], p[0,1]) (g[0,2], p[0,2]) … (g[0,k-1], p[0,k-1]) block generate from index 0 to k-1 ci = g[0,i-1] + c0p[0,i-1]

24 Similar to Parallel Prefix Sum Problem
Given: x x x … xk-1 Find: x0 x0+x1 x0+x1+x2 … x0+x1+x2+ …+ xk-1 Parallel Prefix Adder Problem Given: x x x … xk-1 Find: x0 x0 ¢ x1 x0 ¢ x1 ¢ x2 … x0 ¢ x1 ¢ x2 ¢ … ¢ xk-1 where xi = (gi, pi)

25 Parallel Prefix Sums Network I

26 Parallel Prefix Sums Network II (Brent-Kung)

27 8-bit Brent-Kung Parallel Prefix Network

28 4-bit Brent-Kung Parallel Prefix Network
2 –bit B-K PPN s7’ s5’ s3’ s1’

29 8-bit Brent-Kung Parallel Prefix Network Adder

30 Critical Path gi = xi yi pi = xi  yi 1 gate delay g = g” + g’ p”
p = p’ p” 2 gate delays C ci+1 = g[0,i] + c0 p[0,i] 2 gate delays S si = pi  ci 1 gate delay

31 Brent-Kung Parallel Prefix Graph for 16 Inputs

32 Kogge-Stone Parallel Prefix Graph for 16 Inputs

33 Parallel Prefix Network Adders
Comparison of architectures Network 2 Brent-Kung Hybrid Kogge-Stone Delay(k) 2 log2k - 2 log2k+1 log2k Cost(k) 2k log2k k/2 log2k k log2k - k + 1 Delay(16) 6 5 4 Cost(16) 26 32 49 Delay(32) 8 6 5 57 80 Cost(32) 129

34 Latency vs. Area Tradeoff

35 Hybrid Brent-Kung/Kogge-Stone Parallel Prefix Graph for 16 Inputs

36 Parallel Prefix Sums Network I

37 Parallel Prefix Sums Network I – Cost (Area) Analysis
Cost = C(k) = 2 C(k/2) + k/2 = = 2 [2C(k/4) + k/4] + k/2 = 4 C(k/4) + k/2 + k/2 = = …. = = 2 log k-1C(2) + k/2 (log2k-1) = = k/2 log2k 2 C(2) = 1 Example: C(16) = 2 C(8) + 8 = 2[2 C(4) + 4] + 8 = = 4 C(4) + 16 = 4 [2 C(2) + 2] + 16 = = 8 C(2) + 24 = = 32 = (16/2) log2 16

38 Parallel Prefix Sums Network I – Delay Analysis
Delay = D(k) = D(k/2) + 1 = = [D(k/4) + 1] + 1 = D(k/4) = = …. = = log2k D(2) = 1 Example: D(16) = D(8) + 1 = [D(4) + 1] + 1 = = D(4) + 2 = [D(2) + 1] + 2 = = 4 = log2 16

39 Parallel Prefix Sums Network II (Brent-Kung)

40 Parallel Prefix Sums Network II – Cost (Area) Analysis
Cost = C(k) = C(k/2) + k-1 = = [C(k/4) + k/2-1] + k-1 = C(k/4) + 3k/2 - 2 = = …. = = C(2) + (2k - 2k/2(log k-1)) - (log2k-1) = = 2k log2k 2 C(2) = 1 Example: C(16) = C(8) = [C(4) + 8-1] = = C(2) = = 26 = 2· log216

41 Parallel Prefix Sums Network II – Delay Analysis
Delay = D(k) = D(k/2) + 2 = = [D(k/4) + 2] + 2 = D(k/4) = = …. = = 2 log2k - 1 D(2) = 1 Example: D(16) = D(8) + 2 = [D(4) + 2] + 2 = = D(4) + 4 = [D(2) + 2] + 4 = = 7 = 2 log

42 Parallel Prefix Network
High-Radix Parallel Prefix Network Adders (GMU CERG Research)

43 Traditional Parallel-Prefix Network Adder

44 Kogge-Stone Parallel-Prefix Network

45 Brent-Kung Parallel-Prefix Network

46 High-Radix Parallel-Prefix Network Adder

47 Generate-Propagate-Sum (GPS) Unit

48 Sum Unit

49 Modular Addition

50 High-Radix Parallel-Prefix Network Modular Adder

51 Test Circuit for Benchmarking Adders and Modular Adders

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