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Naomi Wyles ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory

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1 Naomi Wyles ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory
Registration Module Naomi Wyles ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory

2 General Functionality
Registration module is a tool to manage people, activities and cash flow Can be used for the main event (the scientific program of a conference) and sub events such as Satellite meetings Socials Excursions Industrial exhibitions Accommodation

3 General Functionality
Everyone who attends a conference needs to be registered Delegates Companions Exhibitors Staff All registrations must take place through an existing JACoW profile (companions do not need to register in their own right)

4 Data Flow - General A user will enter data into a registration form (designed in the SPMS registration module) SPMS will then use this data to charge the person the correct amount of money to attend the conference The administrator can process the registration and note when payment is received Data such as numbers of delegates attending particular events and cash flow can be extracted using SPMS

5 Data Flow - Payments A user will specify a payment method when they register Credit card data is stored securely by SPMS The card then needs to be processed Bank transfers need to be checked Administrator needs to record that payment has been received If payment is not received then reminders are automatically sent A receipt for all registrants can then be generated by SPMS to be given to delegates at the conference

6 How to set up a registration form
Work out what data you require and therefore what questions you need to ask on the form Work out what type of data you require as the answer to each question e.g. date, string or number Work out a logical order to put the questions in

7 Registration Form – Define Fields
First of all you need to define your fields A field includes A prompt (to describe the input required by the user) A data type (date, string or number) A display type (choice of text box, yes/no, pop-up) A list of pop-up choices (if pop-up is selected) Any fees associated with the field Length of input (for text boxes) Whether the data is required The option to fix the length of the input The option to delete the field

8 Registration Form – Define Fields

9 Registration Form – Build Web Pages
Next you need to build the registration page You do this by adding the fields in the correct order to the page builder You can then add other explanatory comments in between the fields A field cannot be modified if it is in use on a registration page or if it has been used by a registrant

10 Registration Form – Build Web Pages

11 Registration Form – Build Web Pages

12 Registration Form – Build Web Pages

13 Registration – Administrators Role

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