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DLI Website.

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Presentation on theme: "DLI Website."— Presentation transcript:

1 DLI Website

2 WHY we need to change Feedback from DLI community indicated that it is time (2012 DLI contacts survey showed that 47% of DLI contacts never use the reports and reference materials on the website) The DLI Website does not meet Treasury Boards’ standards on Web Accessibility DISS using Drupal content management system to manage website DISS will not migrate non compliant web pages No more module search boxes Infrastructure Manager, who manages website content, will retire September 2013 Delay in turn over time to update contents of website

3 WHAT we did Researched standards, polices, directives and best practices User Experience Working Group 2011 Other federal department Statistics Canada Archiving Directive Reviewed feedback / gathered usage metrics 2012 and 2008 DLI Contacts and Designate survey results Data Liberation Initiative: Usability Testing Findings and Recommendations, December 2008 Web metrics reports Met with internal stakeholders to discuss potential solutions – Archiving strategy

4 What we did – cont Performed a ROT (Reduce Redundant, Outdated and Trivial Information) Reviewed results/outcomes Assumptions; Constraints; Dependencies; risk assessment Developed DLI website proposal Reviewed by internal stakeholders, advisory members, Education Committee, External Advisory Committee Next steps - Gather feedback from community, regional training sessions

5 The New Direction Implement an Archiving Strategy to address the static content (ex: PDFs, such as DLI Update) Redirect DLI Collection Remove DLI product pages and link directly to IMDB (Definitions, data sources and methods of Surveys) or Nesstar Collection accessible via Nesstar, EFT, Mirror site, WDS Migrate/Update HTML pages (Current content on restricted site)

6 What’s being archived Static content on the DLI website is mostly found in the DLI reports, reference and training materials (ex: Annual Report, DLI newsletter) Archived items to be kept online are for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes E.g. Last 3 years of DLI Annual Reports; DLI Updates (Newsletter) Example: DLI Contacts can access past Annual Report prior to 2010 on the e-FT. For public, for past Annual Report prior to 2010, please contact the DLI to request a copy,

7 Legacy – what to remove Content that is geared to a specific user group (e.g. Statistics Canada Best Practices Document Version 1.3 for DDI (pdf); EAC Meeting minutes; Education Committee Minutes) Web analytics show low or no page views or visits. @StatCan article Happy Birthday Outdated pages The DLI program is not source for the content E.g. Exploring Data Liberation (University of Alberta) Information removed could/will be made available to community and interested parties– EFT site and/or Training repository.

8 Easy to find?

9 Update/ current


11 Rewrite/Update

12 Access to the Collection – tools
Nesstar Investigating possibility to have IP recognition for increased access Project: Add DDI coded metadata of masterfiles Beyond 20/20 Web Data Server (WDS) Dissemination of data over the web in a variety of formats Quick analysis can be carried out on .ivts using various mathematical functions and charting features The web-based administrative interface is a very efficient method of publishing files These would remain IP recognized as they do not meet Accessibility standards

13 Access to the Collection – tools
WDS- What data will be added? Census tables (.ivt) Community Profiles Topic-based tabulations Etc Justice tables Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (.ivt and .xls) Victim Services Survey (VSS) (.ivt) Education tables University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) (.xls) Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs for Full-time Students (TLAC) (.xls) Historical census tables from Estat Files in CANSIM will not be duplicated

14 Home > DLI Collection
The DLI Collection View content of DLI Collection A list of Survey titles available in the DLI Collection. Survey names and acronyms in both official languages Tentative release dates of DLI products A table of expected release dates for DLI products as provided by publishing divisions. Access to the collection If your institution is a member of the DLI, you have access to these tools. WDS : Beyond 20/20 Web Data Server View tables / Description Nesstar View microdata / Description Other ways to access the collection Your institution may also subscribe to the following tools. Equinox Odesi The Data Liberation Initiative (Home) Quick Links About the DLI Survival Guide The DLI Licensing Training Repository The DLI Collection Tentative release dates of DLI products. Nesstar The DLI Comm. The DLI Resources IP Recognized

15 Nesstar – 4.0

16 Nesstar – 4.0

17 WDS - Accessible user interface

18 WDS- Accessible user interface

19 WDS – Standard View - Report

20 WDS- Standard View - Table

21 WDS – Standard View - Chart

22 Benefits Long-term sustainability of the website
Increased ease of finding and using web content A better experience for visitors Decreased website maintenance and costs Enhanced ability to deliver services online

23 Questions? Comments. Suggestions. Ideas.

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