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SiteManager/FieldManager Interface

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1 SiteManager/FieldManager Interface
TUG – September 8, 2003 Andres Marin, Info Tech Inc.

2 Agenda Review project objectives
Overview of interface data flow process Review impact to FM and SM users Review project status Recommendations for future enhancements

3 Project Objectives For agencies using SiteManager (SM):
Provide ability to implement FieldManager in local agencies and in the consultant community Provide flexibility in managing contracts and provide another option for field data collection For agencies using FieldManager (FM): Lay groundwork for agencies to migrate from CAS in the Central Office to SM Provide additional capabilities to manage contracts and materials in the central office Provide foundation for possible convergence of SM and FM in the future

4 SiteManager/FieldManager Data Flow - Overview

5 SiteManager/FieldManager Data Flow Examples
Step Process Data Flow Examples 1 Populate FM Critical Date on SM.& Export Reference Data from SM Vendor List, Code List, Materials List, Material Item List. 2 Export Contract Data from SM. Award data; Bit Items; Site Information 3 Periodic Updates from FM (at estimate time): - Dates & Milestones - Contract Modifications Installed Work - Estimates - Notice to proceed data - New items, Increased / Decreased Items - Pay Items, Time Charges, Stock Piles Balances 4 Upon approval of Estimate in SM: Contract Refresh Estimate item detail including adjustments (Retainage, liquidated damages, etc.)

6 Changes in FieldManager for SiteManager Contracts
Very little noticeable differences Using same business rules as a CAS “Interactive Contract” Voucher numbers locked to be same as estimate number in SiteManager Combine outbox updates to account for new file types

7 Changes in SiteManager for FieldManager Contracts
Very little noticeable differences Procedural rules rather than hard-edits in SiteManager GUI E.g., the user should not use the SM GUI to insert inspector reports (DWRs), only receive these via FM, but the GUI does not prohibit this Estimate Generation – dates are fixed Contract Critical Dates – new critical date (only used for FM contracts) Two new extract processes (use RTF) and one new import process (uses the TP Generalized Importer).

8 Project Schedule Status

9 Overall Project Status
Alpha Testing currently in-progress On schedule for completion by 10/1/2003 Beta Testing to begin 10/20/2003 Nebraska (SM beta site) Maine (FM beta site) Next TRT #4 scheduled for 10/29/2003 Beta Testing Process Review Project is on schedule and within budget

10 Future Recommendations for FieldManager/SiteManager Interface
Automate work flows via “TrnsNet” implementation leveraging FieldNet Enhancements Improve consistency of business rules among CAS and SM where applicable Enhance validation and process controls in SM for FM contracts

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