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EYETS 2016-2017 David Hay EN-OSS.

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Presentation on theme: "EYETS 2016-2017 David Hay EN-OSS."— Presentation transcript:

1 EYETS David Hay EN-OSS

2 Opening of the machine (weeks)
DRAFT Extended Year-End Technical Stop References: 20 weeks beam to beam stop for CMS Ions run Proton-Lead References [1], [3] and [4] Machines Opening of the machine (weeks) not including the xmas break of 2 weeks Linac2 9.5 PSB 11.5 PS 13.5 SPS 11.5 (BA1,BA2) – 12.5 LHC 15 5 weeks

3 PS Booster Activities completed Activities in progress BWS False-floor
50% 75% 100% Activities completed Enlargement of the shaft (transport of the BT.BHZ10 magnet) ECR PSB-K-EC-0003 PSB injection BI.BVT power cables & cooling circuit POPS-B 6Kv cabling installation ECR PSB-LJ-EC-0008 Installation of new cable trays in BRF2 and BOR Civil engineering works to repair water seepage in the basement area. Activities in progress De-cabling project (ref Georgi’s presentation) Modifications to the MPS output filter ECR PSB-LJ-EC-0008 LIU & consolidation cabling (ref Georgi’s presentation) Replacement of the RF heat exchanger motors in periods 7 & 10L1 Installation of the distributed optical fibre radiation and temperature sensing (DOFRS) ECR PSB-EIOF-EC-0001 PSB BCER switchboard and containment Installation ECR PSB-LJ-EC-0005 BT.BHZ10 magnet BWS False-floor stabilization Cooling circuits BRF2 Water seepage repairs BR.TMD POPS-B 6Kv cables Shaft 09-Jan-2017 David Hay EN-ACE

4 Extended Year-End Technical Stop 2016-2017
RELEASED Extended Year-End Technical Stop Machines From beam OFF to Hardware Tests (not including the xmas break of 2 weeks) PSB 12 PS 14 SPS 13 LHC 17 Require temporary powering: BTMS system racks RA776 and 778 in the BOR (20th February wk8) For the DCCTs (BRi.BCTDC9L1) commissioning; racks RA756 and 757 (BOR) repowered from the beginning of week 9 (27th of February wk9). Remise sous tension Racks PSB (6th March) VIC 2 (20th Feb)

5 EYETS Overview, Marzia Bernardini, LMC 2nd Nov. 2016
PSB EYETS Machine LIU Renovate electronics for 4 BR.BCTDC (section 9) On track. Now requires power to racks (P. Odier) Vers PS Consolidation 4 BRi.BCTI8L1(8L1) On track. Modifs terminated (bg 867) ready to install transformers next week (P. Odier) New ring Trajectory Measurement System (PSB-TMS) On track. Now requires power to racks in the BOR (J.Belleman) Remove unused cooling pipes EN-CV Start next week? PSB EYETS New prototype wire Scanner BWS (4L1) On track. Pump down, small leak detected. New BLMs (FIC detectors) Clamps fitted ECR Needs approval New Tune pick-up BPM (3L1) Postponed. Exchange Septum SMH (15L1) Start week 10 New kicker KSW (16L1) Start week 8 Install upgraded BI.BCT10 transformers On track. Relocate Monitor BTV (BT.BTV30) On track. Enlargement of the shaft DONE EYETS Overview, Marzia Bernardini, LMC 2nd Nov. 2016

6 ECR’s

7 Thank You for listening.

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