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CSE5544 Final Project Proposal

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1 CSE5544 Final Project Proposal
Xiaonan Ji & Tong Zhao April 18th 2017

2 Overview Dataset: Visualization Publication Data Collection - IEEE Visualization (IEEE VIS) publications from Number of publications: 2752 Information: Year, Type, Title, Author, Keywords, Abstract, References, etc. Objective: Identify the impacts and citation relations of publications. Identify the impacts and collaborations of authors and research communities. Identify the development and evolution of research topics/areas. Keywords Title & Abstract

3 Existing Visualization 1
CiteVis2 CiteMatrix VISLIsts

4 Existing Visualization 2
Citation Network Co-authorship Network

5 Existing Visualization 3
Circular graph with edge bundles for citation relationship Exploration tool with various views Ranking Network Ranking table Temporal patterns of co-authorship

6 Proposed Work Identify the development and evolution of research topics/areas from Generate a series of map projections (2D scatter plot) by placing studies (aka. publications or articles) based on their features derived from i.e. keywords, title, abstract. Techniques: Python for feature extraction, t-SNE for dimensionality reduction, and D3.js for visualization. Innovation Gap? Filled Gap Potential future work Mature area Unexplored Area New area 1990 2000 2010

7 Proposed Work cont. Identify the development and evolution of research topics/areas from Resize the publications based on the time of “being cited” to reflect their impacts. Summarize or group publications into clusters (cluster topic = most frequent keywords). If time permits, we would also try with network visualization (besides the map/scatter-plot). 1990 2000 2010

8 Thank you! 

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