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“The West & The Gilded Age”

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1 “The West & The Gilded Age”
1870 1890 1900 Important things to understand about this era in U.S. History: ** Time of Individualism Legislation developing the West: Homestead Act, Land Grant Act, Pacific Railway Act 1870’s and 1880’s - Settling the Plains 1860’s and 1870’s - Wars between U.S. Government and Lakota / Dakota / Nakota / Cheyenne 1870’s to 1890’s - American Politics / an Age of Corruption & the Political Urban Machine 1890’s - Rise of Populism

2 The West

3 Politics in the Gilded Age, 1870’s – 1890’s
** Political Era defined by the following … Close elections High voter turn-out, 80% Corruption Rutherford B. Hayes (1877 – 1881) James A. Garfield (1881) - Died Sept. 19, 1881 Chester A. Arthur ( ) Grover Cleveland (1885 – 1889 & )

4 Lakota “Bands” / Subdivisions
(1) Sičháŋǧu / Brulé (Burned Thighs) (2) Oglála ("They Scatter Their Own") (3) Itázipčho / Sans Arc (Without Bows) (4) Húŋkpapȟa ("End Village", Camps at the End of the Camp Circle) (5) Miniconjou ("Plant beside the Stream", Planters by the Water) (6) Sihásapa / Black Feet (7) Oóhenuŋpa / Two Kettles

5 Lakota Society Warrior Society … “Counting Coup” … Tall Ones Kit Fox
Strong Heart Badger “Counting Coup” …

6 Significance … Current Events
“Mitakuye Oyasin” “All are related” “All my relatives" or “We are all related” “Inter-connectedness” Significance … Current Events Dakota Access Pipeline

7 Great Plains “Great American Desert” …
Challenges to settling on the Great Plains …

8 Homesteads “Sod busters” “Soddies”

9 Settling the West Dry farming methods … Impact … Seed drills …
Steel plow … Mechanical reaper … Windmills … Threshing machines … Mechanical binder … Impact … Threshing machine Seed drill Steel plow Reaper

10 Traditional Lakota Lands
Traditional homelands …

11 Great Platte River Road
Impact of the Platte River Road …

12 Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851 Note the territory recognized …

13 Events Leading to Discovery
Grattan Incident “Ash Hollow Incident” Warren Report Captain Raynolds Report

14 Related Events Surrounding the Black Hills
Dakota Sioux Uprising of 1862 Annuities never came Sand Creek Massacre (1864) “The foulest and most unjustified crime in the annals of America.” Red Cloud’s War ( ) Fetterman Fight

15 Bozeman Trail, 1863-1869 Trails across Powder River Basin …
Gold discovered Montana …

16 Fort Laramie Treaty, 1868 established …
[1] Established the Great Sioux Reservation of 1868 [2] Shuts down military forts & travel along Bozeman Trail [3] Rights in Unceded Territory [4] Established a mission, school, annuities, tools for farming, etc. [5] Army will secure Black Hills

17 Great Sioux Reservation of 1868

18 Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 Historians disagree!!!
Treaty allowed for construction of roads or “other works” upon reservation lands. Did the Lakota understand this? Was this added later?

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