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July 2015 “How to have more time”. July 2015 “How to have more time”

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2 July 2015 “How to have more time”

3 Babbling together Babble News How to have more time
Our Babble Today: Babbling together Babble News How to have more time Action to take away

4 Your successes this month Progress on your Action of the Month
Babbling Together Your Elevator Pitch Your successes this month Progress on your Action of the Month What you would like help with

5 Babble News FSB Awards Babble Hitchin Babble Cambridge Elite space

6 Workshop 8 6

7 Aims That you will have some new tools to help you: manage your time
understand more about prioritisation.

8 Today’s Journey Aims and Expectations Priorities
Working at the best time Time Drains Time Planning Procrastination 8

9 Urgent & Important Goals

10 Urgent & Important?

11 Urgent and Important Examples
Complete the table with examples of how you spend your time

12 Urgent and Important Examples

13 Time is what we want most, but... what we use worst.
William Penn

14 Ever felt like this?

15 “Pick it up and put it away”
Handle it once “Pick it up and put it away” Ditch Diary Task Delegate Do

16 What time of the day are you best - at what?
Time of Day What time of the day are you best - at what?

17 Energised & raring to go
Typical Work Day Name: 12 12 1 11 1 11 2 2 10 10 AM 3 9 PM 3 9 8 4 8 4 7 5 7 5 6 6 Very lethargic Just getting on Energised & raring to go Asleep

18 Why should we say NO sometimes?
Say No… Stay Nice Why should we say NO sometimes? Examples of what we say to say no nicely…

19 Batching

20 Unplug Yourself Move away from s Phone off Concentrate 100%

21 Share what you think ‘drains’ your time?
Manage Time Suckers Share what you think ‘drains’ your time?

22 Do not confuse motion and progress
Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress. Alfred A. Montapert

23 Emails and Phone Calls Turn off email pop ups Do them at set times
Be very focused on what you want out of the call

24 WHY am I doing this? Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this?

25 Brain Dump A complete list of all the things you have to do
Add a priority based on: urgency and impact?

26 To Do List Pick no more than 10 things which you think you can achieve in that day and put them on your list.

27 Brainstorm the tasks you need to do this week
Create a To Do List Brainstorm the tasks you need to do this week Prioritise them 10 minutes.

28 To Do List Date: Name: Task Hours Deadline Priority

29 Annual plan by ‘area’ works well
Other plans Annual plan by ‘area’ works well

30 Other plans How we plan at home…

31 Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade! Anthony Robbins

32 Do you ever procrastinate and why?
Procrastination Do you ever procrastinate and why? What is your barrier? Ask for some support Break it down and do the very first step Reward yourself at each step

33 Worklife is like a Candle
Heat, warming, comforting Sticky wax

34 Candle Drawing 15 minutes Draw a candle – fill the page
Write the tasks you really enjoy doing near the warm heat source Add the tasks others slowly down towards where the wax accumulates. 15 minutes

35 What factors could you take into account when making a decision?
Make a Decision What factors could you take into account when making a decision?

36 What is it and why is it important?
Accountability What is it and why is it important? What is the worst that can happen? What is the best that can happen?

37 Aims That you will have some new tools to help you: manage your time
understand more about prioritisation.

38 Sales Pipeline and Routes to Market Action to take away
Our Babble Today: Babbling together Babble News Sales Pipeline and Routes to Market Action to take away

39 Meet-up in______________
I want to remember: My action for this month: What I am going to do for another babbler: The best thing about this meet-up:

40 “Bring a challenge to share”
August 2015 “Bring a challenge to share” Contact Kathryne: (Jayne) Business Babble

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