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Created by: Christina. K and Katherine. M

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1 Created by: Christina. K and Katherine. M
World Hunger Created by: Christina. K and Katherine. M

2 World Hunger In most poor countries world hunger is the biggest issue. 11.3% of the world has enough food to feed 7 billon people. World hunger affects many people who are suffering in many poor countries There are more than 925 million people around the world who can’t afford food Of the 795 million people in the world are suffering from chronic hunger.

3 When did world hunger begin.
There is no specific date for when the crisis happened. But the prediction is that it happened a long long time ago. Although historians recognizes the genesis of “food regimes” dating back to the 16th century. During this time food such as meat, grains, and milk were really hard to get.

4 World Hunger chart Undernourishment around the world, 1990-2 to 2012-4
Number of undernourished and prevalence (%) of undernourishment Source: FAO The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015 p. 8 World Hunger chart No. % No. % World 1,010.6 18.6 794.6 10.9 Developed regions 20.0 <5 14.7 Developing regions 990.7 23.3 779.9 12.9 Africa 181.7 27.6 232.5   Sub-Saharan Africa 175.7 33.2 220.0 23.2 Asia 741.9 23.6 511.7 12.1   Eastern Asia 295.4 145.1 9.6   South-Eastern Asia 137.5 30.6 60.5   Southern Asia 291.2 23.9 281.4 15.7 Latin America & Carib. 66.1 34.3 5.5 Oceana 1.0 1.4 14.2

5 10 worst affected countries
Central African Republic Chad Zambia Timor-Leste Sierra Leone Haiti Madagascar Afghanistan Niger Yemen

6 Map of World Hunger

7 7 Top Hunger Organizations
AARP Feeding America Generations United Meals on Wheels No kid Hungry Unicef World food Programme

8 Why is world hunger still going on in the world
Despite all this, for the 2 billion people in the world that afford less then $2 a day- many that live rural areas that the resources are very very poor they are suffering each day from world hunger. Its still going on because in most countries its very hot so they cant plant any plants or it will dry in seconds.

9 How is Canada helping Canada has announced $350 million in new funding to help feed the world’s hungry for the next five years. Canada has also helped by making foods funs ,organizations ,and fun razing.

10 How is the Catholic Church helping
By Pope Francis leading the way, he is making funding's for world hunger and making addressing hunger one of his keys area's of teachings. Catholic Charities USA provides food pantries all across the USA to help those who can’t afford to eat. There is probably one in your own community if you live in the USA. Catholics all over the world are making the Caritas Prayer to end hunger a part of their prayer lives

11 Bibliography www.cbc news The hunger project

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