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Presentation on theme: "Neckology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neckology

2 Anatomy of neck Neck border
Upper :mandibular rim, mandibular angle, mastoidale, supraoccipital line lower :suprasternal notch, sternoclavicular joint, collar bone, line between acromion and 7th cervical vertebrae

3 Anatomy of neck Neck sector Posterior region: nucha
Anter-lateral region: neck anterior region lateral region

4 颈部三角 颏下三角 颌下三角 颈动脉三角 枕三角 肌三角 锁骨上三角

5 Organs in neck middle:thyroid gland, larynx, trachea, hypopharynx, neck segment of esophagus, strap muscles lateral: Cervical sheath Sternocleidomastoid muscle Omohyoid muscle Posterior group of encephalic nerves Submaxillary gland

6 Neck fascia and fascia space
Superficial fascia:under the subcutaneous, wrap total neck up Deep fascia: Superficial layer: wrap sternocleidomastoid muscle and cucullaris Middle layer:visceral fascia Deep layer:prevertebral fascia

7 Neck fascia and fascia space
Fascia space above the hyoid bone Submandibular space Parapharyngeal space Peritonsilla space Masseter space Parotid space

8 Space under the hyoid bone
Space cross the hyoid bone Prevertebral space Carotid sheath Postpharyngeal space

9 Strata of neck derma platysma Strap muscles Thyroid gland
Larynx and trachea hypopharynx neck segment of esophagus prevertebral fascia

10 Lymph nodes in neck(1991) Level I:submental triangle, submaxillary triangle Level II:upper group of jugular lymph nodes Level Ⅲ:middle group of jugular lymph nodes Level Ⅳ: lower group of jugular lymph nodes LevelⅤ:lymph nodes of posterior neck triangle Level VI:lymph nodes of anterior neck space

11 Thank You

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