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Book of God Reading for the Week

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1 Book of God Reading for the Week
Read pages 1 – 19 Quiz on Friday

2 Acts 1-2 Read them

3 Read Introduction on page 2
Chapter 1 Read Introduction on page 2

4 Jews Response to Christ
What was it? John 10:22-42 3A22-42&version=GW Our Christian faith has its ancestry in the Hebrew religion Jesus said the Spirit would come as a sign His followers should go evangelize Matthew 28:16-20 ew+28

5 Galatians 4:4 – Physical Preparedness
“When the fullness of the time came, God sent forth is son.” What time period did Christ come in? Roman Benefits? Peace in a place of constant tribal warfare Created a network of roads and bridges Cleared the sea of pirates What did these conditions do? Created easy movement for the messengers of Christ

6 Spiritual and Intellectual Preparedness
What language was being used all over the Roman Empire? Greek How could Greek philosophy help Christianity? Made them doubt Greek gods and mythology People were missing something and along came Christianity Peace, pardon from sin, forgiveness, life, etc.

7 Go Over Assignment Read Chapter 1 Answer questions 1,2, 5, 7, and 9.

8 Read Acts 3

9 Assignment for Tuesday
Read Chapter 2 Answer questions 1,2, 3, and 4

10 Chapter 2 – The Church is Tempered
Page 7 AD

11 The Heroic Age of the Church
“They have persecuted me, they will also persecute you” Who first persecuted Christians? Jews Then? The Roman Government

12 Nero A fire took place in 64 A.D.
Christians were blamed by Nero Terrible persecution began pCdg

13 Other Persecuted Christians
Ignatius Was arrested and sentenced to be killed by wild beasts What did he say? Polycarp Last one to be personally taught by the disciples Was called an atheist for not believing in the gods He called the crowd an atheist… Burned to death – would not deny Christ

14 Persecution under Marcus Aurelius
Decreed the property of Christians was to be given to their accusers What did this cause?

15 Diocletian and Galerius
Performed horrible acts of persecution from Churches destroyed and Bibles burned Systematic killing of the Christians Christians hid in the catacombs of Rome Why did Galerius end this persecution?

16 Read Acts 4 What happened in the last couple chapters?

17 Notes Timeline See Page 10

18 Go over assignments Q’s 1-4 Page 13

19 Assignment Read chapter 3
Do Questions 1, 3, 4 (first 2 questions), 5, 6, and 7.


21 The Churches Inward Growth
Has to do with doctrine and its organization Doctrine: means beliefs/set of beliefs Is doctrine important? Read section 2 on page 15

22 The Apostolic Fathers Came after the disciples
People taught personally by the apostles Examples: Clement Ignatius Polycarp Barnabas These people became apologists What does apology mean? An apologist is one who “defends what he believes to be the truth” Why would they need to do this? How would you go about doing this? – Justin Martyr pg. 16

23 False Teachings that Arose
Gnosticism Belief: Christ never dwelt on earth in human form Montanism Taught that Christ’s promise of the Comforter had not been fulfilled on Pentecost, but was coming and the end of the world was at hand Church members response? Read page 17 last paragraph in section 5

24 Out of the Struggle Emerged…
A Creed (I believe) Apostle’s Creed was formed from the Apostles teachings How did this counter Montanism and Gnosticism? A Cannon (A list) This is how the New Testament was formed st=PLQhh3qcwVEWgB1baV-0QrZ3foJRkj74hM An Organization…

25 The Episcopal (Overseer) Form of Church Government
The officers were the elders and deacons Called presbyters (Greek for elder) Originally all the same level It was natural for one to take the lead Bishop became the name for the leading presbyter Greek word for one that rules alone is called monarch Bishops became monarchical bishops

26 More Meanings of Words! Country folk didn’t know Christianity
They were called Pagani Pagan became equivalent to heathen Diocese was the city and the surrounding countryside All of these names/forms of hierarchy came about gradually…

27 Work Time Go over questions from chapter 3


29 Assignment Read the rest of Chapter 4 Answer questions 1,2, and 4

30 Acts 7

31 Book of God 19-46

32 Chapter 4 – Read Introduction

33 Reintroduction to Constantine
lSA – Language Results of the battle: Constantine is master of the entire western part of the Roman Empire Constantine became a Christian Issued an edict (Edict of Milan): Put a stop to the persecutions Why didn’t Maxentius hide in Rome???

34 Turning Points in the Church
Church expulsion from Jerusalem Paul’s missionary activities Christians granted the same rights as other religions Christianity was favored!! Constantine built marvelous churches and prohibited work on Sunday As for Constantine?...

35 The World Invades the Church
What did people do now that Christianity was the favored religion? Joined the church The problem? Quantity reduced quality What does church and state mean? Read section 6 on page 27

36 Julian Fails to Revive Heathenism – 361 A.D.
Did his best to go back to heathenism Failed to turn the Roman Empire back How did he die? Read last paragraph on page 28

37 Go over Chapter 4 Q’s Page 28 1,2, and 4

38 Work on Next Assignment
Read Acts 8 Read Chapter 5 Answer Q’s: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Book of God Pages 19-46

39 Acts 9

40 Near Future Events Test after chapter 5 Need to know Apostles Creed
Need to know chapters 1-5 Need to know bits about what we read in Acts so far

41 The Church Consolidates
Page 29 AD

42 Church Councils Councils: There were various kinds:
Meetings of church leaders where… Important questions are discussed Advice is carefully given Decisions are made There were various kinds: Provincial – One province’s churches were represented National – One country’s churches were represented General/ecumenical – All country’s churches are represented

43 4 Major Councils The Council of Nicaea – 325 AD
The Council of Constantinople – 381 AD The Council of Ephesus – 431 AD The Council of Chalcedon – 451 AD

44 Council of Nicaea Was Christ truly God? Athanasius vs. Arius
Read pages 30-31 Why is this important? IF Christ is not God, than He could not save us Can you picture this? Quite a scene…

45 The Nicene Creed

46 The Council of Constantinople
Some bishops still disagreed Orthodoxy – “Straight teaching” was still being tested Council of Constantinople was held Reaffirmed Nicene Creed Trinity was affirmed Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

47 The Council of Chalcedon
Still struggled with Christ being God and man Established 3 things Christ is God Equally man They exist without confusion, change, division, or separation Two natures, one person Fundamental Christian truths are represented in the Nicene Creed and Chalcedon Creed

48 Acts 10

49 3 Great Christian Leaders
Ambrose – 1:35 Jerome Translated the Bible from Hebrew to Latin Augustine His Story Read pages 35-37

50 Terms to know! Monk Manicheism Monastery Donatists Pelagianism
A man who withdraws from the world in order to devote himself entirely to meditation and religious exercise Manicheism Mixture of heathen and Christian thoughts Light vs. darkness dualistic religious system Monastery Home for monks Donatists Didn’t believe those who denied the faith should be allowed in the church Pelagianism Denied that the human race had fallen in Adam

51 Council of Ephesus Rejected Pelagianism
Augustine said that we are born into sin We can only be saved by the grace of God

52 Work Time

53 Metropolitan and Patriarchal Systems
Organization: Every diocese had a bishop Step by step the Bishop of Rome acquired power First: Bishops of large cities came to be seen as more important than bishops of smaller cities Second: 5 cities arose as having special importance Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Rome

54 Bishops of these cities were known as patriarchs!

55 Jerusalem Held the mother church
First place Christians were persecuted First council was held here

56 Antioch Followers of Christ were first called Christians
Paul labored here Mother of many churches Contained a theological school 3rd largest city in the empire

57 Alexandria Second largest city in the empire
Center of learning and culture Origen worked here

58 Constantinople Important simply because Constantine had moved there!

59 Rome First city in the empire Paul and Peter had worked there
It was claimed Peter gave the bishops the keys to Rome Controversies were always appealed to Rome The bishop of Rome came to be called the Pope Church came to be known as the Catholic church

60 Go Over Questions

61 El Fin Review Tomorrow with Kahoot Monday Test




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