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English Digital Project (EDP 711S)

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1 English Digital Project (EDP 711S)
Unit 2A Literary internet-based project work

2 Unit 2A Objectives: -To review important terms related to English Digital Project -To review what are the digital humanities? -To review the basics of the internet

3 What are literary internet-based projects?
A literary internet-based project is the design of a web-based literary or linguistic text, hence creating a digital or electronic project. The design process involves planning, preparation and production resulting in an electronic product or publication. Remember, you already have experience with literary internet- based project work! In Introduction to Digital Literature, (IDL) you analysed sample digital projects including: The Shakespeare Quartos Archive The Biodiversity Heritage Library and Mapping the Republic of Letters

4 In Introduction to Digital Literature,
you created a digital project in preserving history when you created a virtual map based on the journey of a Namibian author. You also documented your life history through a power point presentation. These are samples of English Digital Projects but in this course, we will take it to the next level. We will come back to your project in a minute. First, what are the benefits of literary internet-based project work?

5 The benefits of literary internet-based project work include:
1) cooperative learning and interaction with others are encouraged 2) critical thinking is encouraged. You do not simply regurgitate information that you find, but must transform that information in order to achieve a given task. 3) the skills gained in literary internet-based project work can be applied to other subject areas. 4) the practical aspect of internet-based project work provides greater motivation for the student. Source: (2014).

6 Creating a Digital Project
Most of you have experience conducting research on individual websites. The next level for you is to gain experience with online project work. This involves using the internet to create a project ( (2014).

7 Sample: English Digital Project
Sample Project: 19th Century European Literature: From Romanticism to Realism Below is an example of an English Digital Project. The project explores European Literature, specifically Romanticism. But please note you will not be researching about European Literature. Your project must be about Namibian Literature, Poetry or Plays. The following just gives you an example.

8 Sample Digital Project: Step 1
Introduction to the Project Topic: 19th Century European Literature: From Romanticism to Realism Essential Questions: 1. What is the connection between literature and social change? 2. How were the Romantics influenced by both the natural and supernatural? 3. What is the meaning of the themes and ideas within the text? Chosen text: The Hunchback of Notre Dame or Phantom of the Opera Before reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame or Phantom of the Opera, it’s important to gain an understanding of some important terms. This includes: Romanticism, Reason, Revolution, Idealised Nationalism, Enlightenment, Industrialisation, Philosophy, Neo-Classicism and Realism. Next, explore some literature and decide what you want to focus on and how you will present your findings.

9 Step 2: Structure/Format of the Project
Now that you have had an opportunity for an initial search on the internet and read about Romanticism in general and some authors in particular, you should focus your thinking more specifically. You need to come up with your main area of focus for your project, develop research questions, and initiate some specific lines of inquiry.

10 Some examples of projects within Romanticism
.How the philosophical and ethical thinking of the time is reflected in the literature ∙How social change and Romanticism are connected ∙How novels such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Phantom of the Opera provided the incentive to the move from Romanticism to Realism ∙How the effects of Romanticism are felt in today’s world

11 Step 2 Now that you have chosen a project, you need to formulate and document your thinking further so that you know in which direction your research should go. For instance, in the first example above, “how the philosophical and ethical thinking of the time is reflected in the literature,” you would need to research what the philosophical and ethical thinking was during the time and then find some examples in literature in which these are reflected.

12 Step 3: Create your Digital Project: A multimedia poster
Now you need to think about how you will present your findings in an electronic product. Express your ideas on how the philosophical and ethical thinking of the time (from Romanticism to Realism) is reflected in the Phantom of the Opera, for example, by combining images, graphics, audio, video and text on a digital canvas. Source: started-literature-and-project-based-learning I hope the example above gave you an idea of how you will approach your English Digital Project.

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