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Mass Hierarchy Determination with WATCHMAN

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1 Mass Hierarchy Determination with WATCHMAN
R.Svoboda, Va. Tech., May

2 While we know neutrinos have mass from oscillation experiments, we still don’t know the neutrino mass ordering or absolute scale KATRIN: sensitivity to 0.2 eV for mixture of masses corresponding ne Similar limits on sum of neutrino masses from CMB measurements, but indirect and very model dependent. Many Experiments propose to try and measure mass hierarchy.

3 Dirac or Majorana??!!

4 Are Neutrinos Majorana or Dirac?
2nd order nuclear double beta decay – with no neutrinos!

5 The rate of the rare neutrinoless double beta decay process depends critically on the mass hierarchy. Many experiments worldwide need to know this to fully interpret their results

6 Experiments Being Proposed
Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) $867M project in HEP PINGU proposed NSF experiment in ICE CUBE Hyper-Kamiokande in Japan JUNO reactor experiment in China

7 <- Oscillation length of about 50 km
<-Oscillation lengths of about 2 km, but slightly different! Relative size of wavelength (or frequency) depends on hierarchy

8 Fourier Analysis to Determine the Mass Hierarchy

9 En (MeV) Rate (arbitrary units) q12 dip infinite statistics
perfect resolution 50 km Normal Hierarchy "classic" setup for reactor MH determination small wiggles due to q13 q12 dip Rate (arbitrary units) En (MeV)

10 En (MeV) NH IH Rate (arbitrary units) infinite statistics
perfect resolution 50 km NH IH Rate (arbitrary units) En (MeV)

11 Rate (arbitrary units)
infinite statistics perfect resolution 50 km Rate (arbitrary units) L/E (m/MeV)

12 Power (arbitrary units)
infinite statistics perfect resolution 50 km Power (arbitrary units) Dm2 (eV2)

13 Power (relative to peak)
infinite statistics perfect resolution 50 km Power (relative to peak) Dm2 (eV2) relative to peak

14 Effects of Energy Resolution are very significant
Rate (arbitrary units) L/E (m/MeV) L/E (m/MeV)

15 Power (relative to peak)
infinite statistics 3.5% resolution 50 km Power (relative to peak) Dm2 (eV2) relative to peak

16 Rate (arbitrary units)
infinite statistics perfect resolution 13 km WATCHMAN with Liquid Scintillator Rate (arbitrary units) L/E (m/MeV)

17 Power (arbitrary units)
infinite statistics perfect resolution 13 km Power (arbitrary units) Dm2 (eV2)

18 Power (relative to peak)
infinite statistics perfect resolution 13 km Power (relative to peak) Dm2 (eV2) relative to peak

19 Effects of Energy Resolution NOT significant
at 13 km due to much broader wiggles. 3.5% Energy Resolution 0% Energy Resolution Rate (arbitrary units) L/E (m/MeV) L/E (m/MeV)

20 Test Statistic: Independent of absolute value of Dm2
(L-H)/(H+L) A<0 for "IH-like" A>0 for "NH-like" LOW HIGH

21 overlap region A Perry to Fairport 100 years 3.5% smearing
includes statistical uncertainty no osc param uncertainty 100 fake experiments of each Normal Hierarchy (NH) Inverted Hierarchy (IH) overlap region A

22 A (modified scale) Perry to Fairport 100 years no energy smearing
include statistics no osc param uncertainty 1000 fake experiments Nature chooses ONE set of oscillation parameters – so need to look at possible universes and ask in how many the hierarchy is resolved to 95% c.l. or better A (modified scale)

23 Perry to Fairport 100 years no energy smearing include statistics no osc param uncertainty 100 universes each with 1000 experiments Universes where NH is correct In this case, WATCHMAN+LS can determine the mass hierarchy 99% (97%) of the time if the hierarchy is Normal (Inverted) Universes where IH is correct

24 Perry to Fairport 100 years no energy smearing include statistics oscillation params smeared 100 universes each with 2000 experiments Universes where NH is correct In this case, WATCHMAN+LS can determine the mass hierarchy 19% (23%) of the time if the hierarchy is Normal (Inverted) clear dependence on exact combinations of oscillation parameters – UNDER INVESTIGATION Universes where IH is correct

25 C.Golzales-Garcia, TAUP 2013

26 Possible improvements in parameter measurements from JUNO

27 Conclusions WATCHMAN sensitivity depends on exact configuration of oscillation parameters – maybe present as function of two most sensitive? Need to study more realistic exposures. WATCHMAN+LS may have to be larger. Need to optimize test statistics test

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